Kate returns home after a long day at work. (Short story/ Feet/FFM)

Kate walked through the door and just dropped her shoulder bag on the floor. She let out a long sigh and pushed the door closed behind her with her foot. She was a shade over 6 feet tall, her shoulder length blonde hair had been pristine at the start of the day but it had felt the same effects of the day as her nerves and was now a little messy around the edges.

Still standing in the entrance hall she undid the zip on her tight pencil skirt and gave it a sharp tug so that it fell to the floor revealing her large muscular thighs that were toned to the point where each muscle was clearly defined.She maneuvered so that her left foot, still donning the knee high black suede boots, was pulled free and then with her right foot she flung the skirt away from her across the entrance hall.

She adjusted the unreasonably small black thong she had been wearing so that it rode high on her solid hips but sat comfortably between her ass cheeks. She tightened the muscles in her ass and reached around to feel how firm and hard they were. She liked feeling her own muscles, it was a kind of reward for all the work she did in the gym.