[FF] Fucking Gemma

Gemma was a twat. She irritated the snot out of me. That’s probably why the sex was so good.

My despair for Gemma grew bit by bit, the clack of her nails on her keyboard, the coffee stains on her desk, her insistent need to tap her heels against the bottom of her foot. She was also a gossip and my cubicle mate, I was in hell.

“Pssst Kennedy” whispered Gemma. I kept typing, hoping she would give up. I was in no mood to have gossip time this morning. I had gone out the night before to the local lesbian bar to dull my pain by burying my face in some early twenty bi curious coeds pussy, and I had succeed. I had a rough time after breaking up with my girlfriend Chole and decided to fuck my way through the emotional damage instead of getting help like a rational adult, but C’est la vie.

“Pssssssttt Kennedy”

“What do you want Gemma” I hissed not hiding my displeasure in my tone.

“I’ve got some juicy gossip about the latest office tryst but I can see you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning” she rolled her eyes. I hate it when women roll their eyes.

Meet Ava (AKA) My Achilles’ Heel [FF]

Oh hey! I’m back with some new stories and some different ladies. Technically you’ve “met” Ava in a Kennedy and Chloe story but I thought you guys should really get to know her. Hopefully you guys will still have me because I have quite a few more stories that I’ve banged (lawlz) out recently! Would love to hear what you think. It’s good to be back :)

& here we go

Lilacs I thought to myself as I weaved through the hallway on my way to 3rd period. I settled in to my seat, it was the first day of my senior year of high school. I always looked forward to the 1st day because it was almost always hot as balls outside. Going to an urban public school we had no AC to speak of, meaning girls would wear next to nothing “to keep cool” (ASS & TITTIES PEOPLE). As I watched the T&A parade come through the door the bell rang. I proceeded to start my usually zone out on syllabus day routine, until I heard the shuffle of feet through the door “Hi, sorry I’m late I’m new, my name is Ava” I sat in my seat bewitched, following her movements until they led to the seat next to me. I inhaled sharply and wouldn’t you know it……Lilacs. I turned my stare back to the teacher, for I was terrified by what my insides felt, having had this lovely creature suddenly come into my life. Till this day that class was the only time I was looking forward to playing an ice breaker.

A Kennedy and Chloe Chronicle Update [FF] (for those who remember and or wondering)

Why hello! Long time no talk my friends. If you want the short story Chloe and I broke up, yes very sad, I’ve done my grief fucking…. I mean grieving. #sorrynotsorry But good news is I’ve felt inspired to write again meaning I have some stories to share, some old (pre chloe) and some post. For those wondering what happened feel free to PM me if you would really like the low down, I just feel like most people on this awesome sub don’t have any interest in the story (if it wasn’t my story I probably wouldn’t either)

Anyway expect a new post soon and many more to follow after that!

And here we go….

All I Want For My Birthday Is A Big Booty Hoe [f/f]: A Kennedy and Chloe Chronicle. PS. Chloe found out about my storytelling…

HI! Well it's been a while huh? Two main reasons why such the gap, the first Chloe found my writings when I forgot to log in on this account in incognito mode…. so a fight ensued. I let her read all 58 pages in my word doc. which is everything i've posted here. We discussed and came to an agreement. I'm allowed to continue as long as she reads them first so i'd say a win win situation for everyone.

The second is that I'm getting major writers block. I feel like there is only so many ways you can describe your clit getting licked. I feel like i'm getting very repetitive with the scenes and that bothers me. Okay okay okay let's get to what you really came for.

I only read over it once before I posted, Chloe and I have a shower to go to so I didn't have time. I feel edit again later so please excuse whatever rn

And here we go…..

Sunday night: “You really are a lucky twat” my inner goddess reminded me as I fell asleep next to Chloe on my Birthday.

How Hot? Too Hot [f/f].A Kennedy and Chloe Chronicle.

Hi hi hi hi. Chloe and I had our 2 year anniversary and we vacationed to the Bahamas in celebration. It was fanfuckingtastic. Until we got back and realized how shitty work is the 1st week back after a vacation. So I have been balls deep in catch up work and have now finally escaped! This story a little shorter than normal, but I wanted to post something so you guys didn't think I ran away! This picks up later in the evening from my last story.

“I love surprises!” said no one ever. [f/f] A Kennedy and Chloe Chronicle.

Not only did Chloe surprise visit me but my hook up buddy from the previous semester decided to stop by too, Avery. Yeah things went great! Julia is my roomie, so you all aren't like what who is that. Also also I should note that after Ava and I broke up I swore off relationships until Chloe, Ava fucked me up. So for 2 years or so in College I just slayed pussy and left a trail of lesbian destruction.

And here we go.

“Kennedy…Kennedy….” pulled me from my sleep. “Who dares disturb my slumber?” I groggily groaned “It’s Aladdin. Get up Avery is here to see you.” Julia mocked. “What?! Avery, Why did you let her in!” I asked, throwing a pillow at her. “She had beer. You were talking about Chloe is your sleep again” she said as she walked out of my room. “Fuck a dick, why do I always get the leeches?” I complained to myself, throwing on whatever clothes I could find and made my way out to the front room.

Dinner with the parents & dessert in Chloe’s childhood bed[f/f]. A Kennedy and Chloe Chronicle.

Time hop alert. This is roughly 45 days after Chloe's birthday.

And here we go

“I don’t even know why I try” I exclaimed throwing myself back on to the bed. “You are amazingly horrible at it, which is surprising given your prowess with your hands” commented Chloe. “ My right hand was not made for painting nails” I say raising my arms off the bed “It was made to play with boobies while my left was crafted to give lovely ladies life altering orgasms” “Eh, you’re okay” sassed Chloe. “Pardon” I remarked sitting up. “You heard me” she asserted, joining me on the bed. I rolled to my right so I was now straddling the slanderer. I felt Chloe take a deep breath under me. “Seems like I have an effect just sitting on you little one” I observed. “You do not” Chloe corrected me, trying to hide her hasty breathing. I lifted her chin up with my index finger and hungrily met her lips. In between or carnal lip locks I informed her “Kinda seems like you want me to prove you wrong.” Chloe didn’t say anything; she proceeded to crank our level of kissing up to sinful. Abruptly I pulled away and rolled off of her and the bed. Chloe sat there staring at me, bewildered and annoyed. “You twat tease” huffed Chloe. “Uh yeah I am when you insult my god given talents” I tell her flashing jazz hands her way. “Besides I need to finish painting my nails. You’re sure you want to do this tonight?” “Yes K, I want to tell my parents about us” Chloe reassured me. “Even after what we decided on about when we go back to school?” I questioned. “Yes Kennedy Marie, you finish your nails and I’m going to practice my declaration (history majors I tell ya) one more time. “ Chloe said making sure to tap my ass on the way to the bathroom.

Ex Girlfriends, Cat Fights and First Times oh my Part Two. Chloe and Kennedy the 5th installment. [f/f]

And here we go.

Chloe had told me I was her girlfriend; finger fucked me into submission and KO’D my vindictive Ex-girlfriend. So why did I feel that the zombie apocalypse was fast approaching?

We had been at Chloe’s for 30 minutes and silence had been the only sound. Being the stubborn twat that I am, I refused to speak first. I had done nothing wrong. (EH okay a stretch) I began to pace, two laps around the hallways and I decided on my destination, the fridge. I opened it scanned the contents and closed the door. I repeated the sacred ritual twice more, half hoping that some left over Chipotle would appear but really counting on my actions to annoy the shit out of Chloe and have her break the silence. “Christ Kennedy, my fridge is not like the Indian in the cupboard” snapped Chloe from the living room. (Victory was mine bitches) “Actually” I said walking back out into the living room “I went to get you this for your battle wound” handing her a bag of ice. Was that my original intention? Fuck no, but I’m quick on my feet playa playas.

Ex Girlfriends, Cat Fights and First Times oh my. Chloe and Kennedy the 4th installment. [f/f]

The 4th installment of "I can't come up with a good enough name so help me" Seriously though if y'all have some suggestion holla. This story has a fair amount of mushy stuff, but there is hot sexy time!(I went and found Chloe to play after I finished writing) If I'm getting too off of the gonewild track please do tell me!

And here we go.

And for you miss? Nothing thank you, I’ll be having pussy for breakfast. The morning after my straight best friend made me cum.[f/f]

I forgot to tag[f/f] the first time I posted so I reposted

Here is a brief description of Chloe and I. I’m not really doing her justice however.

Chloe is around 5’5ft, 130 lbs. Her dad is Brazilian and her mother is Canadian (and they are the greatest people on earth besides my own parents) basically she is an exotic goddess. She has darker brown hair, medium length, naturally very curly, but she straightens her hair a lot. Her eyes are light brown not hazel but more like the color of coffee when you add just a little creamer to it. In my other stories you may have noticed I am infatuated with her behind because it is one of her best assets (punny). Boobs wise 34C very lovely and perky. They always look so happy to see me.