In the Closet, Chapter 8 [mm] [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Brother] [Gay] [Sissification] [Humiliation]

[Chapter 7](


“Keith?” I said when he opened his door. He looked… disappointed that I wasn’t dressed as Zoey today. I shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, wringing my hands. “Can I get the key back?”

He didn’t respond for a while, only a slight frown hinting at what he was thinking. He hadn’t given an outright yes, meaning he was going to say no. Typical of him. Perhaps things hadn’t changed so much in the last few days as I thought. But… he ended up surprising me.

“You said it was mine,” he said firmly.

I gulped. This wasn’t going to be easy. “I did. But… I need it for today.”

“Who are you giving it to?” His tone was sharp, almost cutting me off. Was he… jealous? My dick twitched a bit in the cage. These types of movements were getting less and less frequent as I spent more time in chastity.

“Ellie. I’m going over to her place,” I mumbled.

“Hm.” He mused for another moment before shutting his door in my face.

In the Closet, Chapter 7 [mm] [Incest] [Brother/Brother] [Gay] [Sissification] [Humiliation]

[Chapter 6](


I woke up to the biggest cock I’d ever seen lodged deep in my ass. With that sensation came rushing all the memories of last night, and I squeezed my eyes back shut. I’d given my first time to Keith. It was my ass, but it still felt virginal, definitely more so than if I’d penetrated anybody. He’d even gotten my first kiss. Again, it shouldn’t have been that big a deal to a guy, but… it felt sacred to me, like how I’d imagine a girl would feel. It was so sentimental, and I… liked the feeling. Fuck, I’d even told him that I *loved* him. I was caught up in the moment, I reasoned. I wasn’t gay, I just… deeply enjoyed getting fucked in the ass by a guy.

I didn’t have time to analyze my feelings any further, because the hands on my hips gripped me in a firmer hold, and Keith made another attempt to pull his cock out of me.

“Hold still,” he growled, and his manly rasp made me strain against my cage. The plastic restraint didn’t hurt as much as yesterday, and I wondered if I was getting used to it. A scary thought.

In the Closet, Chapter 6 [mm] [Incest] [Brother/Brother] [Gay] [Sissification] [Humiliation]

[Chapter 5](


I hadn’t met up with my friends since the night I’d cum down my brother’s throat. Part of me was terrified that they somehow knew, that I would be exposed as a freak. I mean, it was pretty twisted, right? My brother dressed up as a cute girl and I found it sexy as fuck, so I wanted to stick my cock in him. I thought about the huge load I’d busted yesterday, jacking off to the memory of Zoey – Zach – blowing me and swallowing my jizz. I almost clogged the shower drain with my ejaculate.

Speaking of which, I hadn’t taken my supplements today. I went through my bottles, throwing back pills one after another. Zinc, fenugreek, maca. I snacked on walnuts and dark chocolate, and my diet included a lot of beef, spinach, and garlic, some oysters whenever I could. I exercised often, made sure I got enough sleep, and tried to keep my drinking moderate. People thought I was a bit of a health nut, when the truth was… I just wanted to cum like a fire hose. I chuckled to myself. If they only knew how big a dork I was.

In the Closet, Chapter 5 [mm] [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Brother] [Gay] [Sissification] [Humiliation]

[Chapter 4](


I didn’t know what was keeping me in bed more: all the beer I drank last night, or all the cum I drank last night. It was a real toss-up. Double whammy, too. Aside from my head throbbing from the noonday sun peeking through the curtains, I also couldn’t face anybody ever again, particularly Keith. My drunkenness had unfortunately not erased the memory of his giant cock between my lips, and I pulled my blanket over my head with a groan.

There was a knock at the door, and my stomach lurched, cause ambiguous. After a moment, somebody stepped in, and I was relieved to hear mom’s voice.

“Zach, sweetie? It’s already lunchtime, are you getting up soon?”

“Soon,” I mumbled, my voice no doubt muffled to her. Still, she seemed to understand adequately.

“You weren’t home last night after dinner; your father and I couldn’t find you anywhere.” She paused before chuckling once. “I’m guessing Keith snuck you out to go drinking with his buddies last night?”

In the Closet, Chapter 4 [mm] [Incest] [Brother/Brother] [Gay] [Sissification] [Humiliation]

[Chapter 3](


*Don’t be gay.*

That was the mission for tonight. The fact that I had to remind myself was a notion I’d never have considered a mere week ago, yet here we were. As I approached the corner we’d agreed to meet at, I spotted a cute girl already waiting there with a small white purse. Rocking a black corset top that left her midriff exposed, as well as a pair of low-cut short shorts, she already had me halfway to horny. A flannel shirt was tied around her waist, and I realized I fucking recognized that shirt, which complicated my feelings. Top everything with a sexy pink wig that I’d come to love, and yeah, I had to remind myself that underneath it all was my little brother.

He spotted me, visibly skittish. “Keith?” he stage whispered. He was probably trying to avoid speaking out loud, lest somebody hear a girl speaking with a male voice. I’d have to come up with an excuse for why he couldn’t talk tonight.

“Looks like you made it out okay. Good,” I remarked. “You ready?”

In the Closet, Chapter 2 [mm] [Incest] [Brother/Brother] [Gay] [Sissification] [Humiliation]

[Chapter 1](


“Your plans suck,” I snapped as soon as the door was open. “I almost got fucked.”

“Yeah, you said that over text. But what happened?” Ellie let me in and followed me eagerly as I stormed to her room. I threw myself on her beanbag and sighed heavily, running a hand through my walnut brown hair. She assumed her usual spot on her bed, patting the mattress excitedly. “C’mon, spill.”

I double checked that her door was closed before taking a breath and glaring at her. “I’m serious. He almost stuck his dick in me.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “Wait, how did that happen? That wasn’t part of the plan.”

“Yeah, no shit, ‘cause nothing ever goes according to plan,” I muttered. “He came in drunk and I freaked. I just wanted to call off the whole thing.”

Thoughts of last night came flooding back, unwelcome and guilty thoughts. There was a wadded-up, cum-stained tissue in my trash that was a direct result of the events that had transpired. And I didn’t wanna think about it.

“…And?” Ellie prompted. Jesus, I was daydreaming about him.

In the Closet, Chapter 1 [mm] [Incest] [Brother/Brother] [Gay] [Sissification] [Humiliation]

*Author’s note: This story is part of the Family Morsel series. If you want to start at the beginning, please read* [*Having Some Brie*](*. This is your spoiler warning. Viewer discretion is advised.*

I didn’t even recognize myself anymore.

I supposed, in this case, that was a good thing. A very good thing. I turned this way and that in front of my mirror, admiring my handiwork. Looking back at me was the quintessential gamer girl, complete with a spaghetti strap tank top that I had cropped to show my midriff, black miniskirt, thigh highs, and of course the all-important pink wig topped with gaming headphones. Despite the lack of boobs to fill out the top and really sell the streamer slut look, I felt I looked… pretty good.

While I was still riding that positivity, I snapped a few selfies in the mirror. I found that studying them helped improve my technique, and it felt good seeing how I looked. Clutching my flat chest, I frowned. Should I get breast forms? I doubted I even had enough money left. Between all the clothes, the skincare products, and the makeup – which were a killer, by the way – I didn’t have much wiggle room to wing a good pair of tits. Besides, I could go without boobs. There were plenty of girls lacking in assets up top. In fact, it seemed that smaller or flatter girls were becoming more popular, which was fortunate for me if I wanted to look passable.

Bite-Sized Morsels: Lauren’s Agony [fffm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister] [Exhibitionism] [Voyeurism] [Group Sex] [Humiliation] [Rape] [Mind Break] [Virgin] [Lesbian]

*This is a non-canonical story related to the Family Morsel series, and contains spoilers from* [*Having Some Brie*]( *and* [*Cherry on Top*](*. Viewer discretion is advised.*

I should’ve listened to my dad.

Don’t hang out at night. Bring a stun gun. Don’t dress provocatively. Instead, I was slowly regaining consciousness after being jumped by six guys in a panel van. As if this year couldn’t get worse. Groaning and slowly blinking, I began to take in my surroundings. It didn’t take long to assess, and I broke out into a cold sweat.

It was a fucking sex dungeon.

Looking down, I realized my legs were strapped down to the cold concrete floor I was kneeling on, leather restraints on my ankles and just below my knees. My upper body was suspended by my cuffed arms, which were being pulled up and behind me so that I was leaning forward, and the position was already killing me. And I was naked. Shivering, I looked to the rest of the room. BDSM gear was everywhere: an X-cross, a wooden horse, a pillory, lots of black wood and red leather. Now that I was aware of the situation I was in, I began to regret being able to name all the apparatuses. And sat on a crimson-sheeted four-poster bed was an arrogantly flirtatious blonde girl, her legs crossed as she nibbled on a fingernail and regarded me.

Office Hours, Chapter 14 END [M31/f19] [Teacher/Student]

[Chapter 13](

Lexi raised her cum-stained quiz to her nose and sniffed the paper, then grinned wickedly at me. Aside from Jean next to her, who was turning scarlet, nobody seemed to notice. I shifted uncomfortably, my erection forging its way down the leg of my trousers at the thought that Lexi knew where the stain was from. She hadn’t really done anything since confronting me in the supermarket on Thanksgiving, and I was beginning to wonder if it was safe to let my guard down. I’d have thought she’d be tormenting me ever since Jean moved in, but the opposite had happened. She’d said something to Jean at the cafe, and… since then, Jean had gotten bolder in her sexual advances.

*Nobody gets in the way of what I want.*

And what did she want? Apparently my initial theory that she wanted me was wrong, so… did she like to… watch?

“Professor!” Lexi’s voice cut through my thoughts, my lecherous thoughts of ravishing Jean while she watched, and I snapped back into class. “We gonna start or what?”

“Right. Sorry, I was a bit preoccupied there,” I stammered. She gave me a knowing smirk before I turned to the blackboard. “Alright, class, today we’re talking about Piaget’s stages of development.”

Office Hours, Chapter 13 [Mf] [Teacher/Student]

[Chapter 12](

Thank God and the janitors that the classroom didn’t smell like sex in the morning. My Tuesday-Thursday classes with Psychology 1302 felt so surreal, standing in front of everybody in the exact place I engaged in sexual acts in. The entire time, my mind was on Jean, lusting after her while she was sitting in somebody else’s class. An uncomfortable knot formed in my stomach every time I thought about it. Was I turning into a jealous nutjob? Or had I finally lost my mind from holding back from her? The psych professor needed a shrink here.

After an eternity and a half, I was finally done with classes for the day. I was packing my things, getting ready to head back to my office when I decided… I didn’t want to sit in there all day. I craved spending time with Jean. I was going into withdrawal.

I needed some air.

Briefcase in hand, I stepped outside for a walk, watching the students mingling or moving between classes. Young adults looking at the beginning of the rest of their lives. *Would I miss it?* Whoa, where’d that come from, brain? *In case Jean and I get caught and I lose my job, of course. Would I miss being an educator?*