[MF] Made 2 girls cum within as many hours of each other. Fucked my friend then went home and fucked my GF

So to preface i want to say that this is all did actually happen.

As this happened in reality that means that i don’t also happen to be a talented erotica author, im just a dude. A dude who also is not exactly entirely completely sober at the time of writing this but if i were i probably wouldn’t be writing it in the first place. Anyway all of that to say sorry if my story isn’t super engaging, sparse on sexy details, or even not always coherent at all times.

For obvious reasons i have no one in my life to brag to about this in my own life so i come to reddit to get it off my chest and maybe toot my own horn a bit haha

Anyways ill stop wasting time here it is:

A couple years ago my gf of 4 years cheated on me, we managed to stay together but i knew alot about what they did together and it really messed me up for awhile. Fast forward to a couple months ago and while i had moved on alot from what happened and got alot better emotionally I couldn’t help myself but to get back at my gf.