“My best friend who is straight just made me cum.” That’s interesting I thought to myself [f/f] Part Two

If you haven’t read part one read it here http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3bcwh8/my_best_friend_who_is_straight_just_made_me_cum/

Sorry for being a tease! And here we go

As Chloe went to her room I went into the bathroom and gave myself a pep talk in the mirror. I’m confident in my vagina pleasuring abilities but I was still nervous as fuck. I took a deep breath and put my game face on.

I walked into the bedroom and there was Chloe standing just as I had instructed her to. “You are stunning Chloe” I told her breathing her in. “It’s taking everything I have right now not to put my hands all over you.” Seeming to come out of the trance I had her in she rushed out the words “No, No that’s good you should do that.” I lifted my finger to her lips “ Shhh there will be plenty of that but 1st I’m going to tell you exactly what I’m going to do to you.” “You see,” bringing my forehead to hers so that our lips were so close that when I made certain sounds they would touch, “the real trick to foreplay is the moment before you kiss for that first time.” Moving up to her ear I ask her “I’m going to tell you now how I’m going to make you cum first.” She sighs deeply “Yes “

“My best friend who is straight just made me cum.” That’s interesting I thought to myself [f/f]

-Holy wall of text batman. I added a **** if you want to skip forward to the sexy times. There is some backstory here and those are the type of stories I enjoy reading so I wrote mine that way. The jist of it my best friend since high school, whom I came out too, who had been in the straight girl box got very forward on her 21st birthday….

Edited cause I can't spell for shit

I've known I was a lesbian since I saw Lindsey Lohan in Mean Girs for the first time. I mindless uttered "wow she's hot." The group of friends I was with joined in with "Yeah she's so pretty, oh my gosh I love that top etc.." I realized I meant hot not in an envious way, but in a holy I want to play with her tits and make her cum kinda way. (Probs more pg13 though in real time because I was in 7th grade)