How the Spontaneous Friend-Cation turned into the Fuck I Never Expected: Pt. 3 [FM]


Aight. Part 3 of my self-indulgent repost. Parts 1 & 2 are on my profile.

Ok, third and what I expect to be the final part of this story. Again, thank you all for the kind words and messages. Some of them are extra appreciated lol

There are once again *** denoting the really good stuff.

Back to it. As fucking exhilarating as that night had been going in my hotel room, it didn’t really pan out. Last we left off, Emy and I we naked spooning, with all the intentions of getting it in.

Kate, on my other side was backing her ass up directly into mine. Ass-to-ass is a weirdly hot sensation. With my penis pushing hard up against Emy’s little butt, and Kate’s gigantic one seemingly encouraging my thrusts, I was all kinds of aroused. And Emy could feel it.

She placed on of my hands on her small boob and helped me massage it. Both our breathing got louder. Then she reach back around, grabbing the back of my neck and pulled me close. I softly kissed hers. For all the ridiculous, lustful, debauchery that got us there, it was incredibly passionate and sweet. So what we were drunk and she was pissed at me? I had dreamed of touching her like this for the better part of a decade. And for a few minutes, it felt like she had too.

How the Spontaneous Friend-cation Turned into the Fuck I Never Expected: Pt. 2 [FFM]


Again, this is a repost from before the almost sexless apocalypse. Part one is on my profile.

First off, thank you all for the kind words following part 1. I enjoy writing a lot and the positive feedback means the world :) plus a few hot DM’s did not discourage at all lol I’m still on a lonely trip.

Once again, skip to *** if you are in a rush. And please forgive the typos, this has all been on mobile.

So let’s back up a little bit and rejoin the three who stayed behind at the club after I chased after Kate. Joe filled me in on some details later and they really help make sense of what ended up a truly convoluted weekend.

As soon as I was out the door, Emy took some of her frustration out on Joe.

“Wtf is his problem?” She demanded. “I thought I made it clear how upset Kate has been about this shit?”

Joe was and is a stand-up friend. So despite the bombshell that was Jenn sharing lap space with him, he tried to talk his sister on my behalf.

How the Spontaneous Friend-cation Turned into the Fuck I Never Expected [FM]


Alright, here’s another repost for you filthy animals because you have my confidence up and I did not have nearly enough sex doing the end of the world. So my one and a half new stories are not that fun.

This sex-venture took place about three years ago. I recently traveled (not ideal during a pandemic, I know) to the same general location it happened. It provided some welcomed memories for a lonely night lol

I’m a wordy motherfucker, so skip to the *** if ya know… you need to get things going quickly.

It’s also very long and potentially includes some typos. Bear with me.

So, about three years ago I was roped into one of those impulsive friend-cations. One of my best friends from high school and I remained good friends through college and still are quite close. For our purposes, we’ll call him “Joe.” After high school, our friend group evolved to include Joe’s older sister. She had only been a year ahead of us and they are quite close as siblings. It also helped she had very attractive friends. One of which, let’s call her “Jenn”, Joe was downright infatuated with.

The time that Sticking my dick in Crazy was 100% worth it. [FM]


Hi all, this is a repost of the first story I ever posted here, a couple of years ago, and since deleted it. And yes I know the title is weapons-grade douchebaggery.

This is a really long one. The good shit starts at the asterisks

Please forgive the typos, I’m super turned on rn.

Alright, here it goes. My plunge into the other side of the post.

I’m a long-time lurker here and avid consumer of steamy narratives. Honestly for most of my life too. Even as a horny, hormonal chimpanzee of a teenage boy, I preferred poetic fuck-tales to pornos. Don’t get me wrong. There’s a handful of video’s floating on a layer of internet scum, that when I come across I turn into a got-damn werewolf. 

But seriously, there’s nothing like firing up the imagination station with some well-written stimulus to transport my mind, heart, soul, and dick into an alternate dimension where I am super good at sex and everything feels really good. Ya know, rather than this one where I’m kind of ok at things and its bit of a wash between what feels awesome and what is scary as hell. I think it was Aristotle who said, “No one knows how to noodle your noodle, quite like your noodle.” The circle of life is a beautiful thing. 

Stu[F]fing my [M]arried Ex-Coworker on Back Friday

First of all, I don’t want to fucking hear it. No, that title is not beneath you. I mean, you’re the one who is reading word porn on reddit, on a Wednesday. So don’t judge me for my objectively awful attempt at clickbait.

Which brings me to my second point. You may have judgmental inclinations toward my lack of COVID-related caution. But let’s remember why you are here. To diddle yourself whilst reading my morally questionable memento. So while I know that we are in a pandemic, I make no apologies for my undeterred pursuit of pussy.

With those housekeeping items out of the way, strap the fuck in for our ride, and please keep your hands inside your pants. Feel free to skip to the *** if you have an aversion to long-windedness and/or verbal foreplay.

My first experience with Rough Sex (Long) [FM]


Evvvvvvverything that took place between me and this partner was consensual. It pushed some boundaries for me and taught me a valuable lesson about communicating upfront. We were better friends and better fuck-buddies for it. Yes, discovering things and taking risks in the moment can be really fucking fun. But being 100% on the same page is its own kind of sexiness too. Just tell people how you would like to be fucked. And ask people how they would like you to fuck them. The golden rule applies to orgasms too.

This joy ride into the no-pants zone took place a bit longer ago than I care to admit. Honestly, a few of you have me feeling old AF lately. I’m not sure if I can keep up with the seemingly insatiable nature of those currently entering their prime debauchery period. So while perusing some of the more delightfully horny shit on this sub, I began thinking about a time when I most definitely could not keep up. And just how fucking good that felt.

This one time, at Church Camp: Pt. 2 [FM][M]

[Link to part 1](

[Link to part 3](

Ok, now I’m losing my shit. A seemingly endless mixture of lust, guilt, doubt, and fear is playing pin ball in my inside my head. The rest of the evening, these array of emotions are each doing their best to triumph over the other. And fear is fucking winning.


“There’s no way anyone else saw that right?? Meg only grabbed her tit for like half a second… then she squeezed it… her nails dug into that sweater. I bet her nipple was right in her palm. Fuck. Guys, she wants us to fuck her.”


“Are you fucking kidding me?? Of course, someone saw that. God saw that. You dumb fucking cow. You’re like, for surrrrrrre going to lose your salvation for this one, pal. This was the last fucking straw.”


“No, no no no way. Nobody saw it. There was nothing to even see though… right? Like she was not doing anything. Meg was simply adjusting her hair. Then her sweater…..Then her breast. But highly fucking unlikely that was for you. She literally just has boobs. Imagine how much you would touch your own, Mr. *I need to adjust my balls and my very average size penis every 45 seconds* “

This on time, at Church Camp: Pt. 3 (Final) [FM]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

The rest of the trip was fucking wild. Like bananas. I have never, nor will ever jack off so often during a large religious group event. Well, maybe not never. IDK, 2020 has been fucking weird. I’m not ruling anything out.

Meg and I were pretty much inseparable for the rest of the trip. We kept is cool and hardly touched each other which was insanely hard. Literally. But we were both relatively DGAF when it came to public flirtation. This led to some very unpleasant interactions. With “staff” members. With FC1 (the baby crazy one), with Hot-boy, even with some of the other MC2’s. But we did not fucking care. It was just me and Meg having fun as far as I was concerned. We got in one or two more make-out sessions over the next day and night. Neither quite as exciting as the first. But It was much easier to be patient, knowing we were on the same page.

This one time, at Church Camp Pt. 1 [FM]

A couple of disclaimers before we start:

1. This story is dramatically different than the others I’ve posted. Tbh, I’m not sure I can really top the others. At least in regards to the source material. I’ve had some fun in my life. But I’m not like a, ya know… sex magnet or something. I gotta work for this shit. And do way more planning and compensating than my anonymous bravado may lead on. That’s kinda the point.

2. Let me clarify, **this was college group church camp**. All the mentioned parties were of age. And if you did not know that college-age church camps were a thing, then L-O-fuckin’-L. They are very much a thing. And a very “important” thing in the kind of community I grew up in.

Skip to the *** if you are impatient, or desperately horny. Zero judgment here.

College group church camps are a simple formula: Adults acting like they are far younger than they are, one-piece bathing suits (and not like the good slutty ones that got cool circa 2017), and dozens of desperately horny individuals. But horniness = hell so keep it in your goddamn pants, Ryan. Like, seriously. It’s basically just a low-effort camping trip where the twenty or so of us with social skills stay up all night playing mafia instead of ya know… fucking each other like we ought to.

The time that Sticking my dick in Crazy was 100% worth it. [FM]


Hi all, this is a repost of the first story I ever posted here, about a year ago, and since deleted it.

I’m riding the confidence high of the saga I’ve posted this weekend and all your kind words. Thought you’d enjoy this one:) it’s a bit less dramatic, and a bit more fun.

This is a really long one. The good shit starts at the asterisks

Please forgive the typos, I’m super turned on rn.

Alright, here it goes. My plunge into the other side of the post.

I’m a long-time lurker here and avid consumer of steamy narratives. Honestly for most of my life too. Even as a horny, hormonal chimpanzee of a teenage boy, I preferred poetic fuck-tales to pornos. Don’t get me wrong. There’s a handful of video’s floating on a layer of internet scum, that when I come across I turn into a got-damn werewolf.