Behind the Mask, Chapter 2 [fm] [Incest] [Cousin/Cousin]

[Chapter 1](

Charles Rochester scrutinized me, bringing back bad memories of childhood. Memories of never being good enough. Memories of always doing the wrong thing. Memories of… loss. And I refused to squirm under his gaze.

“I don’t remember giving you a passcode,” I said airily as I strode to my desk. While I seated myself, he remained standing. He probably wasn’t used to being on the wrong side of a desk and refused to sit in a guest chair.

“I don’t need permission to visit my daughter,” he said scornfully. “Least of all from that oaf of a butcher you call a doorman.” He began slowly pacing the room like a newly caged tiger. Because God forbid he sat in the smaller seat.

“You should at least have some courtesy, though,” I remarked. “And I’ll have you know that Tony is perfectly capable. Properly vetted, trained, the whole shebang.” I leaned back and shook my head derisively. “All I’m saying is you should give a girl a holler before showing up. It’s just uncouth, considering you swore you’d never set foot here in this particular establishment. How did you describe it? You said something rather good the last time we spoke.”

Behind the Mask, Chapter 1 [fm] [Incest] [Cousin/Cousin]

*Author’s note: Though this can be treated as a standalone, it is fully intended to be read after Having Some Brie, Cream & Coco, and Cherry on Top, which chronologically precede this story. This is your spoiler warning. Viewer discretion is advised.*

“Are you sure you want me to put it in?” Jordan asked.

“I’m sure,” I mumbled, nodding a bit too emphatically.

“We could get in a lot of trouble for this,” he warned.

I pulled his shoulders closer in response, and his breathing quickened. He looked down at where we were about to become one. It looked intimidating, but I had to swallow any doubt. I wanted this. Not even my rational side was going to talk me out of it.

“I should be wearing a condom,” he said suddenly.

For some reason, a spike of panic lanced through my heart. “You keep making excuses,” I whispered, and his eyes widened. “Do you… not want to?”

“That’s totally not what I’m saying. Come on, you know that.” His voice was reassuring, and I wanted to believe him. He rested on his elbows so he could reach for me and tilt my chin up. “If you could even question how much I love you, then I must be doing something wrong.”

Behind the Mask, Chapter 1 [fm] [Incest] [Cousin/Cousin]

*Author’s note: Though this can be treated as a standalone, it is fully intended to be read after* [*Having Some Brie*](*,* [*Cream & Coco*](*, and* [*Cherry on Top*](*, which chronologically precede this story. This is your spoiler warning. Viewer discretion is advised.*

“Are you sure you want me to put it in?” Jordan asked.

“I’m sure,” I mumbled, nodding a bit too emphatically.

“We could get in a lot of trouble for this,” he warned.

I pulled his shoulders closer in response, and his breathing quickened. He looked down at where we were about to become one. It looked intimidating, but I had to swallow any doubt. I wanted this. Not even my rational side was going to talk me out of it.

“I should be wearing a condom,” he said suddenly.

For some reason, a spike of panic lanced through my heart. “You keep making excuses,” I whispered, and his eyes widened. “Do you… not want to?”

“That’s totally not what I’m saying. Come on, you know that.” His voice was reassuring, and I wanted to believe him. He rested on his elbows so he could reach for me and tilt my chin up. “If you could even question how much I love you, then I must be doing something wrong.”

Cherry on Top, Chapter 13 END [Mf] [Incest] [Father/Daughter]

[Chapter 12](


It was unlike anything I’d ever seen.

Not the club itself. Based on what I’d seen on TV and in movies, the club wasn’t anything extraordinary. Booths with tables ringed the dance floor, offering a bit of privacy and relative quiet from the fever of the rest of the room. Large doors on the other walls seemed to lead even deeper into the club, perhaps private rooms or something. Ringing the walls above the dance floor was a seamless sheet of black glass, and I could easily imagine it as a sort of observation deck.

No, what made Taboo stand out was its patrons. Nobody was here alone, and too many of them shared physical characteristics with their partners. It might have even been safe to assume that everybody here shared blood with the person they were dancing with. There were a surprising number of older people here. Some were simply older than what one would suppose the average club hopper would be, while others were legitimately, factually old. Most of them weren’t partaking in dancing, opting instead to lounge in booths with their partners.

Cherry on Top, Chapter 12 [Mf] [Incest] [Father/Daughter]

[Chapter 11](


It was only as I was walking to my desk after dropping Cherry off at school that I remembered today was Valentine’s Day. It had totally slipped my mind.

“Fuck,” I said out loud, just as I passed Jasmine’s and Colette’s cubicles. The two women peeked out at me, and I hurried to my office and dropped myself in my chair. My brain was swirling with thoughts of last night and tonight. It was done. Cherry knew the truth, and it had all gone better than expected. I’d have to thank Colette later for talking some sense into me. And the woman herself walked past my door on her way to the pantry. She gave me a wave with a look as if to ask if I was okay. I beckoned for her to come in, and she closed the door behind her before seating herself.

“Y’know, Jazz thinks we’re having an affair with how often I come in here,” she murmured, giggling.

“Does she not know about your new boyfriend?” I wondered.

She turned scarlet and mumbled incoherently for a moment before shaking her head. That was a surprise; I’d have thought Jasmine would be hounding her for details. “Well, he knows *about* him, but not much beyond that.”

Cherry on Top, Chapter 11 [Mf] [Incest] [Father/Daughter]

[Chapter 10](


“I think he forgot.”

“Eh, give him some time,” Stef said, tossing another french fry into his mouth. “We guys are deceptively thoughtful.”

“Very true,” Drew agreed, speaking around a bite of burger. “Well, okay, we can’t speak for all guys. Actually, I think most guys are pretty dense.”

“‘Pretty dense’ is still putting it generously,” Brie chimed in with an eye roll and a smirk.

“Point is,” Drew continued, “you shouldn’t be stressing out about it. You wait until tomorrow, see how it goes, and if he really does forget, *then* you get upset. Unless you’re gonna be dropping hints to him today. Hm, but then what if that ruins any surprise he has planned?”

“We wouldn’t want that, would we?” Lexi said with a wink.

I sighed, my food untouched as I wondered about how Valentine’s Day would go. I knew it shouldn’t have been a big deal. If dad didn’t make plans of that sort, it was fine. *It’s literally our name, though.* It was fine. What *was* a big deal was my friends talking about romance between my dad and I as if it was a casual night out. I looked over at Lexi, the girl who had orchestrated… well, everything. She raised her eyes questioningly, but I only smiled and shook my head as the conversation continued, with Drew spinning off to wonder at the connection between my lineage and the original saint.

Cherry on Top, Chapter 10 [Mf] [Incest] [Father/Daughter]

[Chapter 9](


Cherry hummed gently on my chest as I stroked her hair. Every now and then she would coo happily and nuzzle her cheek into me, and I couldn’t help but smile. Wondering if sleeping together was going to be a permanent arrangement, I sighed in contentment.

“Do we really have to get up today?” she mumbled. “I don’t really have to go to school. It’s already February, I’ve been accepted by all my target schools already. I can take one day off, right?”

The thought of her leaving for college gnawed at me, and I peered down at her. She was watching my reaction, eyes wide and irresistible. I felt my heartbeat quicken as the thought of being without her made itself at home in my head. It was kicking its shoes off and resting its feet on the coffee table, and I was going to lose my mind. I knew it wasn’t really losing her, not like with Rose, but it still seemed to be sending me into a panic.

Cherry on Top, Chapter 9 [Mf] [Incest] [Father/Daughter]

[Chapter 8](


“Already?” dad grumbled, chuckling a bit.

I giggled, my naked body snuggling closer to him. With the curtains drawn, the room was still dark, the barest amount of sunlight leaking in from the bottom. I pulled the covers over myself and pressed against his pajama-clad chest, and he sighed with contentment and wrapped an arm around me. Frowning, he looked down at me, eyes lingering for a moment on my chest before taking a deep breath and meeting my eyes.

“You’re naked, princess,” he noted.

“Very astute, dad,” I laughed, and he chuckled again.

“It’s a school day.”

“But it’s still early.”

He raised an eyebrow, cracking the corresponding eye open a bit. He swallowed before closing his eye again, facing back toward the ceiling. “First thing in the morning? Cherish, we shouldn’t.” His voice was deep and gravelly from just waking up and, put simply, it was so hot. My cavewoman DNA was screaming that dad sounded full of testosterone, and I needed some of it in me. I needed to get a grip, show a modicum of restraint.

Cherry on Top, Chapter 8 [Mf] [Incest] [Father/Daughter]

[Chapter 7](


I was running late for work.

Grumbling a rebuke to myself under my breath, I tightened my tie and grabbed my briefcase, rushing out of my bedroom. Shit, Cherish wasn’t awake yet, and it was a school day. I popped my head into her room, where she was laid under the blankets. After our rendezvous, she’d fallen asleep and I’d carried her back to my car and driven us home. It was a nice, nostalgic feeling to carry her to bed while she slept, reminding me of when she was young and fell asleep after a late night out.

But now wasn’t the time for reminiscing. “Cherish! You have school!”

She made a small sound and slowly sat up, red mane wild around her head as she rubbed her eyes. “Daddy?”

“It’s almost eight!” She looked at her phone and jolted into action, rushing around her room to get dressed. “I’ll drive you to school, or you’re gonna be late.”

“What about work? You’re gonna be late too,” she protested, hopping around with one leg in her jeans.

Cherry on Top, Chapter 7 [Mf] [Incest] [Father/Daughter]

[Chapter 6](

“You’re welcome.”

“Y’know, if you weren’t so patronizing all the time, I think I’d like you more,” I muttered. There was a pause over the phone, probably Lexi tittering to herself. I’d been around her enough that I could picture the impish grin on her face. “But… thank you.”

“My pleasure.”

“I’m starting to get the sense that it is.”

“Hmph. Sometimes I wonder what kind of person you think I am,” she grumbled.

“You’re the kind of person who’s willing to help a girl with seducing her…” I trailed off, not wanting to utter such sin so early in the day.

“Heh. Look at us. Just two girls gabbing about boys over the phone. I think this is the start of something beautiful,” she chuckled.

“Oh shut up. I’m still not sure about you like that,” I replied, though I couldn’t help but smile.

“Anyway. I heard good things about Providence.” Lexi’s tone was now all business. “You should go see it with your dad.”

“Any particular reason?”

“Draco’s a fantastic actor and you get a free idea for a date with your dad,” she answered simply. “Does there need to be anything beyond that?”