Welcome Home

*I’m home now….*

The door closes behind her as she enters the front door. She sinks to the floor and begins to sob. Uncontrollable, gut wrenching sobs. A puddle forms from the rain that’s fallen off her jacket, she walked from the car, slowly in a daze just moments prior. It’s 12:17am on a Spring Tuesday night. The hallway light turns on and she hears his voice.

“Baby, there you are! Are you ok!”

She tries to get the words out, she stammers but the words do not come, only a flood of tears. She left work, in a complete fog after what what took place, never in her wildest dreams could she imagine….

His arms reach down and lift her up, effortlessly. As sad as she is, in this moment she realizes a tinge of joy, she loves how easily he lifts her, making her feel so small and cute. Instinctively her arms wrap around him as if he’s the warmest life preserver in this sea of darkness.

“Babe….she just, I,I,I, she …..” That’s all she can muster.

“You know what, lets get you showered and in bed.”

Categorized as Erotica

The Toy [Submission][Threesome]

She gets off the elevator and her heart starts racing. She’s never done this before, hell she’s never done ANY of this before. What is going to happen? Can she go through with it at all she thinks. Her mind is racing but almost just as fast, her legs are defying her brain, her pussy is overriding her brain and forcing her legs forward toward room 712.

She arrives at the door and takes a moment to collect herself. She knows entering through this door, she submitting to them, to them BOTH. She inhales deep and knocks. She hears footsteps and then the clink of the lock being opened. There he is, so large and just as handsome as she has seen over these months online. He smiles at her and it puts her mind at ease. As she’s about to walk in he puts his hand up…. “Just so we’re clear, when you cross that threshold, you are now owned by us, you understand this, correct?”

Her mind gets a little spacey, but her legs are getting wobbly and her cunt more and more damp. “Yes sir” she stammers.

Categorized as Erotica

The Intruder

It all happened so fast, it was like a blur. She had a feeling that something was off but she couldn’t quite place it. She stepped out of the shower to towel dry her hair when she heard a noise. She knows she’s home alone, but maybe it was the towel brushing her ear? Who knows, could be the cat. As she steps out of the master bathroom, still damp and her smooth skin soft to the touch, she starts to wrap the towel around herself and that’s when she sees it out of the corner of her eye, a shadow, a huge shadowy figure and a flash…..

The man grabs her and she tries to fight back, but he’s huge, absolutely massive. He very well might be the biggest person she’s ever encountered close up and he was on her in a hurry. She struggles, but it’s no use. He’s got her pinned against the bedroom wall looking down his nose at her, arms over her head, to the side like a human field goal post. He’s easily a foot taller than her.

“We can do this the easy way bitch, or I can really hurt you, it’s your choice.”