Welcome Home

*I’m home now….*

The door closes behind her as she enters the front door. She sinks to the floor and begins to sob. Uncontrollable, gut wrenching sobs. A puddle forms from the rain that’s fallen off her jacket, she walked from the car, slowly in a daze just moments prior. It’s 12:17am on a Spring Tuesday night. The hallway light turns on and she hears his voice.

“Baby, there you are! Are you ok!”

She tries to get the words out, she stammers but the words do not come, only a flood of tears. She left work, in a complete fog after what what took place, never in her wildest dreams could she imagine….

His arms reach down and lift her up, effortlessly. As sad as she is, in this moment she realizes a tinge of joy, she loves how easily he lifts her, making her feel so small and cute. Instinctively her arms wrap around him as if he’s the warmest life preserver in this sea of darkness.

“Babe….she just, I,I,I, she …..” That’s all she can muster.

“You know what, lets get you showered and in bed.”

“You should sleep, you have to work tomorrow.”

“Are you kidding, I’ll take a personal day, they can wait a day on the project, we’re a week ahead and my girl needs me.”

She smirks. God, I love this man. I’m home now….

He leads her to the master bathroom where he carefully undresses her, lets her wet clothing fall into a heap on the floor. He doesn’t even notice in this moment how sexy her body is. The sultry curves he has grown fond of have gone unnoticed as he’s fully into caretaker mode.

Completely nude, she hears the shower turn on, he turns around to talk but she hugs him tightly. He pauses and listens to her sob….

“It was terrible. She, she…..” More tears. He grips tighter.

“I’ve got you, I’m here. You’re going to get in this shower and soak ok?” “Yes Daddy.” It was instinctive that response, not sexual in the least, but this is Daddy, the man who takes care of her when she has these days, although no day has ever been like this one. None ever would again.

*I’m home now….*

One leg, two legs in the shower, the warm water hits her body. It’s not hot enough, she cranks it up and pauses. She needs more. One final adjustment and the water practically burns her but she relishes in the heat. Soaking her hair, she just, stands. Letting the hot water tear at her skin. She hears the shower door open and in he comes.

“Ok lets turn this down juuuuuust a bit.” She chuckles. He’s a wimp, she takes much hotter showers. So big and tough. Ha. She hears the shampoo bottle click open and he’s lathering her hair, the fingers, ohhhhh those fingers. The smell hits the air, Lavender and Hibiscus, it smells wonderful.

“Hmmmmm” she moans as he massages her scalp. She leans into him. “Ohhhhhh God yes.” He keeps going, she could get used to this. The minutes seem to last forever. He grabs the loofah and body wash. His hands starting up high on her shoulders, working their way across her breasts, her belly, her hips, her back, the legs. up and down. In between her thighs. She moans a little. Spa treatment and maybe a happy ending she imagines. she’s almost forgotten about the days events. Almost.

“Okay lets rinse you.” She feels the lather cascade down her body, the scent still heavy in the air. She looks down and watches the soapy bubbles disappear down the drain. The water is starting to get a little colder so she turns it up. Perfect.

“Are you trying to cook yourself” he quips. They laugh together. He bends down and kisses her softly but she leans into it, she needs to feel something other than the despair she came home with.

The water turns off and he reaches for the towel, she notices he’s not exactly limp. “I see your friend is waking up.” She says meekly.

“Do you blame him?” He leans in, towel behind her head, rousing the smell of Hibiscus. “He’s in the presence of a beautiful woman.”

*I’m home now….*

One foot, then two on the fuzzy bath mat. “I’m kinda glad we washed this, it feels good” she thinks. The towel is being moved around her body, First the shoulders, working its way across her breasts, her belly, her hips, her back, the legs. Up and down. In between her thighs. She moans a little. “Hmmmm”

He stands her in front of the mirror, the towel draped on her back over the shoulders. He picks up her brush and starts brushing her hair. The smell of lavender hits the room.

*I’m home now….*

Each brush stroke is like a symphony to her senses. Her scalp alive with blissful tingles. Her body responds in kind. Goosebumps. Soft moans as her body shifts a bit. Damn this feels good…. She feels a poke. “Your friend is really waking up babe.” She says meekly.

“He’ll calm down. Big head is taking care of his girl. Little head, likes to think of himself. Selfish mofo.” They laugh. He puts down the brush, after successfully raking hibiscus into the air.

“Come.” He takes her hand and leads her to platform bed, tucking her in under the sheets and pressing his soft lips onto her forehead.

“Oh the dog….”

“I got her already, she went out right before I got in the shower with you.”

“Damn, I must have been in there longer than I thought.” She muses.

He slides into bed, she slides over to grip his chest. Her face buried in the sparse forest of his chest hairs.

*I’m home now….*

“Baby, thank you, I really needed this tonight, I, I can’t thank you enough. I love you so much. ”

“Of course, I’ll always be here for you. Always. You’re home now babygirl.” A sprawling meadow of butterflies erupts in her stomach.

**I’m home….**

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/115crmf/welcome_home