Dating the young Asian woman… [MF}

(Editors note: Hi Friends!! I started writing this story for a friend when I couldn’t find a role play partner I really enjoyed!! This is my first one, so I would love feedback (and maybe some edits) to help make it better..

I’ve been having this nice fantasy… maybe about an older man slowly corrupting me..

I’m a young… maybe 18 or 19 year old japanese college student.. innocent and perfect.. (for this I assumed I’m going to school in Philadelphia and home was Hawaii)

Every Saturday I go to the local coffee shop for tea and to study… and you.. a very handsome older white man (mid 30s, handsome, successful, and single) also goes there for tea and to read a paper.. after a few weeks.. we catch each other eyes… and smile at each other.. and maybe a few weeks after that.. you come over and introduce yourself..

We sat and chatted for a while.. maybe an hour.. conversation was super easy and you were really handsome and kind… After that.. our Saturday tea sessions became something we both looked forward too… hearing about each other’s week.. sharing stories..

Dating the young Asian woman… [MF]

(Editors note: Hi Friends!! I started writing this story for a friend when I couldn’t find a role play partner I really enjoyed!! This is my first one, so I would love feedback (and maybe some edits) to help make it better..

I’ve been having this nice fantasy… maybe about an older man slowly corrupting me..

I’m a young… maybe 18 or 19 year old japanese college student.. innocent and perfect.. (for this I assumed I’m going to school in Philadelphia and home was Hawaii)

Every Saturday I go to the local coffee shop for tea and to study… and you.. a very handsome older white man (mid 30s, handsome, successful, and single) also goes there for tea and to read a paper.. after a few weeks.. we catch each other eyes… and smile at each other.. and maybe a few weeks after that.. you come over and introduce yourself..

We sat and chatted for a while.. maybe an hour.. conversation was super easy and you were really handsome and kind… After that.. our Saturday tea sessions became something we both looked forward too… hearing about each other’s week.. sharing stories..