I [M] [44] attempt to explain my Reddit failure.

**I was ‘encouraged’ to post this here – x-post from** /u/sluttyconfessions

I’m still processing this, so this post is probably going to sound more like a stream of consciousness versus a steady stream of hot cum all over her pretty lower back *but* you were warned. My name is **Jeremy**. I’m 44, which by some standards on Reddit is considered old if not prehistoric to some of you – I acknowledge this. I’m a dad. I have three wonderful, healthy children. I was married to an almost-supermodel-esque woman for 16 years, and I’ve been divorced for the last three. Breaking up sucks. I see my two oldest kids going through all that bullshit – girls fucking with their heads, them making poor decisions, feelings, uncertainties and so forth. As a parent, you want to get involved but there’s a fine line, so I’ve come to the conclusion that if they don’t engage me, I leave it alone. My oldest, Jake is a sweetheart. He was ‘dating’ the sweetest girl for a bit. Then he fucked it up because he fell into the trap of peer pressure and tried to play a role – chicks don’t dig that, and she dumped his ass. You live and you learn, right?