[Group] I lost a bet to 3 of my male friends.

Yesterday I stopped by a friend’s house to see if she wanted to hit the mall with me. Well she wasn’t there but her brother and 2 other guys were there watching the Ohio State and Maryland football game. I know all of them, Jason, Erick and Philip. I decided I would watch some of the game and wait for Tamara.

It was a good game and I kept telling the guys that Ohio was gonna lose. Jason said ” if you are so confident then let’s make a bet.” I was so sure Maryland would win that I said ” if Maryland wins you each owe me $50. Bucks!” Philip said ” and if Ohio wins I want some pussy!” I was surprised but I couldn’t back down now so I said ” ok it’s a bet” Jason and Erick both said “we want in on that bet” and to prove they were serious they each reached into their wallets and produced 50 bucks. They put the money in an envelope and placed it on the table.

[MF] Sex with my friend’s boyfriend!

This all started Thursday night. We were at a friend’s house drinking and smoking and pretty much having a great time. My friend Cathy went upstairs to go pee, seconds later her boyfriend, Charles got up and went upstairs. He was drunk and apparently wanted to fuck in the bathroom. Cathy wouldn’t do it and he started accusing her of cheating and slammed her against the wall.
Her screaming brought everyone upstairs to see him choking her. A couple of the guys broke it up and that’s when he told her to find some place else to live.

Well that pretty much killed our evening. Cathy doesn’t have family her and she had been living with Charles for over a year. Anyway I took her home with me and explained everything to my dad and it was decided she could stay with us for awhile or until she figured out what she wanted to do. Well yesterday morning I told her I would go by Charles apartment and grab some of her clothes, she wanted to go but my dad convinced her to stay put.

[F] I had orgasms all day!

So yesterday morning at 5:45 I was awaken by pounding on my door. I stumbled around looking for my robe since I sleep naked. I come and open the door and there is Tony, a guy I use to fuck a year ago. I was completely surprised to see him let alone have him banging on my door like the fucking police.

We’ve remained cool with each other and I know the girl he’s seeing now. Anyway I let him in and I can tell he’s been drinking. He’s going on about how he wishes we were still together and how he misses me and wants me back. Keep in mind it’s almost 6am. I finally convince him to go lay down on the couch and hopefully he’ll have a clearer head after some sleep. 5 minutes after laying down he’s snoring. I take his shoes off and cover him with a sheet then I go get in my bed and go back to sleep.

[MF] My elderly neighbor

To begin with, my neighbor, Mr. Ruff, is 78 years old and he’s been living next to us for as long as I can remember. He has a nurse who comes three times a week to cook, clean, and help him with things he needs done. Every Tuesday and Thursday I go over to make him breakfast and take him walking.

So this morning I got up a little late and put on the skirt I had on yesterday and a sweatshirt. I grabbed my keys and ran next door. I used the spare key given to me and let myself in. I go straight to the kitchen and put on his coffee. I head up to his bedroom to see if he’s awake and moving about. I call out ” Mr. Ruff are you up?” Behind me in the bathroom he says ” I’m in here!” He sounded kinda out of breath so I asked ” are you ok Mr. Ruff?” He replied ” sorta, but it’s an embarrassing situation in here!” I said ” well I just want to make sure you’re ok so can I come in?” He sighed loudly and said ” if you must!” I opened the door and there he was sitting on the toilet with a rock hard dick.

[MF] I fucked a total stranger in a liquor store parking lot!

I had spent the night at a girlfriend’s house. Around 1:30 a.m. I called my boyfriend and tried to get him to come over. I was planning on surprising him with a 3some seeing as my girlfriend and I were both horny. The fucker flat out said no, that he was too tired to drive over. I knew something wasn’t right because the noise in the background would be loud one second and then complete silence the next.

I told my friend ” the bitch has some skank over his place” She tried to calm me down saying ” maybe you’re overreacting and he’s really just tired!” I responded ” fuck that, I know this bastard and he could be on his death bed and would still try to get some ass?” I told her to drive me to his apartment. And she tossed me her keys and said she was going to bed. 20 minutes later I’m in front of his apartment complex and the first thing I see is his ex’s car.