[MF] Lauren and I – the best that I let get away

Lauren – this is a long story about Lauren. I sort of started this to just get the story off my chest, but it got away from me, sorry! But look for the ***** for the sexy part if that’s all you’re after ?

I had a reunion of sorts of an old call centre I used to work at.

For some background, I had had a bit of a falling out when I left but there were a ton of people that I knew there, mainly because at the time I left the call centre (as was the case for a lot of these people) was the time ‘management’ came down hard on the socialising, and ‘relaxed’ attitude of the staff. These days to hear about it, it’s all about sales targets and stress levels through the roof. I did my time, I got a bigger and better paid gig and got out, quick.