Carly [FM]

When you’re meeting someone from online, there’s always this air of mystique and uncertainty. While exchanging messages there are always some doubts that creep into your head. Is she real? Will she look like her pictures? Is she even a she? Until you meet the other person those doubts always remain.

Things were no different with Carley. Carley messaged me first and the intention from the start was to have a no strings encounter. From what I was able to gather about her she was a 43 year old professional woman, 5’8” in height, about 120lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes and in all accounts a MILF. Originally we were supposed to meet but schedules conflicted and we had to postpone. That was my first red flag. She was going away for the weekend to help celebrate a friends birthday so for a few days we went without contact. I usually know how these things go; You have the intention of meeting and then when things go wrong the whole thing usually fizzles so I was preparing for the worst and didn’t have much hope for this encounter. I emailed her after the weekend to give it one last shot and we planned on meeting up later in the week. To my surprise, I received a message from her that she may be free that night if I was interested. I replied that I was definitely interested and there’s no reason to wait if we don’t have to. We were set to meet at 9:30pm.