Having Some Brie, Chapter 3 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hso85t/having_some_brie_chapter_2_fm_incest_brothersister/)

I woke up early, as planned. It didn’t seem the sun had been up for very long, and I was appropriately feeling like shit. Pulling myself out of bed – and indeed, almost collapsing onto the floor immediately – I trudged to the bathroom to freshen up before settling down at the desk in front of the laptop. I grabbed the coursework out of my bag and checked the sources I needed before flipping the screen up. Brie was still logged in. And she hadn’t left it open on Wikipedia.

It was porn. Dozens and dozens of tabs open across a handful of separate browser windows, a window for each medium of porn. I couldn’t help but browse through all of it. There was a window of porn videos. A window of hand-drawn explicit artwork. A window of erotica, perhaps the one containing the most tabs. Then there was stuff I didn’t even know existed. Pornographic audio files. Download sites for 3D-rendered porn games. And the genre they all had in common screamed at me with such intensity that for a moment I actually thought it’d wake Brie.


Brother-sister incest.

Having Some Brie, Chapter 1 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

It all started when I got caught.

“What…” said an outraged feminine voice from behind me.

On instinct, I turned around to face her, my nose still buried in a pair of used panties. My twin sister Sabrina was standing in the doorway, her sports bag slipping out of her fingers and dropping onto the floor.

“… the fuck,” she finished flatly, her eyes wildly flicking between my own, her panties in my one hand, and my erection in my other. In my lustful stupor, I made time to notice the tight sports bra and tiny gym shorts she was wearing, as well as the thin sheen of sweat to complete the look.

“Please don’t tell mom,” I blurted. It was all that I could muster. I hadn’t even begun to work out how to deal with my sister’s reaction, how to even explain this. Though it would’ve been futile anyway; it wasn’t as if I could say I’d tripped into a single garment in her laundry.

“Get out of my room,” she seethed, her face contorting in contempt and disgust.

I managed to utter a dumb “We share a room, Brie,” before she stomped a foot and whipped a finger out of the bedroom we shared.

Having Some Brie, Chapter 2 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hoginz/having_some_brie_chapter_1_fm_incest_brothersister/)

“What up, Stef,” said a guy with short dirty blond hair fresh out of a hurricane. I dropped myself unceremoniously into the bus seat next to him. Our home had once been within walking distance of school, and occasionally Brie and I would walk together in the mornings. As things were now, with money being so tight, there was no way we could afford to live near a school zone. At least now I could take the bus with my best friend.

“Hey Drew,” I sighed. Drew scrutinized me quizzically. We’d been best friends since second grade, and he knew whenever I was out of it. After what had happened yesterday, I think my current mood qualified.

“The hell’s wrong with you?” he asked tactfully.

“Dude, don’t even ask,” I said into my hands. When I looked back up at him, he had some kind of mischief across his face. “What?”

“Got something to do with her?” he asked, jerking his head toward my sister who had boarded after me. “‘Cause she was staring daggers at you, bro. What’d you do?”

“What do you mean, ‘what’d I do?’ We had a fight, that’s it.” Half-truths worked wonders. Usually. Drew was having none of it.

Having Some Brie, Chapter 1 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

It all started when I got caught.

“What…” said an outraged feminine voice from behind me.

On instinct, I turned around to face her, my nose still buried in a pair of used panties. My twin sister Sabrina was standing in the doorway, her sports bag slipping out of her fingers and dropping onto the floor.

“… the fuck,” she finished flatly, her eyes wildly flicking between my own, her panties in my one hand, and my erection in my other. In my lustful stupor, I made time to notice the tight sports bra and tiny gym shorts she was wearing, as well as the thin sheen of sweat to complete the look.

“Please don’t tell mom,” I blurted. It was all that I could muster. I hadn’t even begun to work out how to deal with my sister’s reaction, how to even explain this. Though it would’ve been futile anyway; it wasn’t as if I could say I’d tripped into a single garment in her laundry.

“Get out of my room,” she seethed, her face contorting in contempt and disgust.

I managed to utter a dumb “We share a room, Brie,” before she stomped a foot and whipped a finger out of the bedroom we shared.