Cream & Coco, Chapter 2 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 1](

My son looked down at me with an adoring gaze. He was between my legs, and I pulled him closer. So this was sex. Nothing like my first time. Yet I couldn’t really make sense of what I was feeling. All I knew was that I was happy.

“Mom,” Drew gasped.

I giggled. “Don’t, baby. Call me Coco.”

He nibbled his lip then grinned. “Okay, Coco.” He started kissing my neck as he moved, making me moan and clutch his back as he crooned. “Coco. Coco! Earth to Coco! Hey, Coco!”

I started, snapping back to reality. I looked up at my colleague, who was leaning on the top of the cubicle wall. She had an eyebrow arched, staring at me impatiently. I groaned into my hands. Just what were these dreams? They had simply come unbidden out of nowhere.

“Sorry, Jazz. What were you saying?”

“Girl, what’s wrong with you? You been acting a fool all morning, and now you’re spacing out after lunch. You got that report ready for Leon yet?”

Cream & Coco, Chapter 1 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

*Author’s note: Though this can be treated as a standalone, it is fully intended to be read after* [*Having Some Brie*](*, which chronologically precedes this story. This is your spoiler warning. Viewer discretion is advised.*

There was a stranger in my house.

I don’t know when it happened, and I had no idea what to do about it. He was tall. He was smart. He was confident.

But somewhere along the way, my son had begun to turn into a different person.

The woman on the computer screen moaned louder. I was standing at my son’s desk, transfixed as a porn video played on his desktop. His computer had woken itself up when a download had completed, and I suppose the file had opened itself. Now, there was nothing wrong with him viewing things like this. Honestly it would be concerning if he weren’t expressing interest. But the thing that was screaming at me, searing into my mind with gut-wrenching clarity, was the title: “Mom and son’s secret weekend.”


My hand on the mouse went into a frenzy as I scrambled to pause the video, mute it, something. I ended up closing the whole window before gathering myself and turning around.

Having Some Brie, Chapter 11 END [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 10](

Our overnight bags were already in the guest room. Lexi must’ve brought them in while we were at the club. She yawned and stretched.

“Alright, goodnight, you two,” she said with lazy contentment. “Don’t stay up too late. Or do.” With a wink, she retreated to her own room, just like that.

“Definitely need a shower,” I muttered. We were both wearing a layer of sweat from dancing, and I was anxious to peel my shirt off.

“You go first,” Brie suggested.

“We’re not going together?”

She flushed, biting her lip. “‘Y’know, it *is* possible to shower separately. I have some… stuff to take care of.”

“Okay…” I drawled, narrowing my eyes. I wondered what she was up to. Maybe hop into the shower halfway through again? Nope. I brushed my teeth, chuckling inside at the idea that we had our own toothbrushes here.

I carried my balled-up discarded clothes back to the bedroom, tossing them onto the bag next to the bed. Brie carried her duffel with her to the bathroom. The whole bag?

Having Some Brie, Chapter 10 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 9](

“So. The long-awaited weekend.” Lexi wiggled her eyebrows at us from across the lunch table, and Brie and I both groaned. How was it that she could say something so indecent and yet give nothing away to eavesdroppers? “So are we headed straight back to my place after school, or…?” Her grin was devilish. I began questioning all over again whether she had cameras set up in her guest room.

“Practice,” Brie and I both said at once.

“And then we need to swing back home to pick up some stuff for the weekend anyway,” I added.

Lexi’s eyes lit up. “Ooh, overnight bags! Very cool. You know I have stuff like toiletries stocked, so only bring the ‘essentials.’”

Drew hadn’t said a word, staring distantly out the window. He snorted once at Lexi but otherwise let the conversation pass him by. He was spending time with his mom again, visiting his grandparents in the next town over during the weekend. They were all very close, from all the way back when Drew’s dad walked out on his mom before he was even born. He never talked about it, but I suspected that was part of the reason he felt the way he did about what my dad had done. In just the few months since the divorce, he’d made semi-frequent revenge fantasies for me to consider. Thanks to the revolving door of obsessions he has, each one was planned to be executed uniquely. It made me fear for his own dad if Drew ever got his hands on him.

Having Some Brie, Chapter 9 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 8](

I woke up with my morning wood between her thighs and her rubbing her ass against me. It was so surreal, transitioning smoothly from sleep to kissing her neck and thrusting into the space between her legs. Brie reached back and pulled my head in close, sighing in contentment and rubbing her thighs together to enhance the sensitivity.

“First thing in the morning, sis?” I rumbled, my morning voice gravelly. She tittered and touched my tip poking out from under her mound, fingers grazing and lightly squeezing the spongy tissue. I massaged her breasts in return.

“This wasn’t my idea, you perv,” she retorted, turning around and kissing me. We both had morning breath and we both grimaced a little, making us both chuckle. “I woke up like this. You must’ve been having a good dream.” Her voice was slightly husky, and I throbbed harder.

“I hurry through my dreams because reality is so much better,” I murmured, and she scoffed and batted my leg.

“That was so damn corny. You’re too much.” With that, she released her grip on me. I groaned a complaint and rolled out of bed, standing and stretching, feeling invigorated. “You have practice and work today?”

Having Some Brie, Chapter 8 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 7](

Brie didn’t wake while I mopped up the strip of floor between our two beds. If we never got around to cleaning this area, pretty soon the smell of sex would permeate the rest of the apartment. I couldn’t even remember if either of us had the chance to wash away the ejaculate I’d shot onto the floor. Regardless, I was getting to it now.

My sister was still asleep on my bed, the covers draped over her almost naked form. Her hands unconsciously ran across the mattress where I would have been, making my heart ache. I smiled before returning to the kitchen to deposit the mop in its usual place. I ran into mom as she came out of her room.

“Good morning, Stef,” she said with a wide smile.

“Morning, mom,” I returned, scratching my head.

“You kids turned in early last night,” she noted, walking past me and starting the coffee machine. I floundered for a response. Both Brie and I were usually bit of night owls, so it was out of character.

“It was Fair Day yesterday. I guess we were worn out.”

Having Some Brie, Chapter 7 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 6](

“Stefan! Wake up!”

I grumbled into the pillow, shading my eyes from the sunlight filtering through the blinds.

“You need to get up before mom finds us like this!”

What was Brie even talking about? It was too early for this shit.

She shoved me and I rolled out of bed, landing on the floor with a hard thud.

“Gah! Brie, what the fuck!” I griped.

The door opened and mom stuck her head in. “Are you kids already fighting first thing in the morning?” she asked mellowly.

“Just Steffie being a massive idiot,” Brie quipped with a touch of mockery.

“More like Sabbie being a massive bi–”

“Stefan! Language!” mom said disapprovingly. Apparently her tolerance for us cussing was higher when she was bringing strange men home. I didn’t say that, obviously. “Play nice, kids. I have to leave before breakfast.” True to form, she was already dressed for work, and blew us kisses before closing the door. Brie was at my side in an instant, helping me off the floor.

Having Some Brie, Chapter 6 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 5](

“The hell’s wrong with you?” Drew asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“What?” I asked as I sat down on the seat next to him. As usual, Brie found a seat on the bus next to one of her friends. Nothing out of the ordinary.

“There’s something about you…” Drew scratched his chin. “It’s like that glow that pregnant women have, y’know? Except you’re a teenage dude who’s probably not pregnant.”

“Probably,” I agreed dryly.

“I dunno, you just… I haven’t seen you like this *ever*. You haven’t even been *happy* since before, well, y’know. The whole thing over the summer.” He scratched his head awkwardly, unsure of how to address my parents’ divorce in casual morning conversation. I grunted in response.

“Well, my mom got a new job,” I said as if to answer him. “Pays more than both the jobs she has right now, and fewer hours too.”

“Oh, neat. Is that what you were talking about last night?” I nodded. “Gotta say, I thought it was gonna be some wild shit. Like your mom stalking your dad in her free time or something.”

Having Some Brie, Chapter 5 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 4](

Sunlight trickled in from between the curtains, and I blinked sleep from my eyes. I had a face full of hair, and when I realized it was Brie, memories of the night before came rushing back. We were still in our underwear, lying together, skin to skin. I propped myself on an elbow and gazed down at her, smiling gently. Normally she looked as much of a slob as anybody while she slept, but now she lay there like an angel, absolutely flawless. Where did these rose-colored lenses come from?

“So fucking hot.” I had to suppress my alarm, for fear of jerking up and waking Brie. Lexi was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, legs crossed and elegantly chewing on a fingernail.

“What the fuck are you doing in here?” I hissed, neck strained and head whipping between her and Brie.

“Enjoying the view,” Lexi chuckled. “You guys are so cute together. I was wondering when she’d finally muster the courage to just go for it. Then I got tired of waiting.” She winked at me, as if she were my co-conspirator.

“You need to get out of here before she wakes up,” I warned.

Having Some Brie, Chapter 4 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 3](

I woke up shortly before noon. It was no surprise that I’d slept for so long, seeing as I had a lot of catching up to do in that regard. I looked over at Brie’s bed, which was empty, then at the stains on the floor. They were a stark reminder of what we’d done last night. We’d crossed a line. I buried my face in my hands, reprimanding myself for losing my resolve so soon after deciding to end… whatever this was between us. Now we were in deeper, and it had to stop.

My thoughts were interrupted by a piercing scream, and I flew out of bed still in my boxers. I found Brie in the kitchen, staring warily at a strange man holding a mug at the sink. He looked college age, had good hair and was slightly bigger in stature than me, but he didn’t seem to be in a threatening stance. Regardless, I pulled Brie behind me, who was still in a t-shirt and pajama bottoms herself.

“What the fuck are you doing in my house?” I roared.