my friends [F] make me [F] eat them when they in the mood

I’m in a sorority, and there’s some type of hierarchy in the sorority.. where the hot girls and popular girls are the ones in command and the ones respected the most and the ones that kinda control others..

And because of my looks I’m kinda at the bottom of the hierarchy… I’m not attractive and like I’m not one of the girls that guys care about so I’m like just an extra in the sorority that gets ordered around and get to do alot of the work .. and like frat boys usually don’t care about me other than drunk quickies where I kinda hope the guy actually liked me but he just want to cum and didn’t find a better girl so just bent me over , did me quickly then left..

[F] I felt like i was my friends [F] cuck during a threesome with my crush and my friend

I’m the least attractive in my friend group, like face wise they are a lot prettier , and even having seen their bodies all, I have by far the ugliest body out of them … which is okay but that kinda made me always the bridge that guys take to get to any of them ..

I’m not that hot that I don’t get the chance to be picky and I give everyone a chance, but unlucky for me , 90% of those guys are aiming at getting closer to another friend or so .

Having those hot friends made me encounter alot of very hot guys that are way above my league .

Which kinda makes me always jealous of how often I get so attracted to a guy and I end up seeing him with one of my friends…

Like the best I ever get was just a quickie cause they were drunk and didn’t find better and when I try to talk to them again later and ask them out they just call it a drunken mistake.

[F] I hate how turned on I get by being cucked and degraded

Being the less attractive girl in our friend group just unintentionally made me be the cuck of the group.. because I would always crush on guys that are hotter than me and those guys would just end up with my friends and I would just end up hearing the stories from my friends or just hear them fuck or so on….

But not only that, being that person just made alot of guys talk to me so they can use me as a bridge to get to my friends.. like I would talk to a guy and so and even end up crushing on him and when he meets me with my friends or so in a party, I introduce them to my friends but that’s when I feel inexistant anymore cause those guys would just focus on my friends and so on and ignore me totally and only come back to talk to me by the end of the night if they didn’t succeed to attract any of my friends. He comes back to me hit on me and probably end up fucking… and then I never hear from them again…

22[F] the only way I made friends in school was by giving Bjs and Hjs

I was lonely girl with below average looks, so must of the time I just spent my days with the nerd/geek group which wasn’t my vibe but I didn’t wanna be alone , specially that my personality and looks didn’t attract others ..

Until one day one of the guys I was trying to open a conversation with , took me to a corner and told me to jerk him off while talking otherwise he will lose attention… I felt so weird and bad but I did it cause I really liked him and wanted him to like me back .. so I did until he came in my hands .. and it became our normal meeting . We talk with his dick in my hands and stop once he cums …

It went on for a while, until he started telling other boys that would just come and ask for the same.

They would fake interest in me , so I jerk them off , which once I did they ignored me after and just thought of other girls while I did it

[F] – guys call me by my hotter friend’s names during sex

My friends are quite attractive and they get a lot of dates with some hot guys..

Whenever they go on dates and the guy says that he’s bringing a friend , they all ask me to come along and don’t ask any of the other girls I don’t know why… but I do go with them to support them and also because I’m single and it’s a lot harder for me to get dates with attractive guys so maybe going to meet their dates friend is not a bad idea since he might be attractive and it’s an easy introduction…

Anyway, that never worked … because the reactions I get are either:

– the guy is too hot and out of my league that it’s kinda obvious that he doesn’t wanna be seen alone with me in public so he can try and hit on other girls in which I end up alone at the bar getting hit on by drunk horny men while my friend is on her date …

– or the guy is horny and it’s very clear that all he wants is to end up having sex and nothing more with me … it kinda is obvious when all his talk is sexual and trying to push me into going home with him…

[F] I hate how turned on I get by being cucked and degraded

Being the less attractive girl in our friend group just unintentionally made me be the cuck of the group.. because I would always crush on guys that are hotter than me and those guys would just end up with my friends and I would just end up hearing the stories from my friends or just hear them fuck or so on….

But not only that, being that person just made alot of guys talk to me so they can use me as a bridge to get to my friends.. like I would talk to a guy and so and even end up crushing on him and when he meets me with my friends or so in a party, I introduce them to my friends but that’s when I feel inexistant anymore cause those guys would just focus on my friends and so on and ignore me totally and only come back to talk to me by the end of the night if they didn’t succeed to attract any of my friends. He comes back to me hit on me and probably end up fucking… and then I never hear from them again…

[F] I have a printed photo of my roommate to put on my face cause guys like her more

I got called a butterface and piggy by a lot of guys in my life .. I used to just ignore any rude guy or guys that will insult me … but that just ended up making me lonely… so with time I gave them chances in hopes maybe they like me and we date.. which just meant that someone who disrespected me was just using my body as he pleased cause he didn’t care how I felt or if I liked it or not.

Those guys were better than me , which gave them the reason to do so, and I would only get done from behind cause they never wanted to face or kiss…

But I have a roommate who’s fairly attractive and hot, and quite popular as well.

And I noticed that some guys would just call me by her name and pretend they are having sex with her and not me .. hated it and used to say nothing …
But at some point I just pretended back that I was her and I never felt so embarrassed and pathetic ..

[F] I made friends in school by giving Hjs and sexual favors…

I was lonely girl with below average looks, so must of the time I just spent my days with the nerd/geek group which wasn’t my vibe but I didn’t wanna be alone , specially that my personality and looks didn’t attract others ..

Until one day one of the guys I was trying to open a conversation with , took me to a corner and told me to jerk him off while talking otherwise he will lose attention… I felt so weird and bad but I did it cause I really liked him and wanted him to like me back .. so I did until he came in my hands .. and it became our normal meeting . We talk with his dick in my hands and stop once he cums …

It went on for a while, until he started telling other boys that would just come and ask for the same.

I didn’t like doing it, I knew they were just using me to cum and never cared about me even a little but a part of me liked having some attention from those attractive guys.. and like it was either that or just sit with nerds.. so I did it and it gave me the reputation of the dumb unattractive girl that would jerk off guys for attention because she was desperate.