Disturbed Mid-Coitus for an Xbox remote [MF]

So I posted the other day and people seemed to enjoy so I’ll share a story I love. This one is less kinky but more amusing.

So back when I was still living at my parents house me and my brother didn’t really get along. My parents went away for the weekend and so I took advantage of this and had my GF at the time over for a couple of nights and see what we could get up to. My brother on the other hand wanted to throw a party. (His friends used to be my friends. It’s a whole thing).

Anyway, so it’s about 8pm and I’m lying in my bedroom with my girl and we are just watching some shit on TV. Nothing I recall vividly but that’s not what I was interested in. This girl was a proper nymphomaniac. Part of the reason we arent together anymore.

Date Night to Pegging to some hardcore pounding. [MF]

This is probably going to be long

So. Last night was fun. Me (26M) and my Wife (25F) have always been a bit kinky and love to try new things. We have been getting into pegging for a few years due to he rule of if she has to do anal so do I. Doesnt bother me . . . I really enjoy it.

So last night. We were out for date night. Neither really dressed to impress but she had this cute little dress on. Little bit gothic, got some slits in it that show off her smooth skin. We had a few drinks, chatted about everything and nothing and drank some more. We snuggled up in the booth and exchanged some kisses. Just little pecks here and there. Not ones for fully making out in public. But I feel her hand running up my thigh. Usually I think nothing of it. She’ll often run her hands on my leg when I’m driving or we sit next to each other. But I guess the alcohol made it seem a lot more sexual than she intended.