The First Date [MF]

It’s our first date and even as you try to hide it, I could see the nervousness behind your eyes. Given the situation, it’s completely understandable since this is the first time you’re agreeing to meet with a complete stranger you’ve only talked to several times through an online forum. In fact, I’ve never so much as shown you even a single photo of my face prior to the meeting and had to text you the seat of our table. We sat at the corner, which I purposely requested for when making the reservations, of the 3-star Michelin French cuisine. The rising moon backdropped nicely against the long table drapes, the burning candles, and your slim figure dressed in a light colored button-up and a business skirt over your bare legs. An anxious smile forms across your face as you glance down, unable to maintain eye contact, onto the menu. I produce a bright grin and continue our conversation from where we left off through text, talking as if we were best of friends. Your eyes light up and your laughs spilled across the room as my jokes hit every cord. Of course, I would never have chosen a target who didn’t have my sense of humor and in that way, you were the perfect one. Our date continues delightfully as our orders were taken and drinks were brought, I’ll needed you a little looser than normal if I wanted my way tonight. Even as you claim to be a rare drinker, you down half your cocktail by the time appetizers arrive.

On the Train (Part 2)

A little fantasy, for part 1 go [here](

It’s been a week since the rape and you can’t get it out of your head. You’ve been masturbating every day, sometimes even twice, trying to satiate your dark desires, reliving every memory, every touch; an orgasm so extreme you’ve never even come close to experiencing before. You have an amazing boyfriend and you two have had sex multiple times since the event but he couldn’t quite please you in the way you felt from the rape. Your thoughts wander mindlessly until you suddenly notice a man sit beside you on your train ride home. It’s late at night, 11PM. You had to stay late a school to finish some extra work and the train is almost deserted except for a couple of passengers in the front. You sat at the back, hoping for some quiet and down time. The man who sat beside you is easily twice your size, you never got a good look at your rapist but you definitely felt his body against yours and this man next to you seems eerily close in physique. You turn to the window, pretending to ignore the man but secretly you can’t help but wonder. You begin to notice a small tingling sensation down below as if in anticipation of something…

On the Train [MF]

You catch my eye as soon as I get on the train. I love this route in the morning as there’s always school girls to target and I’ve just found my next one. As the train starts moving, I slowly make my way to you, passing giggling teenagers and sleep deprived office workers. I squeeze myself right behind your back, as the train is packed shoulder to shoulder, looming over your tiny, fragile body.

The train hits a bump and I causally press my hand across your skirt and let go. This happens a couple more times and each time I slide my hand across your ass, lingering a little longer with every bump. You’re beginning to get anxious as you’re trying to catch glances behind you, wondering who it is. On the train’s next bump, I place my hands firmly up your skirt and begin rubbing your petite butt. You yelp and look down in shame. The massaging is forceful, I spread your ass cheeks open and grab firmly into your soft peach.