[MF] had public sex in Rome

First time posting something on Reddit. Sorry if my story is not entertainingly written, or if my writing is bad, but English is not my first language. That being said, let’s start this. This is gonna be way too long as I like typing, so if you get bored, just get to the *** part.

So a couple of months ago I was finishing my masters degree in Germany. After finalizing it, I decided to have myself a Eurotrip, visiting a couple of friends I had around in Europe, where I could crash and party with them. Had a lot of cool sex stories (at least I think they are), but this one is my favorite due to the risky situation I faced.

Got to Rome to visit a cousin of mine, who at the time was going through this detox period in his life. That means, no drinking, no smoking, no partying at all. I was going to stay for a week with him, so I figured I’d see the city first and after that I would try the nightlife, and of course, try and get an Italian flag (pretty sure you guys know what I mean).