A bit of a long one.
I had been going to my local AMP a few times now, although, this time figured I asked for a second masseuse. When I initially asked the receptionist(Ali) just looked at me and said with her thick accent, “Why you want 2?”, looking at me all confused and not wanting to oblige. Considering the sub I think you and I both know why I want two ๐. I calmly reply that I been here several times now and one masseuse feels great and having a 2nd masseuse would feel amazing. At this point, she turns back and starts talking to another Women on the back in a foreign language, didn’t get a chance to see who she was talking to. Ali is between 30-35 years old, black hair, light skin, average body, solid D cup, and wearing a loss dress. Once Ali finish talking she turned to me and said okay. Seconds after 2nd Women(Ana) open the door to walk me to the room. Ana is a hot 20-25 year old, black hair, light skin, slim frame, solid C cup, and was wearing a tight white dress. As she is walking me to the room I am already super excited, I feel my heart beating faster and faster.