A [m]orning [f]uck with my girlfriend

I can’t believe the reception my first two posts got so much positive attention. Considering that I used to keep everything to myself, bottled up, it feels incredibly liberating to be able to tell everyone here my stories.

Telling everyone here about the sex Christine and I have is also a bit addicting. I wasn’t sure how long until I’d have another story, but I want to share what happened just a few hours ago this morning.

Skip to the “******************” to get into the sex.


I had a really tough time getting to sleep last night. I was sweating like mad. It’s been like 30C outside lately and having Christine so close to me in bed wasn’t helping me stay cool. Despite having Christine beside me as I slept most nights for the past week and a half, I still am not too used to sharing a bed with someone else. I lay there for about 30 minutes when I started tossing and turning. Eventually, I woke Christine up with all my movement.

“Hmm… you okay baby?” Christine said sounding tired.

“Yeah, I just can’t sleep. I’m sweating like crazy” I replied.

My girlfriend and her best friend gave me my first ever threesome [FFM]

Since there were some positive reviews on my [last post](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/his7n0/i_fucked_my_bumble_date_in_a_park_without_a_condom/), I wanted to share about the threesome that Christine arranged for me with one of her friends. I had last night free and once I started writing I couldn’t stop. It happened just last Saturday, so a lot of the details are fresh. I’m glad I’ve written them down because now I’ll never forget.

Feel free to skip to the “******************************” part of the post of you just want to read about the threesome, though the backstory is a bit shorter today.

To add a few extra details to the original post, Christine is bisexual. She’s also much more experienced sexually than I am. I say this because she’s slept with more women than I have. None of this bothers me, even though I’m a 30M and she is a 26F. If you read my first post, you’ll know I struggled with depression and anxiety for several years, which led to a long period of me isolating myself.

We’ve been dating for about a month now, and the relationship I’m developing with Christine is the first I’ve had in years.

I [f]ucked [m]y Bumble date in a park without a condom

This is my first time sharing one of my sexual experiences. There’s a bit of backstory so feel free to skip to the sex.

To start off, this all happened just a few weeks ago, I almost felt like a virgin going into this date. I’d been depressed and anxious for a few years, and because of this I’d stopped dating or even seeing women. I had convinced myself I was worthless. I let myself spiral out of control with drugs and alcohol and it wasn’t until late 2019 I started to correct my issues. Not only this, but my sex life (when I’d had one), was rather vanilla and boring.

I was encouraged by a friend to sign up for a dating app. I said fuck it and downloaded Bumble. The first girl I matched with was Christine. By the time I’d matched with Christine, I’d been single for over 5 years, and hadn’t had sex in over 3. We chatted for a few days before I asked her out, and she agreed to meet.