[MFF] My wife has been taken over by a lesbian she met online

I don’t know if this is really the right place to share this. I’m not really a “storyteller” and I thought this was maybe something to post more in a polyamory subreddit, but when I read that sub, it seems to be a place for people asking for advice or sharing tips and best practices. That’s not really what I’m doing here. It’s more of a thing where I don’t have many people in my life I would feel comfortable sharing this with. They would never get it and would probably be totally dumbfounded given what my IRL persona is like. I’ve read stories here once in a while and so this seemed the best place for this. However, I’ll just give a heads up, if you are looking for a super steamy erotic detail filled story, that’s probably not this. I’ll provide some details, but it’s really the overall experience of what I’m going through that I want to share.

It seems like this sub has a mix of stories that are real and fake. So having said that, I know some may read this and think it’s fake. That’s ok if you think that. A lot are obviously are here for entertainment. But for what it’s worht, I really did need an outlet to get this whole thing out to somebody. This really is happening in my life and it strange and exciting all at once.