Every good fling has to come to an end [MF] (Venla final)

I’m a traveling worker who wanders around the United States setting up shop in various National Parks. If it matters, I’m a fit 29 year old that has often been compared to David Tennant when clean cut, and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine when all bearded and rough around the edges (words of others not me; I think I always look like a nerd). This last season I ended up on several sexual adventures. This is a (final) story of my time with Venla, a 26 year old Finnish international visiting the US on a work visa. Venla is a tall (5’10”), dark haired, and green-eyed goddess of a woman with an athletic build and light freckling across her nose and cheeks. Sorry it took so long, this one was tough to write because I’m a sappy little bitch.

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5dq3s1/i_am_one_lucky_fucker/)
[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5eld74/from_the_time_on_a_mountaintop_venla_episode_2_i/)

I knew from the start it would be nothing more than a Summer fling, but when Venla’s last day stateside arrived it still felt too soon. Venla showed up at my door with all her possessions carried by one of the many guys that had relentlessly fawned over her: Alan. As I opened the door, he looked from her with puppy dog eyes to me with disdain. Venla just smiled and came into my place, completely unconcerned with the feelings of the men who followed her everywhere, as usual.

[F]rom the time on a [M]ountaintop (Venla Episode 2, I guess)

I’m a traveling worker who wanders around the United States taking conservation jobs in various National Parks. If it matters, I’m a fit 29 year old that has often been compared to David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor when clean cut, and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine when in viking mode. This last season I was in Yellowstone, and ended up on several sexual adventures. This is a continuation of my (brief) time with [Venla](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5dq3s1/i_am_one_lucky_fucker/), a 26 year old Finnish international visiting the US on a work visa. Venla is a tall (5’10”), dark haired, and green-eyed goddess of a woman with an athletic build and light freckling across her nose and cheeks.

After our first encounter, Venla and I were inseparable outside of work. During the work week we would meet at her room to shower together to wash the sweat and ash (forest fires were a constant nuisance, though they did make for a beautiful sunrise/sunset) from our bodies. After getting cleaned up we would go to dinner in the employee dining hall where I could see the jealousy plain on several guy’s (and a couple girl’s) faces, including her ex. I have to admit, their envious gazes actually felt pretty fucking good.

I a[m] one lucky [f]ucker…

I am a traveling worker who wanders around the United States setting up shop in various National Parks. If it matters, I’m a fit 29 year old that has often been compared to David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor when clean cut, and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine when in Viking mode. This last season (March to November) I was in Yellowstone, and ended up on several sexual adventures. This is one of those stories.

Waiting outside the post office to pick up my mail, I was absently petting one of the local cats and contemplating what I had just done. After a relationship of five years I had broken up with my girlfriend, and though it was a relief I was also reeling. I just wanted to gather up my junk mail and go back to my quarters in lake village.

“The owner must be an idiot,” I heard a woman with a Scandinavian accent mutter as she joined me in waiting for the post office to open, “I see bald eagles swoop over this place every day. Bye bye poo-ssie…”