I’m fit, blonde hair, blue eyes, late twenties, well-spoken, about 6’2″ with shoes, and a proud nerd. I switched jobs like 2 years ago and immediately was thunderstruck by a coworker who emailed me some introductory information about the company. We worked though in different offices. It didn’t take long for me to realize it was my boss’ younger sister and that we would be training together in my second week a couple of items.
I’ll call her Jade. Jade was mid-twenties, strawberry blonde thick long hair, porcelain complexion with sharp eeyebrows, big brown eyes, and full lips. And curves for days. Busty, thick hipped, and lovely thighs, but not heavy at all. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her profile pic in the emails she would send to me. And in-person after training together, sitting next to one another, I kep looking at her lips. Her voice was a little deeper than I expected, but I liked that. An alto not a soprano. It was hot. I kept my distance for weeks. She was in a relationship I learned and I was too. But that didn’t stop her from emailing me in times when I honestly probably didn’t need to hop in and help her digitally. I would analyze her playful unnecessary use of an emoji or exclamation point. And since Social Media was a part of our work for marketing and learning about competitors, naturally her profiles starting getting recommended to me.