Hypnosis and the Hounds: Final

Slut learns to be an Object

Graeme reached out a hard black hand and grabbed me by the hair and yanked me to my feet in front of him, head bowed to the side.

He slapped my face, then slapped my wobbling 48G breasts again and again, all the while his voice was hard, cold and on the edge of a loss of control I had never seen for the years I served him in the army as his 2IC.

“Dear frigid little Corporal Thomas, who wouldn’t look at any of the men, wouldn’t let any of them so much as compliment her round little ass and huge white titties is a slut. A FUCKING SLUT. All the years I dreamed of plowing your tight little red cunt, fucking those milk white jugs and painting that blue eyed face of yours with some hot black cum, and you tell me you are a slut when I CAN”T EVEN GET HARD ANY MORE?”

Hypnosis and the Hound IV

Chains of the Mind

They say the worst chains are the ones we forge in our own mind. I don’t know why that image has been resonating with me so powerfully lately, but I think it must be true. I never noticed how badly I was burdened by them, how much I was bound by them, until I met Michael and his hypnotherapy began to free me from them.

I looked in the mirror after my shower. I was fifty two years old, not in the same shape that I was when I left the infantry, but three daughters had left me with even rounder breasts and ass than I had before, and I was always on the Jessica Rabbit side of buxom. My long hair was still red, but you could see silver threads here and there in it if you looked hard enough. I used to. I used to worry that time was marching on, and I no longer loved the person I saw in the mirror. I no longer lusted for life, no longer charged the next day like a wolf running down prey, but trudged into it like a drone.

Hypnosis and the Hound III

I was waiting at the Michael’s office, Leashholder Therapy, doing post run stretches. The three km was enough to build up a good sweat and really loosen up my muscles, but it gave me too much time to think about Michael. Every time I stopped myself from thinking about Michael, I found myself thinking of Pan and Priapus, his two Great Danes and the threatening red rockets they sported when they sniffed my arousal. I shut down that line of thought, but it only brought me back to remembering Michael reaching down to help me up. In my mind, he was no longer reaching down to help me up, but to put a stainless steel choke collar on me, as he had his two dogs. I tried to remember how Michael looked when we were both standing, but in my mind, I only wanted to see him from the position of kneeling in front of him.

God I am glad I sweat. No woman in the world may have ever said that, because sweat is embarrassing. It is less embarrassing than what it hides. I am so glad I ran the three km to get here, because otherwise the wetness of my yoga pants would advertise to Michael that my pussy was soaked to the point I had no choice but to run to a man not my husband to confess my problem.

Hypnosis and the Hounds II

I looked at the card. It was 0530hrs, and too early to call. I looked to see if there was any other contact information, and there was a link to a website.


I felt a shot of lightning begin in my brain, arc across my nipples, arch my spine almost to the snapping point before igniting my pussy.

Leash holder. Michael as the leash holder. Michael as MY leash holder. I cupped my hands to my breasts and began to stroke the sides.

His dogs were brutes, massive dominant fierce creatures but he had them under absolute control. They didn’t fear him, they obeyed him naturally. He was the leash holder, they were his. She remembered being on her knees in front of him, head on the level with the collared dogs, she remembered the shock of desire in her core to see him like that. To see him from her knees.

Caressing my breasts, allowing her fingers to graze my nipples but not grasp them, I thought about reaching for my vibrator, but stopped. No, He didn’t tell me to use it. I pinched my nipples and groaned, remembering the huge red threatening length of Pan and Priapus. Huge cocked dogs who looked at her like a bitch in heat. Who made her feel like a bitch in heat.

Hypnosis and the Hounds

Hypnosis and the Hounds

I don’t like to jog on trails where I will meet other people. I dress for comfort when I jog, because regardless of what they say about women not sweating; “we glow”, that isn’t me. I spent ten years in the Infantry, and we sweat.

I spent the same ten years squeezing the boobs I had into the bras that were available. These bras were not large enough for said boobs, stood out a few inches from my chest, died in about four months, and gave me long term back problems that I now get to enjoy.

The cure for back issues is core strength, so I work out a lot. I also jog because I do like my deserts, and they love my ass more than I love what they do to my ass. This means I jog in your standard white girl uniform of Lulu lemon paint on yoga pants and a sports bra. The sports bra keeps my 48G from moving around too much at a low jog, and flattens them a lot, but there is only so much they can do to hide the fact that the boobs match the ass, and pretty much all of it is on display when I jog. Hence, jogging in the woods where I am not meeting ten thousand judgy twig bitches with curve inferiority complexes and ten thousand pervs who seem to think shouting comments that I hated in high school will suddenly work on me now that I am teaching high school.

Monsters Among Us: Monster’s Ball

Justice and Gauntlet raced towards the campus at a speed that belonged on Formula 1 racetracks. Justice moved with superhuman agility and danced between cars like a leaf on the wind. Justice punched walls and kicked off against parked cars like a self directing wrecking ball to match the pace of his partner with power rather than agility. One of their trainees, a girl with potential but so little power at her conscious command that the Special Branch that trained, directed, and covered for the actions of the state sponsored heroes had determined she was not worth wasting time training, was currently being gang raped on live stream. There were about eighty hostages and about two full platoons of heavily armed assailants, and a supervillain whose power had not been fully scoped. Two schools of thought in analysis were in deadlock. Observed power levels of his strikes matched those of Omega class, literally walking strategic weapons. He got his ass kicked, and indeed was full on punked by a totally untrained superheroine whose tested power performance was just beyond that of a male Olympic athlete (if someone competed in unlimited class powerlifting, sprinting, gymnastics, and marathon), but at the extreme low end of superhuman.

Monsters Among Us: Breaking the Heroine

Enough time had past since her clash with the Crusader to no longer worry about him. Enough time spent convincing the local superhero group she could never become more than only slightly better than human, and not suited for crime fighting. She could go back to her normal life.

LJ pinched her thighs together. The math of the exam was enough to distract her mind, but the neglected needs of her body, left incomplete with the vibrators earlier demise, were becoming a serious distraction. She spent all the energy she had left from the exam shutting out her enhanced senses and body awareness. She needed to stick this exam. Boosting your GPA when you were already a 3.96 was almost impossible, so almost perfect was not enough.

It is perhaps forgivable that she took 3.2 seconds to process the fire alarm and sprinkler activation. Her senses were on ignore, but the instincts of a Hyde would catch the first taste of fire, like the smell of poison or explosives, no matter the level of distraction. The fire alarm and sprinkler activation without any sound of internal alarm switches or any scent of fire caused her that small 3.2 seconds of disconnect.

Monsters Among Us 2: Countermeasures

In the months that followed “the incident”, otherwise known as LJ having to reveal she was a superheroine (not actually true, but the cover she could live with), complete with power belt and secret identity, LJ’s life got complicated. She did so to stop The Crusader from turning a woman’s march into a new, bloodier Inquisition broadcast live on your local networks.

She registered with the local Superhero society for testing and training, but with her power belt suppressing her mother’s Succubus blood and her father’s Hyde blood, she tested out as just three times stronger than a normal woman. No one could explain how her physical abilities as tested in the laboratories could account for the film defeat of The Crusader, let alone stopping a 13 ton LAV armoured personnel carrier with her body and losing nothing but clothing.

Justice and Gauntlet were two meatheads, Superhero trainers who were determined to train LJ into tapping the power she demonstrated she could wield during “the incident”, but LJ was determined to mail it in, to half ass her performance until she flunked as a failure and was forgotten.

Monsters Among Us (Superheroine peril, MF, Fdom, non consensual, public)

Monsters Among Us

Historical Interlude 1886 London

Femme Fatalle adjusted her gauntlets. She needed the protection of total skin coverage to prevent her power from accidentally feeding on the men around her. She was a heroine, a defender of the people because she chose to be. Inside her was the blood of an Incubus, a sexual demon who had seduced her mother the Countess of Tor, as part of her father’s endless and limitless debaucheries. She was born with a curse, a curse that made love impossible, for she fed on the lives of men through their sexual desire. She was worse than a vampire, she was a soul devouring seductress. The physical power she gained from that heritage made her three times stronger than a strong man, faster than a fencer, and able to take blows which would stun an ox. She chose to act as a heroine, to defend the people who would hunt her down and destroy her if they guessed what she was, to defend the people her own soul and hunger deemed cattle, a prey herd that existed only to be her playthings and food. She chose to be a heroine, because she knew she was a monster waiting to happen.

Teaching Respect (MMF)

My name is Jan, you don’t get the rest because I do have a life, at least for now. I am a middle aged, somewhat over muscled but still curvy redhead with Jessica Rabbit like curves. Yes, gravity is a thing, and my boobs no longer ignore it, but that just means when they bounce they get even more attention.

I can tell you my mistake. I agreed to meet up in person, in public, so I’m not a total idiot, with a man I had been corresponding with about erotic writing. We have similar kinks, or opposite I guess. I am that proper woman your mother always wanted you to bring home, or at least I was. I was a virgin until university, had one relationship prior to my husband, and that was my total score card. Two men.

I am a happily married professional woman, a wife, mother, teacher, community volunteer, the whole nine yards. I am also secretly very sexually submissive, but forced at home, at work and in volunteer work to always be in the dominant leadership roles. It is required because no one else wants to do the heavy lifting and make the hard calls, so I get things done.