The Royal Elven Mistress [Femdom][Cuckold]

(This is a story I wrote with the intent to publish it but decided to share it with all of you for free instead! Enjoy!)

Ivy smirked as she pulled the second wrist restraint tight, making sure that her toy had both of his hands secured firmly behind his back. She did so enjoy her work. It was delightful the faces the king made when she stripped him down and began to bind his limbs together. The way he groaned softly in pleasure as her fingers traced along his limbs made her tingle. Her deeply tanned skin contrasted so nicely with his pale, sunless features. As her fingers traced down his spine, goosebumps were rising up on his arms and shoulders.

“Are you ready for another session, my king?” Ivy whispered into his ear.

“Yes, Mistress Ivy,” The king said, his excitement barely contained in his voice.

Her hand came down across his ass in a whip-crack of a spank. “What would your subjects think of you like this?”

He hissed between his teeth. “I imagine they would think lesser of me,” He admitted, his member already throbbing between his legs.

Published Short Teaser: Pegged by the Boss [Femdom][Male Sub]

This is an excerpt from my short “Pegged by the Boss”, a story I published. Enjoy!

Adam knew he screwed up royally.

The Jameson account was over a third of the firm’s business every year. He had screwed up transfers between their portfolios and it was going to cost the Jameson account tens of thousands in fees. Fees that his firm would cover since it was their mistake. And his boss was not happy. Miss. Isabella was a slave driver on a good day. He didn’t know what to expect when she really brought the hammer down. His mind wandered and wondered if he would ever be able to find another position like this after she sent him packing.

Adam sat on his desk, Monday morning, expecting to be called into her office at any moment. He was sweating bullets underneath his suit. His fingers drummed tirelessly against his desk. His eyes stared at his desk phone, waiting for it to ring. He nearly jumped out of his chair when the phone call came.

“Miss. Isabella wants you in her office,” Mia, Isabella’s secretary, said. “Immediately.”

Her Plaything: Chapter Five FINALE

Just as she requested, he offered up his neck to her. She took the slender collar and wrapped it around his neck, pulling it until it was flush with his skin before closing it. There was a certain feeling he got in his chest when she put the collar on him. Like it was a point of no return. Nerves and excitement clashed in his heart as he looked into Juliet’s eyes. That mischievous spark in there was now one of pure joy at seeing that collar on him. Her lips were curled in a smile that calmed the raging emotions in his chest. She grasped him by the back of the head and pulled him into another kiss.

This kiss was not as gentle as the one they just shared. No, this one was filled with a lustful hunger. It sent a thrill down his spine. His hands rested on her hips, stroking them lightly with his fingers. Her tongue slipped between his lips, exploring his mouth. He gave into the kiss, tilting his head back, moaning into her mouth. Her nails raked down his chest, drawing down his stomach and towards his cock.

Her Plaything: Chapter Four

He crawled over to the side of the bed and went to the center. The soft sheets under his hands and knees felt comforting, in a way. He had no idea what Juliet was going to do to him next. But as long as it meant that he could cum, he was willing to do it. Juliet knelt behind him, her hands resting on his hips. Slowly, she began to stroke his skin, rubbing in little circles around his skin. He let out a soft groan from her touch alone, closing his eyes and pushing his hips back for more of her touch.

“I’m going to need you to breathe nice and easy,” Juliet said. “Relax for me. This will be much easier if you are calm.”

His breathing, which he realized had been quite quick, began to slow down. Resting his forehead against the cool pillows and closing his eyes, he focused on his breathing. Inhale, counting to three, and exhaling. Keeping his focus on his breathing, his hands clutched the bed he rested on the pillow. Juliet’s hands ran over his hips, down his thighs and stroked them up and down slowly. He moaned softly, her hands close to touching his cock and finishing him off. But she denied him. Her fingers brushed along his inner thighs, so close to his member but she slipped her hands up to his ass cheeks.

Her Plaything: Chapter Three

Juliet rose to her feet and took off her bathrobe, tossing it aside. He could only look up at her with his jaw slack, his eyes wide, cock twitching. She certainly took good care of her body. Long smooth legs with muscular thighs and the slightest hint of abs across her stomach. Her breasts were full and perky, resting gently against her chest. She smiled down at him, hip cocked with a hand resting on his head.

“You should stop drooling on my floor,” Juliet said. He immediately shut his mouth. “Not from your mouth.” She said, pointing downwards.

He looked down and understood what she meant. His cock was freely leaking precum like an old faucet. It was running down his shaft and dripping onto the floor, creating a small puddle.

“Clean it up,” Juliet instructed. He began to get up when she pressed her hand onto his shoulder. “Oh, no. You have to use your mouth.”

Her Plaything: Chapter Two [Femdom] [Edging]

The next three days felt like the longest of his life.

Each night, he would start talking to Juliet on the phone at 7 PM. By the time 8 PM rolled around, he would be naked on his bed, edging his cock. His voice was weak and hers was strong. It seemed like she was taking great joy in keeping him at the edge of sexual relief for hours each night. As their nightly conversation ended, she would tell him to stop. He would do so, albeit reluctantly, and she would order him to not orgasm.

“Not yet,” She whispered through the speaker in his ear. “Soon, though. Go clean yourself up and I’ll talk to you tomorrow night.” With that, she would hang up.

The water of his building just wasn’t cold enough to suppress his desire for release. Every time he reached for his aching member to finish himself off, he hesitated. He didn’t have her permission to do that yet. So, he would soak himself in the cold water and go to bed naked, still hard as a rock. It began to affect him during the day. He found himself daydreaming about her voice and when he might meet her again. On the fourth day since she began to edge him, his balls most certainly blue and his member almost always hard, he received a text from her number. It was an address and an apartment number, followed by a single sentence.

Her Plaything: Chapter One [MF] [Femdom] [Phone Sex]

The two of them had met nearly four months ago during a networking event. She was one of the people running the event. Her body had caught his eye, at first. Long, smooth legs clad in black stockings. A short skirt, just shy of being at a professional length. The tight, white blouse that left little to the imagination. Her blue eyes, hidden behind a pair of respectable glasses, set into a sharp face with short red hair framing her face. He had made his introductions, wanting nothing more than to be closer to her. She introduced herself to him as Juliet. Her charm and wit won him over within the hour and the two of them chatted together for nearly an hour. He wanted to stay with her, to keep talking to her, but she had to go. Before she did, she handed him her card and told him to call her tomorrow night. He agreed, feeling a flutter of excitement buried deep in his stomach.

He called her the next night as soon as he got home, 7 PM on the dot. She answered on the third ring.

Misery Loves Company: Chapter Three FINALE

James went to the nightstand, grabbing a condom. Miranda laid back on the bed, her fingers still rubbing at herself between her legs. The sort of condoms the couple bought was always a random color and this time, it was hot pink. He looked over at her, locking eyes as he rolled the rubber down his member. She laughed hard as she looked at it. He joined in the laughter, climbing into bed and kissing her once more.

“What’s so funny about my cock?” He teased, running his fingers over her hip.

“It looks like my vibrator,” She said, giggling still.

He looked down then back at her. “Well, I hope I’m a bit more lively than a piece of plastic.”

“Much more,” Miranda said, leaning into his neck and kissing at it. “So much more.”

Climbing between her legs, James lined his cock up with her sex and teased the tip against her. Miranda reached down, giving his cock a few quick strokes.

“Guide me in,” He said gently to her.

Misery Loves Company: Chapter Two

Miranda got a pair of fresh, fluffy white towels for both of them. James turned off the shower and followed after her. Together, the two of them dried off, stealing glances at one another with smirks on their lips. She was dry first, picking up her heels and slipping them back on before leaving the bathroom. He could only watch her hips sway with each step, his cock twitching slightly. James hurried up to dry himself off the rest of the way before collecting before following Miranda into the kitchen. She was already pulling a roasted chicken out of the kitchen with golden brown potatoes under it.

“Need any help?” He asked.

“Nope,” Miranda said, setting the tray up on top of the oven. “I’ve got everything taken care of. Go on and grab yourself a drink. I could go for a glass of wine.”

“White or red?” James asked, heading over to collect the drinks.

“White, of course.”

James set up the table with utensils and a beer for himself and a glass of white for Miranda. She meanwhile carved up the chicken and dished out two plates with the chicken, potatoes and broccoli from a steamer bag in the microwave. Both of their mouths were watering, starving as Miranda served the plates, gave James a kiss on the cheek and they toasted.

Misery Loves Company: Chapter One [MF][Edging]

James had one hell of a day.

The trains were late in the morning which meant he was late getting to work. His boss wasn’t too pleased of course. He decided James needed to be reminded through an overly long lecture about the importance of punctuality. It hadn’t been the first time James had heard the lecture but he wished it was the last time. The lecture usually clocked in at about twenty minutes and it was horrid. All he could do was sit there and nod. Finally, he managed to get to his desk and find a hundred emails waiting for him. Most of them were trash but they all needed a prompt response. That took all morning. Of course, he wouldn’t be able to just respond to all of the emails. There were phone calls and requests from his co-workers to help with their own work. He couldn’t even take a proper lunch, quickly going through a sandwich with one hand while typing with the other.

During a quick break to get some coffee, he learned the trains were going to be late going home as well. Great, absolutely great, he thought to himself. Swapping over to his phone, he pulled up his girlfriend Miranda’s number and put together a quick text.