Interesting night with a nude wife in public…

Hi everyone I want to start by saying I married to love of my life and a sex slave in the bed. I’ll start this story , my wife and I were still in college and a very sexual couple but never before anything in public. As we were leaving a party we both had walked to our car when all the sudden I look up to jump in the car an all I see was my gf now wife fully nude in the cool night. We quickly jumped in the car to start our 2 hour drive back to campus when she tells me she was craving something sweet. I quickly asked her what she wanted thinking the only thing that will be open was drive through food. As we got closer to a Burger King I thought she would end the fun night by slipping on her pool cover up but I was completely wrong. As we approached the drive through window I asked if she was missing anything and to my surprise she said “I’m going to have some fun for you and me tonight”. I was shocked bc she had never acted this way in her life. So as we pulled up to the window she was sitting Indian style with her perfectly shaved pussy wide open and 36 DD on full display. As the older gentleman arrived at the window I could tell he was very surprised and glad he took the late shift. He took our money and when her milkshake came out she insisted on climbing over me to retrieve it giving the guy a one foot view of her huge tits and a couple street walkers a view of that clean pussy with her window down. After she took her during she asked the window employee if he or anyone else wanted to cop a feel of her tits which two of the guys stopped what they were doing and pulled out their phones and each took a handful. So now I’m thinking where is this going an about 2 minutes we had to pull out of the drive through bc another car had pulled up. When we pulled out and back on the road she was soo excited like I’ve never seen before, she said she was staying naked the rest of the night. I’ll say I was mixed emotions on one hand I was very turned on and the other I was a little worried. As we finally approached our appointment complex I noticed a group of guys with a couple girls standing in front of our building drinking, I asked her if she wanted to cover up a little but she demanded she stay nude. I pull in the spot as close to our building but we still had to walk by the group in well lit parking lot. As I get out so does she an instead of going straight up to our apartment she decided to stop an have a 10-15 minute conversation with the group of surprised guys and girls. I was in a daze, all I remember from the conversation was “why are you naked” and the group of guys commenting on how her tits had to be fake, which was there way of taking advantage of her lol. When we finally started walking away I hear “I’d like to fuck that pussy”. She froze, turned around and said “why don’t all you guy come in an hang out for the night”. Shocked again everyone except the girls of course followed us in with hands all exploring my gf’s body. Once inside I excused myself to pee and when I came back I saw my gf on all fours with one guy behind her and under her about to slip their dicks inside without any condoms. I quickly got her attention and asked if she was ok with the guys taking turn barebacking her when she said hell ya I want all my holes filled. I finally got to cum in her after about 4 hour of stranger cock fucking her pussy an she ended up passing it on top of three random guys till morning. The next day as everyone was leaving I asked if she had fun and she said I had the best night of my life!!! As the wild story end if anyone has any juicy stories I can share with my wife message me and maybe we will invite some of you guys or girls out to have some fun!!!