Office Hours, Chapter 12 [Mf] [Teacher/Student]

[Chapter 11](

“Alright, everybody, I hope you studied over the holidays like I said, ‘cause it’s quiz time!”

My students made no attempt to hold back their groans, and I chuckled to myself. If I’m being perfectly honest, we few sadistic educators did take sick pleasure in running our students through their paces. I handed the quizzes to the nearest student for them to be passed around, then sat at my desk at the front of the classroom. That gave me perhaps ten minutes to myself, letting me reflect on this new dynamic at school with Jean.

Last night, Jean had come back a bit different. Still uneasy about something, but… happier. I didn’t want to badger her with questions about who her new friends were, but they had seemed to do a world of good. I had fingers crossed that these friends wouldn’t let her down, to give her some semblance of a normal life. After all, spending all day with your professor who was more than ten years your senior couldn’t be healthy, especially for somebody her age. That would mean less time with her to myself, of course, which was… fine.

Office Hours, Chapter 11 Jean’s Chapter [M31/f19] [Teacher/Student]

[Chapter 10](

I stared hard at my phone screen, eyes panning over the same few messages. This was such a dumb idea. Why the fuck was I gonna go through with it? *‘Cause prof suggested it.* Yes, but why with this bitch? *‘Cause there’s legit nobody else.* I groaned, and prof turned to look over his shoulder, idly stirring lunch on the stove.

“Something wrong, Jean?”

Goddamn, the way he was always so caring made my cold-hard-bitch heart melt. At this rate, I was never gonna be strong enough to be with him. But this first step to being better was gonna suck ass.

“Nothing, nothing,” I replied. “Just, uh… Could I go out today?”

Prof burst out laughing. “You make it sound like I’ve kidnapped you or something.”

I shrugged, scrunching my mouth up. “You know what I mean.”

“I don’t. Jean, you don’t need my permission to do anything. I mean, obviously don’t break my stuff, things like that, I hope is a given. But if you wanna go out, go out.” He gave me another one of his dazzling smiles, and I felt butterflies. “Of course I don’t expect you to stay shacked up with your professor all day.”

Office Hours, Chapter 10 [Mf] [Teacher/Student]

[Chapter 9](

“Well, that was an interesting first date,” I remarked as I drove. “I don’t think I even finished my coffee.”

Jean glanced at me before looking down at her lap, remaining quiet for a moment. “Sorry,” she finally murmured.

“For what? Wasn’t your fault. Besides, an awkward first date is part of the authentic dating experience,” I chuckled.

That got a little laugh from her. “But… I don’t want the date to end there. Do you think we could do something else?”

I smiled, glad she felt the same way I did. “Then… Hm, have you ever been bowling?”

“I only ever got to watch.”

“Then this will be your first time.” When she didn’t say anything, I looked over to see her beet red and trying to use her hair to hide her face. Something stirred inside me, primal and hungry. We stopped at a red light, and I reached over and turned her head by the chin. “Did you hear me, girl?” I asked, voice low.

She was taken aback at first, then bit her lip. “Yes, sir,” she mewled. Oh, that was the winning combination, friends. I grunted in approval before turning back to the road, somewhat regretting getting myself aroused without any plans to follow through.

Office Hours, Chapter 9 [Mf] [Teacher/Student]

[Chapter 8](

I groaned when I woke, blinking the sleep from my eyes. Waking up in the late morning was a rare luxury for me, and I was definitely savoring it over the holidays. The only thing keeping me from sitting up in bed was the teenage girl lying on it. Jean and I had slept in the bed together, and thankfully after the orgasm I’d given her, she hadn’t tried anything else when we went to sleep. Now she was in one of my t-shirts and her panties, and she was positioned like a slob next to me with drool caking the corner of her mouth, making me smile. It was weird, I just liked how rough around the edges she was. It made her girly moments all the more delightful.

“Wake up, sleepyhead,” I said softly, moving my arm under her. Immediately, she took a deep breath and pushed herself up on her arms like an upward dog position, her eyes still struggling to open as she stayed propped like that as if she’d fallen asleep again. It was cute and hilarious, but I noticed she hadn’t asked for five more minutes like most people. Perhaps her foster parents had never accepted the line, and she was forced to quickly prove that she was awake. And this was useless speculation that was upsetting me. Instead, I enjoyed the amusing sight in front of me before tapping her lightly on the nose.

Office Hours, Chapter 8 [Mf] [Teacher/Student]

[Chapter 7](

“Let’s not do that again,” I groaned.

“Which part?” Jean asked as she loaded leftovers onto two plates.

“Sleeping on the couch. God, that sucked.”

She chuckled as she popped a plate in the microwave. “That’s a sign you’re getting old, prof.” She leaned back on the counter and grinned. “Maybe we should get you a cane or walker soon.”

“Y’know, I’m not that much older than you,” I grumbled. “And doesn’t that mean you’re dating an old geezer?”

“You’re welcome, by the way, you old fuck,” she guffawed. “Like a hottie like me would ever date your dusty ass.”

“Ho, you little brat,” I muttered playfully, and she squealed as I chased her around the apartment. I ended up cornering her in the bedroom, tackling her onto the bed in a chaotic ball of laughter. With her pinned down, I affixed her with a light-hearted glare. Her response was a challenging raised eyebrow, and I leaned closer.

“Don’t be corny,” she warned, and I kissed her. She moaned softly, but when I pulled away she was grinning again. “Jeez, was that ‘your move,’ prof? Sooo lame.”

Office Hours, Chapter 7 [Mf] [Teacher/Student]

[Chapter 6](

I squinted at Lexi. “What? You?”

She tilted her head, smiling earnestly, pleasantly. As if she had done Jean a great service and was just happy to see her good deeds come to fruition. And it was pissing me off.

“But why?”

She shrugged one shoulder. “She was behind on rent. And also, nobody gets in the way of what I want.”

I glared at her, and she watched me impassively. Her blonde locks were shading her face, lending a beguiling air to her demeanor. “I don’t believe you,” I finally decided, and she broke into a genuine laugh.

“Ironic. Truthfully, I haven’t lied to you. Not once, which for me is a rare thing.” She straightened up and stretched her arms above her, slightly lifting the hem of her sweater to give a glimpse of the creamy skin underneath. “Anyway, I should get going before she comes back. Don’t fret, professor. I was just checking up on you two.” She gave me a finger wave as she walked away.

Office Hours, Chapter 6 [Mf] [Teacher/Student]

[Chapter 5](

“I’m sorry,” said Jean. “I have nowhere else to go.”

“Jean? What the hell happened?” I exclaimed. “Eh, never mind that, let’s get you inside first.” I took half of her garbage bags and ushered her through the door. She was shivering, clothes drenched, and I noticed her backpack was also wrapped in trash bag material. Placing the bags down in the foyer, I put a hand on her arm. “Wait here.” She nodded, and I headed off to the bathroom to retrieve a towel before returning to her and wrapping her up. “Put the bags down.”

“I’m sorry,” she said again, clutching the towel to herself.

“It’s okay. Let’s get you warmed up before you catch a cold.” I walked her to the bathroom and provided another two towels for her. “For when you get out of the shower. I’ll… find some clothes for you to wear. You’re partial to hoodies, right?”

She gave me a wan smile. “Yeah. Thanks, prof.”

Office Hours, Chapter 5 [Mf] [Teacher/Student]

[Chapter 4](

“Is this what it feels like to have your dad drop you off at work?”

I looked blankly over at Jean sat in my passenger seat. “Huh?”

She tittered, almost like it was a joke for herself. “Sorry, that was a strange thing to ask,” she said, before peering over at me inquisitively. “You like being called ‘daddy?’”

“No,” I said as my face scrunched up, which made my delivery sound sour. “Jean, what are you even talking about?”

I had just parked in the lot near the nightclub, shortly before Jean’s shift started. It hadn’t taken long into our relationship for her to start asking strange questions, I mused. Had to keep an eye on her.

She looked over at me with a devious grin. “Ah, that’s right. You like ‘sir’ better, don’t you.” She shook her head, chuckling as I sighed uncomfortably. “I thought you were gonna rip through your pants during class today.”

“Was it that obvious?” I breathed, filling with dread.

“You did a good job of hiding it, but I was looking for it. Just gotta hope nobody else was as observant.” We got out of the car and began walking over to the club.

Office Hours, Chapter 4 [Mf] [Teacher/Student]

[Chapter 3](

Class today was going to be as hard as I was. Most of the students were already in the classroom before I got there, and I settled in quickly, spreading my things out on the desk.

“Good morning, everyone,” I declared, turning to the blackboard, chalk in hand. “Today we’re going to be talking about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, before moving onto attachment theory.” I turned back to the class, eyes locking onto Jean immediately. She was in another baggy zip-up hoodie, with a ratty t-shirt underneath. And another skirt that went halfway down her thighs. It was November already; either she was one of those people whose legs didn’t get cold, or she was persevering just to show off for me. Which was pretty fucking hot. “Who can tell me the five main stages of the hierarchy?” I asked.

Jean was among those who raised their hands, but before I could call for her answer, the blonde bombshell next to her began speaking out of turn.

Office Hours, Chapter 3 [Mf] [Teacher/Student]

[Chapter 2](

“So you never really answered my question. What are you doing here, two nights in a row at that?”

I had trouble meeting Jean’s eyes, shame bubbling up and out of control inside me. I glanced back over to the booth next to us, where the other man had been sitting. If he came here every night, eventually he would have a taste of Jean. The roiling mess inside me twisted at that thought, becoming thick and insidious. “I don’t want you being pushed to do something you don’t want, just because you’re desperate for money. Places like this, I can totally see it happening.” She was quiet, and by her brooding expression, she wasn’t thrilled at the possibility. “Do they still pay you the same if you just sit and chat with customers rather than… servicing them?”

“I think so, yeah,” she replied with a nod.

“Then that’s what I’ll do. It seems like your manager knows I’m here for you, so I can probably just request you every time. And we’ll just sit here and do nothing, and you get paid.”