Hunger… A Short.

She hit me. Hard. Her hand was really moving at speed. My cheek hurts, but I take it. I am after all at fault. She is not to be trifled with. 
I am after all just a fuck toy, hers to do with as she pleases. She makes sure that I am at least well taken care of inside our domain, but once the game is over, I will not seek retribution.
Her lust is so needy and fiery. She takes what she wants from my soul, but my body is used for her pleasure. She is the one that controls and craves me. I submit gladly to her lust. The heat and passion in her eyes are burnt into my psyche every time we enter our playground.
Her hand strikes again, my throbbing manhood takes the punishment it deserves from her, gladly. I moan with pleasure and I see the disapproval in her eyes. Those blue eyes are so angry, like splinters of ice. Cold and calculating. Just like her madness, it makes me want her even more.
Finally she Moves her mouth onto it, taking me all in. My hands want to pull her hair, but I am not allowed to move them. Punishment will be harsh if I do. I moan again in ecstacy as she sucks me hard. My cock hardens and her hand reaches out to squeeze me. ‘Fuck’ i think, ‘I better not come too soon.’ 
Her moans are now evident as she moves her head, bobbing up and down. Her lust so very evident.
Moving to mount me, she throws back her head and thrusts down on my cock, her legs spread wide. Engulfing me, her pussy swallows me whole, her body writhing and arching as my hardness gets abused by the ever hungry monster between her legs. Together we fuck hard, hard enough that there is no escaping the pent up orgasm that finally escapes us both. “Mine,” we both scream as we come together, our souls intertwined and melting together. Well fucked once again.

Doubly Fucked – Part 3

I did this for a certain person on here who has since stopped responding to queries… so please just remember it is copyrighted and if it appears elsewhere I will find out. #Sex #Masturbation #Threesome


Brent’s fingers spread her pussy open, and a sigh escaped Angie. His middle finger began to explore her wetness, engulfing his finger, and he felt a spread of the liquid from her coat his fingers spreading her lips open.

“Oh.. My..God!.. Just..” she moaned as he began thrusting slowly, curling his hand and driving his middle finger deeper, little by little. He took her free hand and placed it onto his shorts where his cock was now firm and hard inside them.

“Your turn now Angie, I want to get out of these shorts, I want your hand on my cock. I want you to have a feel of what will be yours soon, oh yes, I want to be inside you so much right now, but first,” he said softly, almost a whisper, “your needs are more important right now. I need you to cum for me baby, I need your juice all over my hand first, then all over my face.”

Doubly Fucked – Part 2

Disclaimer – OC – NSFW – This was done as a request by a user who has since not bothered to reply, so I am posting it here.

“Well now that is very true… I can attest to that! Give me five minutes and I can come right over, I just need to grab a few things,” Brent said smiling at his sexy neighbour as decided to push the ante on their little game. “That new bikini really looks good on you, if you don;t mind me saying so Angie, it suits you perfectly.”

“Thank you kind sir,” Angie replied as she batted her eyelashes and played up her southern accent even more coquettishly, “I am really flattered by your attention and request your presence as soon as humanly possible. Don’t bother with the shirt honey, just get your sexy ‘lil butt over here.”

‘Fuck. that i know is a put on, but damn… I had better be ready for anything, she definitely IS flirting dangerously now,’ he thought as he tipped his imaginary hat and replied sarcastically, “well now that will be a pleasure ma’am, would you like me to straddle the fence immediately and come to your aid? With the suncream I mean…”

Doubly Fucked Part 1

I did this for a certain person on here who has since stopped responding to queries… so please just remember it is copyrighted and if it appears elsewhere I will find out. #Sex #Masturbation #Threesome

Part 1

Angie could not wait to get home, she was wanting to get out in the hot sun and top up her tan. Her shoulder length blonde hair was tied up in a messy ponytail and she released it with her left hand, feeling the hair fall around her face, framing it nicely. She brushed her fingers through it, just trying to loosen the hair and make it look more natural. Looking in the hall mirror, she saw her reflection and stopped to have a good look. Her heart shaped face was still smooth with just the very faint scar under her eye on her left cheek and only very faint laugh lines lining her eyes. Her thin neck was shapely and curved down to slim shoulders that were only slightly wider than her torso. She wasn’t overly vain but was still able to admire herself when she got the chance, especially since having had the kids when she was still young. Her body was still firm, with nice firm breasts that were still nice and perky, They were a decent size, but not overly massive. She was lucky in that department as it gave her a nice balanced look. They were a 36 ‘B’ cup and were still were nicely shaped without hanging down, they flared out gracefully from her chest. She had never been one of these women that wanted massive breasts or wanted implants just to please a man. Her hips were still relatively narrow but flared out slightly. Her ass was her favourite feature and she did try keeping it in shape by walking on a regular basis. She did not have any real loose skin from births and was aiming to maintain her figure for as long as possible. Her stomach was just slightly protruding, but not overly so.

Don’t Fuck with her..

“Fuck me!” she cried out softly, looking up into the eyes of the man that had her tied up. Her face showed distress and lust mixed together. A combination I could not understand, I studied her face in the camera. My suspicions had turned out correct after all, and I hated the fact that I had been right. I wanted to cry, but I also wanted to kill. I knew that he would not be going home tonight and grinned at the thought. My dark twisted thoughts turned murderous once more as I contemplated things. I imagined how I would kill the bastard. Oh I had killed before, but only in self-defense. This asshole was another level of dark malicious anger. I soothed my soul by reaching for my tie, adjusting it just so. Making sure that it was perfect. It was her present to me and I was sure that she would be happy i was wearing it today. My eyes darkened as he came into view. I studied the man that had made himself known to me at last. His bulk was substantial, a beer gut hanging over his belt, the biker moustache gray and scraggly. I was shocked that she would actually be interested in this guy who looked like a bad extra from easy riders. I snickered, then remembered my purpose. I was not here because this was funny, but because of her cheating. My sub was about to be sexually abused by this troglodyte. I could see his smile as he studied my girl as she lay there on the bed. 

Categorized as Erotica