The Cruise, part Eleven [FF]

Emily slept in until just after 10. She had a shower after she woke, then dressed and tossed the $170 for Grates into her purse. When she opened her cabin door there was a package with all of her laundry that she had dropped off the day before, folded and washed. Emily took the clothes back into her room and tossed them onto her bed to put away later.

Grates took the money and put it in her desk drawer as usual. “Are you alright starting at 3 today? There is a passenger who has requested you to join her workout then, as well as accompany her to her cabin afterwards.”

Emily shrugged. “Sure, I can do that. Anything else?”

There wasn’t and Grates dismissed her. Emily was grateful both that it was Sam’s day to pleasure the woman and that she didn’t run into Sam in the corridor. Emily went and got some lunch then went back to the pool to do a bit of sunbathing before her gym date.

The Cruise, part Ten [FFF]

When Emily got back to her cabin she changed and fixed up her makeup, again. She checked her calendar to make sure she still didn’t have any appointments till Leslie and Brittany at 9, then stuffed all of her dirty laundry into one of the ships provided laundry bags and went to find laundry services.

Emily handed over the bag to the woman working the laundry desk and signed the chit to have the laundry folded and sent back to her room the next morning. Emily stopped off at one on the onboard boutiques. She bought herself some more mascara and eyeliner and a new makeup pallet, sighing a little at the cost. There was a substantial markup to buying on board as opposed to at home.

Then Emily went to one of the bars and ordered a steak sandwich that she washed down with a couple of beers. She was burning a surprising amount of calories so she figured she could afford the carbs. Most people still seemed to be ashore and Emily had no appointments so she enjoyed a little time to herself.

The Cruise, part Nine [FF]

After her shower Emily dressed in her more conservative but still sexy bikini and a pair of shorts. She got herself a chicken salad wrap for lunch, then went to one of the pools to do some sunbathing. She picked the smaller of the two pools on board because it was listed as topless and nudist friendly. There weren’t many women there, most of them probably ashore, and about half were topless, a few totally naked. Emily took off her bikini top and slathered on sunscreen. She ordered herself a vodka cranberry then put in her earbuds to listen to her podcasts and enjoy the sun for a few hours before her first appointment.

The woman at the first appointment wanted to 69 and Emily obliged. The woman wanted them to cum at the same time, but Emily had to fake it. She thought she did a pretty good job with her experience from her cam shows and the woman certainly seemed satisfied when she paid Emily her $200.

The Cruise, part Eight [FF]

Emily woke before her alarm went off with her bladder feeling like it was about to explode. She hurried to the toilet, then came back to her bed and checked the time. It was almost 9am, just before her alarm was about to go off. Emily sighed, but didn’t think she could fall asleep for another ten minutes. Instead she put on a pair of workout tights, sports bra and runners with a baggy t-shirt over top and went to go find a gym. She also put the money she needed for Grates in her purse so she could go to her office after. Emily debated if the 750 she won playing poker should count, but in the end she decided it did because Kate gave her the money to gamble with in the first place, so she included it in her tip out calculation.

Emily picked one of the small gyms in the interior of the ship, under the assumption that a smaller gym with no view of the decks of the ocean would be less crowded. She was right, there were less than half a dozen other women in the gym. Emily stretched, then did some resistance weights to work her arms. After that she took an elliptical machine and put in her headphones and started up one of her favourite podcasts as she started her cardio.

The Cruise, part Seven [No Sex]

Back in her cabin Emily checked the time. It was almost 12:30 so she didn’t have time for a shower before her next appointment. Instead she wiped off her crotch with a wet hand towel, washed her face and quickly redid her makeup. Then she dressed again, in a sundress with pink bra and panties underneath, then headed to the bar where she was supposed to meet her next client.

Emily spent the next hour listening to her client bitch about her work as they sat at the bar. The woman drank a bottle of wine while she talked and Emily nursed a vodka cranberry until the woman finally took Emily back to her cabin. There Emily quickly fingered the woman until she came, and collected her $200.

As Emily left the woman’s cabin she checked her calendar. There were no more appointments for the night, but Emily didn’t feel like going to sleep yet. She was hungry, and feeling a bit frustrated as well. Neither Kate nor the last woman had actually touched her, and Sam had left her annoyed and unsatisfied. Emily decided to head back to the bar she had been at with her client to have another drink and get some food as well.

The Cruise, part Six [FFF]

Emily got back to her room just before 9pm, updating her calendar as she arrived. As soon as she was in her cabin she stripped, used the toilet and had a quick shower. Getting out of the shower she wrapped a towel around herself and opened the calendar for her appointment at 10pm, checking to see if there were any notes.

Just as she sat down, Emily heard a knock at her cabin door. Cautious and confused, she opened the door, hiding her toweled covered body behind the door. In the corridor was the girl she had seen earlier in the day leaving Grates’ office. The girl pushed the door open as soon as Emily opened it, then sat down on Emily’s bed.

“Excuse me? Who are you?” Emily asked indignantly.

“I’m Sam,” the girl said. “Didn’t Grates let you know? Our ten o’clock is a two girl show.”

Emily tried to recover herself, scrolling through her calendar where she found a note to the effect, but no details. “Well, she didn’t give me any details in the calendar note,” Emily said, holding her towel tight around herself.

The Cruise, Part Five [FF]

Emily got back to her room at just before 3 am following her last client. The woman had only wanted oral, but she talked to Emily for almost an hour before the sex started, then had taken forever to cum. Emily didn’t bother to shower, just stripped off her clothes and climbed into bed, setting an alarm for 10 am on her phone as she did.

When the alarm went off in the morning, Emily hit snooze twice, then finally pulled herself out of bed. The only coffee available in her room was some shitty instant powder, so Emily made a mental note to have room service bring some fresh coffee tomorrow and grabbed a beer from the mini fridge instead. She drank the beer in the shower as she washed the last night off and woke herself up. Out of the shower Emily toweled herself dry, but didn’t bother with any makeup as she pulled on a sports bra, t-shirt and shorts. Then she went to find one of the breakfast buffets that the cruise offered.

The Cruise, part Four [FF]

Emily headed back to her room where she had a quick shower, then checked her work phone again. There were no appointments listed in her calendar and no text messages, so Emily decided to go for a swim. She changed into her one piece swimsuit, and headed to the top deck where there was an outdoor pool. The sun had set when she arrived but it was still very warm out. Emily put her purse down on a deck chair, then stepped into the pool. A quarter of the pool was sectioned off into 25 meter swim lanes, almost entirely unused as far as Emily could see. She went over and took one, then did laps for fifteen minutes.

When Emily was done with her laps, she got back out of the pool and toweled herself off and checked her work phone again. Still nothing so she brought her purse with her and sat down on a stool at the poolside bar.

A minute later the bartender came over and asked, “What can I get you?”

The Cruise, part Three [FF]

At the restaurant Emily took a seat and ordered a salad and a vodka Diet Coke from the waitress who came by. As Emily ate her salad and sipped her drink, she browsed through twitter and Reddit, responding to a couple of DMs and flagging a few others to deal with later. When she was done Emily checked the time and saw it was shortly before 7. She signed the chit with her room number, then headed back there.

In her cabin Emily washed her face, brushed her teeth and quickly reapplied her makeup. She changed into a pair of panties that had a built-in O-ring and harness for her strapon, as well as tossing her spare harness into her purse in case the other woman wanted to wear the strapon. She also added the two dildos that fit the harnesses; one slim and one thicker and longer, both bright purple. She reapplied some deodorant and spritzed on some subtle perfume, then left for her date.

After the gym [FF]

After I finished class for the day, I went to the campus gym. Normally I hate working out but I’ve managed to find some extra motivation lately. I did my normal routine, spending thirty minutes on the treadmill before moving onto one of the resistance machines to work my legs. Nothing too strenuous but I worked up a nice sweat. In fact, working up a sweat was the main reason I was there. When the work out was over, I sent a text, then stretched a bit. I smiled when I got the answer then left the gym. I grabbed my bag from the locker room, but I didn’t bother showering or changing.

I walked across campus to one of the dorm towers and got into the elevator. There were a couple of other people in there with me, and based on their reactions I could tell they could smell the gym on me, but they probably assumed I was heading to my room for a shower rather than showering at the gym. They were wrong, but that wasn’t any of their business. I got off on the eighth floor, and walked down to a room near the end of the hall.