The Cruise, Part 2 [FF]

Emily took the elevator back up to the main deck, and found a railing and took a few hits off the juul she kept in her purse. Grates wasn’t what she had been expecting, but Emily figured she could keep the woman happy if it meant getting lots of clients and making back on the trip. She shrugged and headed back to her cabin, setting an alarm on her phone and laying down on the bed as soon as she got into it, not even bothering to strip.


Emily woke to her phone’s alarm shortly after three, and groggily pulled herself off the bed. She quickly stripped, tossing her dress and panties into a pile beside the door and took herself to the shower. She gave herself a quick scrub, then dried off and returned to the main room. She sat on the bed for a few minutes, checking her video sales and requests for custom videos on the three websites she used for custom content. She flagged a few requests as things she might be able to do while on the cruise, then dressed again in a fresh sundress and pair of panties, then did her makeup again.

The Cruise, Part One [FF]

Emily took an early morning flight to Miami, then caught a shuttle bus from the airport down to the harbour where the cruise ship was leaving from. She had settled on a light femme chic look for the trip, lots of sundresses and shorts and pastel shirts, with strappy sandals. She also had a pair of bikinis and a one piece swimsuit, sexy but not too revealing. She didn’t want to look like a streetwalker. She did pack some sex underwear though, in case there was a woman who wanted a trashy look.

Emily had worn a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for the plane ride, and was already finding it a bit too hot as she got off the shuttle bus and started rolling her luggage down towards the dock. She arrived just as early boarding was starting as she had been instructed. At the dock a crew member scanned her ticket, then took her bag to have it delivered to her room and directed Emily to the gangplank that took her up to the deck. The cruise ship was massive, holding 2000 passengers plus crew, and Emily took a moment to admire it before she boarded. When she got to the top of the ramp, another crew member scanned her ticket again, then handed her the key card for her room and directed her to the elevator that would take her to her room.

The Cruise, Prologue [F solo]

Emily turned off her camera and ring light then grabbed some baby wipes. She wiped off her crotch and ass, then tossed all the toys she had been using into a plastic tub to be washed later. She pulled on a large sweater dress she kept on a chair behind her camera and began to tally up the credits and rating she had earned from the session. ‘Not too bad,’ Emily thought. It would work out to a little over a hundred dollars when she cashed out at the end of the week. The 4.6 star rating wasn’t the highest she’d ever received but it would help keep on the first page or two of results on the cam site she used.

Then Emily started to check the messages she had received from her viewers after the show. Most were from regulars thanking her for the show and asking when her next one was, plus the usual assortment of lewd messages and sexual propositions. One caught her eye. It was from Debbie, one of Emily’s very few female regulars.

IKEA girls [FF]

“Would you two stop giggling and get out of the car?” Miranda called as she got out of the drivers seat of the mini van. The two she was referring to were her daughter Leslie and her friend Sarah. The two eighteen year old high school girls had spent the entire car ride huddled together on the back seat whispering and giggling.

“Coming mom,” Leslie called back as she opened the sliding door. The two girls hopped out, looking more like sisters than friends. They were both five and a half feet tall, athletic from playing rugby and stunningly beautiful. The biggest difference was their hair. Leslie had light brown hair in a page boy cut, while Sarah had long black hair that fell half way down her back. As the got out of the car, Sarah leaned over and whispered, “Remember the plan!”

The two girls had met a year before in Grade 11 when their school started a Gay-Straight Alliance. They both joined and quickly became friends. It was Sarah who convinced Leslie to join the rugby team at school, and they started hanging out more and more. It happened gradually, to the point where their friends and family couldn’t says exactly when it happened, but some time over the summer the girls stopped being friends and started being girlfriends. Now they were busy applying to universities together, both hoping to get into UBC and to share an apartment.

First time with an older woman [FF]

The first time I was with an older woman was a few years ago. I was 22 and she was in her mid forties. We were at a Pride after party of friend of an ex was hosting and got to talking. She had only just come out in the last year, and had an ex-husband and a teenage son.

I could tell she was really nervous as we sat in the back yard drinking and smoking cigarettes. She was telling me about how she had a new condo where she lived with her son, and how exciting her first pride was. She was also eyeing me up a lot, but really shyly and trying to act like she wasn’t. I thought she was pretty cute for a middle aged lady, especially since she was small enough for me to throw over my shoulder.

As the party was winding down I decided to take a chance and invited her back to my place for a few more drinks. She stuttered a few times and blushed but she accepted. I only lived a few blocks away so we walked over, sharing another cigarette and she nervously held my hand. I opened up the front door to my building and led her downstairs to my basement apartment.

Don’t be like Kristen [MF]

Kristen is 39 years old. Kristen has one son. Kristen’s husband hasn’t given her an orgasm in four years.

Kristen has a vibrator she hides in her underwear drawer. When Kristen uses her vibrator she thinks about her son’s math tutor.

One day when her husband is golfing Kristen drinks a bottle of wine. Dave her son’s math tutor is there. When math is over Kristen sends her son to a friends house.

Dave is very good at math and very bad at everything else. Dave thinks it’s a good idea to stay alone with Kristen. Kristen gives Dave a blowjob in her kitchen.

Kristen has oral herpes now.

Don’t be like Kristen.

Shaving Beth (romantic, f/f)

After a quiet night in with a couple of glasses of wine, Beth decided to have a shower before bed. She stripped off pants and kicked away her panties, then pulled off her top. She had already taken off her bra earlier while watching TV. As she lifted her shirt over her head, she noticed the small growth of hair under her arms, as well as those at her crotch. Beth made a mental note to shave sometime soon.

As Beth stepped into the shower, her wife came into the bathroom. Jenn pulled out her shaving gear; soap, brush and razor from the drawer and set them on the counter. Then she joined Beth in the shower. Under the hot water they took turns washing, soaping themselves up, a hand occasionally straying to the other’s body, caressing a shoulder, chest, ass.

As usual, Jenn finished his shower first and stepped out. Through the fogged glass Beth watched her towel herself off, then with the towel around her waist, take the shaving brush and build up a thick lather of cream. While she showered, Beth watched her rub the cream into her armpits. With a few practiced strokes she removed all of the stubble, leaving her underarms bare. As her wife dried herself, Beth stepped from the shower. She took her own towel and dried herself, before wrapping it around her wet hair.