[M]y B[F]F shoved a sock filled with my jizz into her abusive ex’s face to confirm that smelled like cum.

Note: This was going to be a TIFU originally but i decided it was more of a pervese karmic journey for a douchebag who deserved it, that was worth the effort and not something I’d take back if could.
All quoted speech is paraphrased because my memory isn’t that good. TLDR at end.

About a week ago after work i visited my bff at the apartment she was housesitting. She mentioned that her ex and her new love interest were also visiting a bit later. I asked if I should go before they arrived,.she said no it’s ok, hang out and meet the new guy, have some drinks, smoke some weed etc. Being broke and offered free booze and weed, I didn’t need to be asked twice.

I should point out now that the girl and I have quite an unusual friendship. We have never had sex but have done many borderline things and talk openly about everything. I guess you could say I’m ffriendzoned but it’s a zone with benefits. Plus we love each other unconditionally and never get jealous of the other’s love interests. For a better idea of how this friendship is, you can read my confession/story about her: [I’m a total perve and am in love with my b(f)f, she knows and is ok with it](https://www.reddit.com/r/confession/comments/86eb9g/im_a_total_perve_and_am_in_love_with_my_bff_she/)