Office Hours, Chapter 2 [Mf] [Teacher/Student]

[Chapter 1](

Jean and I stared at each other for what seemed like eternity. She looked petrified, and from what I could tell, the only thing stopping her from fleeing from embarrassment was some strange form of pride. That didn’t mean she was about to play this off, though.

“I kind of… wasn’t expecting to see you here,” I finally managed, and that seemed to snap her to her senses.

“What are you doing here?” she said suspiciously, narrowing her eyes.

I was unprepared for the question. I was unprepared for this entire situation, really. I stammered, trying to come up with something to say when a large man from the next table yelled over at Jean.

“Hey, gorgeous! If you’re not helping him, why don’t you come sit in my lap!” he demanded. Just the thought itself made my stomach churn, and it clearly flustered her as well.

“Is something the matter?” A well-dressed staff member stopped next to Jean, surveying the situation. The manager, presumably. He had a European accent of some sort, and he turned to Jean expectantly.

“No, sir,” Jean replied, setting my drink down on the table.

Office Hours, Chapter 1 [Mf] [Teacher/Student]

*Author’s note: This story is part of the Family Morsel series. If you want to start at the beginning, please read* [*Having Some Brie*](*. This is your spoiler warning. Viewer discretion is advised.*

*Stop staring at her panties. Stop staring at her panties. Stop staring at her panties.*

“And I believe that’s all we have time for today,” I announced with a quick glance at the clock. “Please make sure to finish reading Chapter 8 if you haven’t already, as we’ll be covering Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. See you all next time!”

My Psychology 1301 students were already packing up before I even finished, and I had to raise my voice higher and higher as I spoke to be heard over the commotion. While they all filed out, I turned and began erasing my scribblings on the blackboard. That’s right. Private high schools had smart boards, while here at community college, I was using chalk. I sighed and dusted my hands off, reprimanding myself for my lecherous thoughts as I turned to collect my lecture materials. I was surprised to see one of the girls still here, standing close to my desk. Panty girl, to be more precise.

Bite-Sized Morsels: Shattering the Mask [fmmmmmm] [Gangbang] [Rape] [Mind Break]

*This is a non-canonical story related to the Family Morsel series, and may contain spoilers. If you are interested in the series, please start with* [*Having Some Brie.*](

I walked over to stand in front of the snake tank, creating a backlit effect on my figure. The men all seated themselves and poured more alcohol, and I began to dance. I drew my hand across my body, up my arms and down my breasts. They watched me hungrily, a couple even bouncing in their seats in excitement. I slipped one of my dress straps off my shoulder and caressed the skin underneath, and Muerte leaned forward, eyes intent on what was under my dress. He was planning to be the first one in, having his fill of me before tossing me to be used by his men. I felt my hands trembling.

I slipped the other strap off, and they waited restlessly for me to pull the dress down to expose my breasts. I gave one of my mounds a generous squeeze, and some of them began making feral noises, itching to tear me out of my dress and ravish me. Six men, their disgusting hands all over me, pushing themselves inside of me, covering me with their lust before snuffing me out. And who knows, maybe they continued after that.

Behind the Mask, Chapter 20 END [fm] [Incest] [Cousin/Cousin]

[Chapter 19](

I rode the elevator up to the seventieth floor. I personally would have picked the sixty-ninth, just for the memes. However, I wasn’t an uptight prude, so I stepped out on the next floor up and walked right past the front desk. The receptionist sprang to her feet and clip-clopped after me in her wedge heels.

“Um, Miss Alexandria–” she stammered.

“Don’t call me that,” I said sharply. “Is he in?”

“Apologies. Um, Miss Rochester. He’s out on business.” A lie.

“Got it. I’ll see myself in.”

“Miss Rochester–!” she protested.

I went straight to his corner office – which wasn’t hard to find, it was huge – and threw the double doors wide open. The windows were floor-to-ceiling and offered a beautiful view of the city. With one of the world’s biggest metropolitan hubs laid visually at your feet, it was hard not to feel like the center of the world. Probably what made his head so big.

He was sat at his desk, not even looking up from his paperwork as his receptionist and I burst in. I walked over to the windows and gazed out at the horizon, looking past the city and all its scum and splendor.

Behind the Mask, Chapter 19 [fm] [Incest] [Cousin/Cousin]

[Chapter 18](

So. My boyfriend had almost killed himself. I’d given him a proper chewing out afterwards, and like before he apologized profusely. It seemed he was feeling better now about the whole situation with Jordan. He had freaked out when he thought that many emotions were stemming from Jordan and not himself, and I’d finally opened up to him and talked about my relationship with my cousin.

It was cathartic, much like when I’d told Coco. This time, though, I was telling it to the person that had a part of Jordan inside him. August realized how similar he and Jordan were, that anything he was feeling wasn’t necessarily foreign. He wanted to see how he would handle any intrusive thoughts or feelings now that he was armed with the knowledge of where they came from, but he made me promise to love him for him, not for Jordan.

I smiled. The two of them might have been the best of friends. How I felt about them now was different. It was so hard to describe. Maybe the One didn’t exist. It really was possible to love another as deeply, without pushing them to fit the whole the other had left. Leon had certainly overcome that hurdle. His words came back to me. *It’s accepting the person as they are.* I realized I’d already passed the point of trying to mold August into Jordan. I loved him for him. God, this was so corny.

Behind the Mask, Chapter 18 [fm] [Incest] [Cousin/Cousin]

[Chapter 17](

My new fiancé had my dead cousin and boyfriend’s heart.

I turned to get out of my chair, but my legs didn’t have any strength left. Alain steadied me, taking the briefcase from me and setting it aside. The doctor began discreetly raking up the money I’d tossed onto his desk. It was strange. I started tuning into peripheral things rather than our immediate surroundings. I could hear the PA announcement outside crystal clear, but whatever Alain was saying to me was muffled beyond comprehension. Please, not another panic attack. The first one sucked enough.

“I’m ‘ere, *mademoiselle.* Focus on your breathing,” he was saying as he came back into focus.

Now things were starting to make sense. Charles really wasn’t August’s benefactor, nor was he in cahoots with him. It was Uncle Ian taking care of the man with his son’s heart. As for his memories… It wasn’t possible.

“Doc,” I said shakily, and he quickly pushed his new funds to the side. “Is it possible for the recipient of a donated organ to have the memories of the donor?”

Behind the Mask, Chapter 17 [fm] [Incest] [Cousin/Cousin]

[Chapter 16](

Chloroform’s a bitch.

I was still a little groggy when I came to, groaning as I stirred. I heard movement as I opened my eyes, and I wondered if I was still alive. Maybe I’d been shot in the head for my antics.

“Lexi!” How strange. That was Brie’s voice. My vision focused, and there she was, blue eyes wide and staring into my face, concern written all over hers. “Take it easy, okay?”

“She awake?” came Drew’s voice, and Stef was by Brie’s side in an instant, awash with relief. Past the twins, I saw Coco and Leon get to their feet.

My head started pounding, and as I tried to sit up I felt my stomach heave. “I feel sick,” I managed through clenched teeth.

“Bucket!” Stef called, and his voice made my head throb. I doubled over the edge of my couch, and Stef slid a bucket under me just in time for me to vomit into it. Thankfully Brie held my hair, and I groaned and spat out the last of the bile before collapsing back onto the couch.

Behind the Mask, Chapter 16 [fm] [Incest] [Cousin/Cousin]

[Chapter 15](

“You know what’s weird? Parents get to name their kids.”

“…Yeah, and?”

“I’m just saying. A person isn’t who they’re gonna be until many years later. Sometimes they even change who they are through the course of their life. But through all that, you still call them the same thing. We don’t do that for caterpillars and butterflies.”

“Jesus Christ…”

“Caterpillar. Butterfly. Two separate names for… essentially the same creature, but it’s changed. But people change too. You can never tell what they’ll turn into just from when they’re born. The parents don’t know who this baby is gonna be. Even the baby doesn’t know who it’s gonna be. But they slap a name on it anyway, and y’know, forever now.”

“Drew, it’s just a fucking name. What something’s called doesn’t define what it is.”

“Then that defeats the whole purpose of names, maybe even language. The whole point of language is communication. If we don’t all use the same words for things, kinda useless, isn’t it.”

“Kids need a name that early because they need something to formulate a sense of self around. Otherwise they just grow up with no identity. Might as well be referred to by number.”

Behind the Mask, Chapter 15 [fm] [Incest] [Cousin/Cousin]

[Chapter 14](

“Are you serious?” Drew barked. “Something like that happens, and you’re not gonna explain?”

He was almost walking sideways, focused on me as I stormed out of the prison. I didn’t have time for this. I liked him, he was a great guy, but right now he was a nuisance potentially wasting my time. “It’s fine, Drew. I’ve got it handled.”

“No you don’t,” he insisted. “Somebody’s trying to *kill* you, Lex. Los Cuatro Jinetes. That’s that cartel, isn’t it?”

“Not for long…” I muttered.

“What does that even…? Alright, so Andras was with the Jinetes, but he was just a chump frontman that dealt with the cops for them. Locking him up, doing all that shit to him, that’s nothing compared to now. This is one of their leaders.”

“I’m aware, Drew.”

“Y’know, I talk and I talk, and I just don’t think you listen.”

“That’s because you never stop talking!”

Behind the Mask, Chapter 14 [fm] [Incest] [Cousin/Cousin]

[Chapter 13](

The arms around me were so warm, and I clutched them closer to me. I hadn’t felt such a thing in years, so having him with me here was a dream come true. My eyes opened as I slowly gained consciousness, my mind booting back up and going over those first few thoughts again. Peering down, I saw one of his arms around my waist, the other seat belted across my chest. Realization dawned on me, and I took a deep breath as I suppressed the reflex to freak out.

“Morning,” August murmured, sending goosebumps up my neck. Swallowing, I extricated myself from his embrace and stood woodenly, making my way to the chair at my desk. He sat up and pulled one of his legs up to rest his chin on his knee while I sat down. I put a hand to my face, closing my eyes actively maintaining composure.

I had given my virginity to him last night. It felt like losing the last piece of Jordan I had left. My heart felt heavy in my chest. Why did it feel like I was cheating? Jordan was dead. He was dead. My breath escaped me stuttered, and I choked back a sob.