That awkward time a childhood family friend caught [M]e receiving a blowjob.

So this isn’t going to be your typical sexy gone wild story, and for that I apologize.

So I was around 22, had just broken it off with my girlfriend and was looking for some kind of change. I decided the best thing was to move out of my parents house and into an apartment with my friend Jon a few towns over. We were polar opposites at the time. He was a big partier, a social butterfly, and very good with females. I was a typical awkward 20-something that just worked, played with my car, slept, and only drank very occasionally. The FIRST night we move into this apartment, Jon decides he’s throwing a giant party. I wasn’t for it at all. I just wanted to order Dominos and watch TV. Being the first night though, I felt like I had to go along with it so I relented and invited whoever I felt would actually show up on such short notice.