Local newspaper employee gets his fill [MF]

After being a longtime lurker of this sub, I felt I ought to contribute a little something that happened to me late last week. I hope you enjoy, and would be more than happy to take any advice in writing styles you might have.

I work at a small, twice-weekly newspaper in southern Wyoming. I’ve been here just under seven months, and have loved every minute of it. The people I work with, the people in town and just the environment itself.

Just before I moved here, the paper hired a front-desk woman to replace the one who moved on before her. Melanie is her name, a white woman in her mid-40s. She’s not exactly what I’d call heavy-set, but she’s heavier than I am (I’m 24, white, about 180 pounds). I’d spot Mel at about 210, maybe a sliver more.

When I first moved her, she was kind. Took me out to eat with her husband, we had lunch together a couple times, just innocent, office-related get-to-know-ya kind of stuff. We get along great, as do we with our editor, full-time reporter and stringer (a part-timer who rarely comes in). I myself am the advertising director, handling all the annoying ads you see in your subscriptions.