Cream & Coco, Chapter 12 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 11](

I stood naked at the sink, looking at my reflection. A contemporary woman’s worst enemy, the mirror. I sighed, shaking my head. What did Drew see? I was pushing forty. I wasn’t young. I wasn’t exciting. I’d been a mom for half my life, for crying out loud. Nagging and scolding, being the killer of fun.

What was I even thinking? I thought I’d matured past this. Instead I felt like a teenager, worrying about the boy I liked liking me back. Was it because I was a sexual creature again? I’d been in limbo this whole time, and now the insecurity was back. I touched my hips and breasts. Did Drew like them?

Before I even noticed, Drew strolled in and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing the side of my neck. I moaned and turned my head, and he kissed me passionately, a hand gliding up to cup a breast. “You’re beautiful, mom,” he growled when he pulled away, and I looked back at the mirror uncertainly. He stared along with me, then blinked slowly. “Hm. Looks like you needed to hear that.”

“Nonsense,” I croaked, voice breaking halfway through a two-syllable word. Christ have mercy.

Cream & Coco, Chapter 11 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 10](

Cold pizza for breakfast wasn’t exactly my idea of healthy, but I was feeling young again. I suspected my body, however, was not.

“This is gonna go straight to my boobs,” I grumbled mournfully.

“Perfect. Eat more,” Drew joked, handing me another slice.

“Drew! You’re horrible,” I giggled, lightly slapping his hand. He grinned and took a bite himself. “You know, you never answered whether you’d go to the Christmas party with me.”

He chewed thoughtfully for a moment. “Do you want me there?”

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I?”

“You’re bringing your son as a date to a party. You’re not worried about sending some kind of message to your colleagues?”

“Like I said, Mr. Valentine is bringing Cherish.” At that, he scoffed and made a face. “So we won’t be the only ones. Both of us are… I guess you could say famously single, so it *might* not be amiss to have you two there.” I paused. “In all honesty, I’d really like to pretend…”

He turned to me in curiosity, the hint of a smile playing at his lips. “Pretend to what, mom?”

Cream & Coco, Chapter 10 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 9](

I opened my eyes and looked down to see Drew tonguing my nipple, lapping at the rivulets of milk coming out. With a groan, his lips closed around it, and I gasped when he sucked.

“Couldn’t even wait until I woke up,” I teased breathily, and he pulled away with a sheepish grin.

“Sorry. It’s just… you were kinda making a mess.” He pointed to a small wet spot on the sheets, and I shook my head in playful admonishment.

“You could’ve woken me up,” I pointed out. “Or used the pump.” I sat up and leaned against the headboard, beckoning for him to resume drinking.

“Yeah, but where’s the fun in that,” he laughed, leaning down toward my breasts.

“You like mommy’s tits?” I lilted, and he straightened with a thoughtful frown. “What’s wrong?”

“Technically you don’t have tits, mom. You have boobs.”

I blinked blankly. “What’s the difference?”

He sat up and settled next to me. “Well, boobs are big, tits are small. Just look at the words themselves. Boob. All round letters, upper- or lowercase. Tit. Straight lines, not much substance. The *sound* of the words feel different too. Even the word ‘boob’ feels smooth and round. Meanwhile, ‘tit’ really sounds like a little dot, staccato. Like a flatter girl’s beestings.”

Cream & Coco, Chapter 9 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 8](

I woke up next to Drew, tucked into bed facing him. For entire minutes, I forgot where I was, what had happened, and what I wasn’t wearing. I just watched him sleep, his face in the most peaceful expression I’d seen in a long while. I smiled blissfully, thanking all the powers that be that he was mine. He stirred with a groan and peeked out of one eye, the hazel looking like liquid gold.

“Good morning, baby,” I murmured. His voice rumbled with his pleasure, and he blinked slowly, basking in his drowsiness.

“Morning, mom,” he replied. Lifting his head off the pillow, he leaned in for a kiss, and for the first time I realized I was topless and leaking milk onto his bedsheets. And he was about to kiss me on the lips in broad daylight.

With a yelp, I jerked back and flew out of bed, clutching an arm across my breasts as I scooped my shirt off the floor. “I’m gonna make breakfast!” I stammered, and hurried out the door and back to my bathroom.

Cream & Coco, Chapter 8 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 7](

Drew was certainly in a good mood this morning. And why wouldn’t he be? His mother whom he lusted after was slowly surrendering her inhibitions. A small and particularly feeble part of me chastised myself for my behavior. That voice was getting quieter each day. Besides, we were only kissing, and we kept our fantasies to ourselves. We were still leaving many lines uncrossed. And I was actually beginning to believe my own bullshit.

I had pumped myself before moving to the kitchen. Three quarters of a bottle of milk this time that I sighed at before pouring right down the drain. At least I had clothes that fit today. Couldn’t go around showing that much cleavage all the time.

“Morning, mom,” Drew said as he came out of his room.

“Morning, baby,” I replied, turning away from the pancakes for a moment. He leaned down toward me, and I thought he was going to kiss me on the lips. In broad daylight! But instead he pecked me on the cheek and sat down for breakfast. Why was my heart beating so fast?

Cream & Coco, Chapter 7 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 6](

I had to give myself a good talking-to the next morning. At the very least, I had to promise myself to keep the fantasies in my head, rather than let them manifest themselves in any real way. I leaned away from the mirror and did a once-over of myself before cupping one of my breasts. They were still aching, which was odd and mildly concerning. Had I slept on them wrong or something? Eaten anything unusual in the past few days? Nothing really seemed out of sorts, so I just decided to endure it and see how the day went.

There was a light rain outside, not helping the mood. Drew was in the kitchen, looking very panicked as he struggled with a pan and spatula. He glanced over at me as I entered, giving a rushed “Morning, mom,” before returning his attention to breakfast. I peeked in the pan and saw a disaster of an egg, the sunny side up with its yolk burst from the high heat and thoroughly cooked through. “Can’t even cook a goddamn egg,” he was muttering as he scraped it up and plated it.

Cream & Coco, Chapter 6 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 5](

My eyes opened slowly. How long had I been asleep? I bunched the blankets up and pulled them close to my chin.

Had I pulled the blankets over myself?

I turned my head and peered at my nightstand to check the time, and saw my bullet vibrator sitting there, clean as a whistle. Bolting upright, I broke into a cold sweat. I hadn’t ended the evening like this. Somebody had put me to bed. I jumped to my feet and almost exited my room when I heard multiple voices laughing. As quickly as I could, I changed into a silk robe and steeled myself before stepping out. The voices were coming from Drew’s room, and I knocked softly.

“Yeah,” called Drew, and I cracked the door open to stick my head in. Drew was sitting on his bed with Stefan, while Sabrina was leaned back in his desk chair. They all seemed at ease, as if the events of the past Thursday had never happened.

“Morning, mom,” Drew said, giving me a gentle smile. The twins each also greeted me, though with just a bit less confidence than Drew.

Cream & Coco, Chapter 5 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 4](

Shame. What a word to wake up to.

I sat up in bed, the vibrator lying next to my legs. I dropped my face into my hands and took a deep breath before eyeing the bullet warily. Rubbing sleep from my eyes, I trudged into my bathroom to get the day started. It was still early in the morning, owing to having crashed out soon after dinner last night. I looked at myself in the mirror, trying to see if there were any visual cues after waking up from the best sleep… maybe ever.

I had climaxed to thoughts of my son.

No. No, no, no. That’s not how it happened. I had used a sex toy for the first time, and after almost two decades of no stimulation, I had been overwhelmed. Well, that was a truth. Not the entire truth, but it would have to do. I sighed. My head was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, and only denial was going to give me enough time to sort through it all.

Cream & Coco, Chapter 4 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 3](

My son was still gone when morning came. Nobody had called back with word from him, if my empty voicemail was anything to go by. His phone was missing, as was his schoolbag and a pair of his shoes. Evidently, he had stolen in at some point and taken what he needed for the day without disturbing me. He was avoiding me, but at least he was safe.

I sighed, still tired from restless sleep, and went to the common bathroom to get ready for the day. I had totally forgotten to schedule for somebody to fix my ensuite bathroom mirror and faucet, but in my defense, it had been an abnormal few days. I still felt sick with worry, not assuaged by the fact that Drew had fled to some girl’s house. Stefan had described her as a mutual friend. I knew Stefan and Sabrina, and Drew’s basketball teammates. Never had a Lexi Rochester come up in conversation. Or maybe she had, and it had seemed so inconsequential that I had let myself forget. Whoever she was, Drew trusted her more than he did Stefan. Did he finally have a girlfriend? If so, then why didn’t I feel joy for him instead of unease?

Cream & Coco, Chapter 3 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 2](

“Well look at you,” Jazz had said this morning, “all gussied up for the boss man!”

Since we were going on the date straight from work, I’d had to come to the office dressed for the evening. A more calm and collected woman would’ve thought to bring the change of clothes and makeup kit to work in a bag, but not I. No, I’d earned the ireful gaze and silent treatment of my son this morning. I didn’t know what to say to him, so I’d just left some money on the counter and told him to order delivery for dinner.

I was watching the clock strike out the minutes to five o’clock. Alright, moment of truth. Ever punctual, Leon stepped out of his office and stopped next to my cubicle. He gave a modest once-over of my cream dress and smiled.

“Ready to go, Colette?”

“Ahem. Yes, of course.” I stood awkwardly, as if I’d never been in heels before. They weren’t the most comfortable things to walk in, but they were being especially diabolical today. What had Drew called it? Murphy’s law? Everything about tonight was going to go horribly. Couldn’t be disappointed if your expectations were rock bottom, was my reasoning.