Sorry for the quality of this and much short hand. I am writing this from my cell phone rather than my laptop.
My wife and I go to the gym daily but this went down last week. We did our typical routine cardio , lift , then we go to the sauna and relax untill we leave. The saunas in the gym are separated and gender specific we typically text each other and act goofy , but this particular time it was fairly empty and both were empty so we decided we should go ahead and video chat we both use ear buds so you can’t hear the opposite person. After a few minutes I convinced her to take her top off ( after all she’s in the woman’s locker room sauna ) typically it’s No nudity policy but what harm is freeing the girls. Now’s a good time to describe we’ll call my wife Vicky ( obvious name change ). She’s taller 5’10 130 lbs mom with a great body. D cup boobs full as can be you’d never knew she had any kids. The most symmetrical nipples you’d ever seen. I mean it’s crazy how perfect these puppies are. Greenish hazel eyes and dyed red/brown hair like Phoenix from xmen. She keeps up a good tan but is been a Little while she’s starting to fade back to white but looka really good for the time of year. Back to the story , she sitting there holding her phone back to the wall swear starting to glisten but it making her look extra cute I’m in to it. She tosses her sports bra to the side lovely tots out in the open I the sauna . We are in our own world when all the sudden the door opens to her sauna….