Part 3 My journey into [f]inding my slutty, naughty side. (with pics and links)

Part 3

Part 2 ended with my first meeting with the first guy on my path to sluttiness. For the sake of anonymity I’ll call this first guy Mr. A. So now we’ll pick up with my post on the sub-Reddit randomactsofblowjobs.

Soon after Mr. A left that day, I pulled out my laptop and logged onto to Reddit. I found randomacts and started to read some of the posts. I couldn’t believe how hot and how brave these women were for posting. And then I found the success stories. When two people had a successful meet-up they would write a story of how that hookup went.

I immediately started to write my own post. As a sub there is nothing that turns me on more than to pleasure a man. Especially to have him either sitting or laying there relaxed and just enjoying the pleasure I’m giving him. So sexy!

At this point I figured it would be easier to link you guys to my original post and my success stories. I had written the success stories almost immediately after the encounters so they would be the most accurate anyways. ;)

My journey into [f]inding my naughty slutty side. *Part 2*

Part 2

Now believe me, my time on Sexy Time Chat was incredibly sexy, but this next part of my story………well…. ?

So at my friends suggestion I made an account on Adult Friend Finder, or AFF. I had just come out of an 18 year relationship and wasn’t ready to jump back into one anytime soon. I wanted to have some hot steamy encounters with no strings attached. Ideally, a friend with benefits.

So I made my account, agonized over the username (I wanted something sexy yet not corny), and added a bunch of pictures to my profile. Well within moments my phone started going crazy! I was getting tons of both private messages and requests to IM. I felt like a kid in a candy store! Lol.

Again, a lot of the guys were very creative, sending me sexy stories and pictures. Some were pretty creepy too! So I was looking through all of my incoming messages when I stumbled upon one message that caught my attention. I think it was the picture I was more so attracted to. He was very good-looking and had a really nice full beard and I totally have a thing for beards.

My journey into [f]inding my slutty, naughty side! (With pics)

****So this first part of my story, the introduction if you will, isn’t necessarily the most X-rated, but if you stick with me and continue to read my posts about my journey into finding my slutty naughty side I promise you won’t be disappointed. I hope you guys have as much fun reading about it as I did experiencing it and I will continue to write about my ongoing experiences as long as you guys are interested!
Jaded? *****