Used and Humiliated [MM]

Just to preface the story, we discussed each other’s limits prior to meeting up.  So although most of what happened was organic and out of my control, it was all consensual.

I had made a posting in RAOBJ a while back hoping for some fun on a business trip.  I was looking for someone who wanted to wrestle around a little and thought it might be fun to make a game out of it.  I’d heard from a couple people, but one that caught my interest was another curious straight guy about my age and a slightly larger build.  His name was Jordan, and he loved the idea of turning the whole thing into a competition.

Here’s how the game works: we would wrestle until someone taps out, whoever taps loses that round, and the first to three wins is the winner of the match.  After each round concludes, the winner gets to make up a rule that applies immediately, and also gets carried over into subsequent rounds.  Here’s where it gets interesting, after the final round, the match winner gets to make his last rule with impunity, knowing that he won’t have to worry about it potentially coming back to him later.

My First [MM] Hookup

I was flying to Philadelphia for business and was looking to be a little adventurous in the big city. We had talked prior to meeting and exchanged pictures so I knew what I was getting into. I had expressed to him that I wanted to try to deepthroat him and just sort of submit to him and his desires, but he thought that since it was my first time, we should probably take it easy, which we did. We had worked out a few of the details beforehand, but for the most part the night progressed organically.

I had a nice hotel room (thanks work!) that he was going to come up to and I was going to be on my knees for him and slide the card under the door. My heart was pounding as I watched him walk down the hall. My room was the last door looking down the hall so I could see him from the second he turned the corner from the elevator; he looked a little nervous like he felt out of place, but he walked up and knocked on the door. Like we had discussed prior, I had taken my shirt off, slid the card under the door, and waited on my knees with my hands behind my back waiting for him to enter.