Turkish Delight

[femdom/sub male] (male perspective written by a woman)

Like a sweet piece of candy, I was her treat. Back in the woods, she knew just where to meet. My femdom was my pleasure and also my weakness.

What surprises will she have for my meekness?

“It’s all in the preparations and truly a ride. Enjoy the journey, sweetie,” she said as she closed the door. Leaving nothing unturned, like a river untamed, she demands my time. Join the Femdom and her Turkish Delight on a quick trip down their memory lane of adventures.

(Links are in comments)

Sincerely, Jenny Beck

[M/F] The New Job – By Jenny Beck

Found some time to write…

Please Enjoy!


Glass ceilings are meant to be broken.

Create your own opportunities.

Strengthen your network.

Avoid the sticky floor of the job market… Jenny had heard it all.

Searching for an entry-level office job in a crushing job market took persistence, planning, sometimes even playing. Thirty-five floors up and a great view, she did not realize the actual position she applied for was for a high rise, executive secretary. Jenny learned quickly and knew it is valuable to set a standard… especially on your first day. Nothing burns brighter than the flesh of a woman and her tenacity…especially if she has a secret.

https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1148492[The New Job -By Jenny Beck](https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1148492)

Out of the Fire -Chapter One- The Compound

Charlie, struck with wanderlust from birth, knowing she does not belong. The first sexual encounter at the compound where she grew up will certainly not be her last. Her journey will give way to danger, desire and discovery. Join her. Her path is a crooked one, born a submissive and transformed to powerful dominant, she knows what she wants and goes for it.

Check out my profile for more…


Jenny Beck

Out of the Fire – Chapter Two The Blue Bonnet

Half the time I was questioning myself in the compound. After all, it is quicker to demolish a building than to build one. This chapter was no exception. “Service above oneself.” This mantra rang true to my surroundings each day below ground, but now I was leaving.

The radio played the familiar butter commercial regarding how much we would like things better with a little butter on it from a woman in a blue bonnet. You may have heard the jingle back in the 80’s. Rebecca’s small radio played in their bunker tonight. Ironically, I grabbed my blue bonnet and waved goodbye.

I left through the kitchen tunnel of her home. It was my last memory of the compound days. Rebecca’s parents would be back shortly. I found my way stealthily into the visiting businessman’s vehicle trunk and stowed tightly when they weren’t looking. He was on his way to the next business meeting…or so I thought. Instead he drove all the way to his home for the weekend, four hours, maybe. Time was hard to discern in his trunk.

The New Job

(the rebirth) …an event forces the main character to change their ways and often become a better individual.


Money has a way of making sure I am on time. I finally got a new job…a welcomed step up from my last place of employment. I was grateful for both. The employment kept the lights and heat on if I showed up and worked hard. I had searched for a long time, persisted, anticipated and planned for this new office job. This was my opportunity to move up in a hard job market. I wanted a good, daylight-hours-8-5-type-of-job. This was my chance. I was ready. “You can only start from where you are.”

On interview day, I was given a tour of the job opening. My desk would have a window, a luxurious desk, and plenty of office supplies at my discretion, even a nice break room with a fancy ice machine, the chewable kind. There was filtered water, soda and a few juices all on tap. Plus there were a few granola bars and cookies. All of it just down the hall from my desk. I could see it. I loved all the drinks and light snacks available at no cost to my paycheck. The whole floor had access. It had been months of job searching, without a job, dwindling my savings, without assistance. The economy was still in a tailspin. I was ready to work in the daylight and felt lucky this time.

A Femdom and Her “Turkish Delight”

Healthy submissive relationship, this was not…there was too much pleasure to be had. Like the calorie counter de-railing on their own diet, I had succumbed again and paid for a visit to her shop tonight. A quiet little place out of town, paved the whole way. I needed the release.

Let me explain some history first. It was there, I would meet her for years to come, but I didn’t know that then. These were my first few weeks of exploration, the virgin days, of the beginning.

A single light from the road marked the house. It was hardly on the map. No one could hear me for miles in my outcries and pleasure with my femdom. I was totally safe to be myself and she seemed so genuine. It was ideal.

Like the starchy, sweet bites of Turkish Delight candy, sessions with her felt so delectable. Like a boy toy…alone with her all the way out here. She tasted and felt so good each time we met. She made it clear she was the priority. She kept me in line almost every time. I was there to be told what to do and surrender to her will.


My document started in “dark mode” as my first page opened online. Quickly, I mouthed out a few words to test the waters of my new found portal and spoke the word, “sex” into the microphone of the cell phone. Like much of my life, I always started in dark mode.

Different from the rest of the people, my place was at the bottom, scrambling with my fingers outstretched reaching for answers constantly through my 18 years of aging. Digging to climb out of the world I was born in, my life was going to be different some day. I can’t believe it started changing with just a single device, a cell phone.

“Charlie’s” the name, by the way, but only Rebecca calls me this…because I like it. Rebecca was my best friend growing up in the compound underneath the ground and we had decided years ago, “Charlie suited me better.” Everyone else calls me “Dinah,” a biblical name of which I despise.

Simply Solitude

It seemed so simple, my tickets were for early morning and I had everything packed for the airlines. My trip began tomorrow, but for now, I slipped my hand under the covers of the soft hotel bed and met my folds of skin with pleasure and familiarity.

It was through my silky, fabric panties that my touch felt best to start my journey. The minuscule bow on the hemline as I passed it, made me still feel like a little girl despite being in my 20’s now. My still tiny bladder was full and always helped amplify the sensations of my fingers running over myself, feeling the warm, plumped, moistened days of ovulation. My hair was trimmed close to the skin and felt uniform and pleasant to the touch as I circled in and loosened my thoughts. I had trimmed and manicured my hair there since I was fourteen. My lips still felt as sensual as back then. I pressed against my clit in anticipation. Freshly shaven underarms, legs and sleek, trimmed pubic hair was always my favorite body sensations growing up. After all, we start touching ourselves before we ever get a chance to touch others.