I’m ok with my girl [F] staring at a mates [M] huge cock

One of our mates, a skinny white guy, has an enormous pole.

I’m bad at guessing sizes but soft he is basically me hard and statistically I’m fine down there.

For one reason or another my girl and our other mates have all seen each other naked and with him it’s painfully obvious how large he is.

The reactions of the girls in our group was so hot, stifled remarks of ‘oh my’ red faces and giggles if he ever walked around nude or in boxers with a large bulge on show.

My girl and I aren’t the type to cheat and her reactions are so hot I’m ok with her staring.

She can get her motor running wherever so long as it’s my car in her garage.

One time he got pranked when somebody yanked his towel off him in a shared Airbnb and he had to run after the guy who took it. He ran down a corridor naked with his enormous member swinging between his legs.

It was large enough to see from behind him hanging down.

Deliberately made it so my friend [M] saw my old girlfriend [F] naked in the ocean

Many years ago I dated a real stunner, H cup breasts on a petite blonde with a really cute face and nice butt.

My friends were all jealous and couldn’t understand how I’d done it.

One holiday when she spent a lot of time in a bikini, one of my friends confided in me that he couldn’t get her out her head and would do anything to see her naked.

I decided therefore to plan something where we’d be naked.

One night towards the end of the holiday I suggested skinny dipping after a few drinks. We had a private beach at the end of a covers walkway that lead to our hotel room so were close by secluded from sight of other guests.

She reluctantly agreed and all 6 of us got naked in the pitch black and ran in the sea.

I got out first under false pretence of being too cold and whilst they frolicked in the water I moved her clothes closer to the shore.

Deliberately stuffed my [M] boxers to create a bulge years ago for a reaction

Many years ago in college, back when MSN/AIM were popular, I used to chat via webcam with friends all the time.

Before smart phones you actually had to sit down and type at a keyboard and sit there with your webcam on.

One incredibly hot summers evening i was on MSN with a girl from school whom i’d always been flirty with and she had been flirty with me.

We were chatting about beating the head and she referenced she hadn’t got much on besides a pair of shorts and small pyjama top.

I referenced the fact I was just wearing funky boxers and curiosity got the better of her and she wanted to see them.

I’m average/small in that department and didn’t have a hugely prominent bulge, or at least not one that would show on the crappy webcam I had at the time.

Before turning my cam on I put some socks down there to create a sizeable, but no unrealistic bulge.

I showed her the boxers and deliberately gave a side in view to accentuate this

Seeing her type ‘oh my gosh… big bulge babe’ and ‘i didn’t expect you to have one that size’ was so fucking hot.

Let myself get pantsed in front of everybody [M]

One of my friends loves to pants people, it’s been an immature running joke in our group for years.

Our circle of mates is close and we’ve all seen each other naked so nobody is too shocked.

One day when on holiday I walked around my hotel room in boxers, as we did, with one side hanging slightly lower than the other, knowing a mate would seize on it.

Low and behold he did and he pantsed me in front of everyone, prompting reactions from the group which I secretly loved.

He pulled them right down, which he doesn’t usually do, and I was exposed for a few seconds longer than I thought.

I knew it would work and he took the bait, and this just served as an excuse to get him back and expose him to the group, which would elicit more hot reactions.

Flashing in the stockroom at work [MF]

Around a decade ago in college I worked in a retail store that sold shoes.

The job sucked but in between summers at college I needed money but had no other choice.

The manager of the store was a guy in his 30s. who tried to stay relevant by only hiring attractive younger women.

At my time there, I would easily estimate that half the girls there were chosen solely based on looks.

Over the summer I got close to one who was a little shy and reserved but came out her shell more as time went one.

Petite, black hair, slight fake tan and sort of pixie looking.

One night on a late shift we had to do something in the stockroom, move boxes about or some mindless task like that.

After a few weeks of close contact and flirting I decided to ramp it up a bit on this shift.

I joked there were no cameras in the room and we could work naked with nobody knowing anything.

She said I didn’t have the guts to flash, let alone go naked.

‘Don’t dare me, I’ll do it’ I joked

Showed my ex [F] my mate’s enormous penis [M]

Only a short one for now but I think you will like.

Always liked my girl’s reactions to a huge dick, so I orchestrated a way my ex could see a friends large member.

When we were on holiday I walked into his room to borrow suncream and stumbled into the bathroom only to find him in the shower with music on. He hasn’t heard me come in and was stood there washing himself.

No lie, his large flaccid penis was intimidating

I put suncream on my face and he heard me and turned around startled and said ‘thought you were one of the girls’ and I replied ‘you wish’.

I returned to my girls room and told her if she needed suncream there was some in his bathroom.

She left the room and I had no idea what happened until she returned when she blurted out ‘I saw him in the shower’ with a visibly red face.

Feigning concern I said ‘oh god how much did you see?’ to which she replied ‘too much’.

He later spilt to me he had been sending a naked picture of himself in the shower when my girl walked in…