On The Couch [MF]

“Ugh…what a day,” groaned Gloria Mailyn. “I’m way too young to feel this burned out.”

She’d been saying that sort of thing to herself more often lately. With each passing week, she came home feeling more restless and lethargic. She was like an old cell phone that couldn’t hold a full charge anymore. It got to a point where Gloria couldn’t even enjoy returning home before sundown. That couldn’t have been a good sign.

Just walking up the stairs to the third-floor apartment she shared with her boyfriend, Aaron Alford, felt like an extended trek through the mountains. By the time she reached her front door, Gloria had to rest her forehead on the faded paint, just to catch her breath.

“Just a few more months,” she told herself. “Hang in there for a few more months and your probationary period will be over. Then, you can go on salary, set your hours, and delegate some of this crap to people who don’t mind doing it.”

That almost sounded easy. She had a bad habit of making difficult task seem easy and it kept coming back to bite her.

The Workout [MF] [Str8]

“How do you do it? How do you find the time and energy for all this?”

Kelly Lowell got asked that question often and for good reason. Once people learned about her career aspirations, her workload, and her day-to-day schedule, they looked at her as though she were crazy. Even her closest family members thought her ambitions were excessive.

They weren’t wrong, either. Since high school, Kelly had pursued a career in sports medicine. Her father was a former Olympian. Her two younger brothers were aspiring athletes. She tried to be an athlete too, but a fateful injury during a field hockey game in junior high school sent her down another path. In some respects, that path was more rigorous than that of any athlete.

Kelly’s weekly schedule read like a case study for obsessive overachievers. She was a full-time college sophomore taking on a full-time course load. She was a pre-med student pursuing two majors, one in biology and one in pharmacology. She also interned with the university’s athletic department, working closely with the medical staff to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to help her build a career sports medicine.

My Sweet [MF] [oral] [romantic]

“Mmm…that smells so good,” said Calvin Gains with a wide, excited grin.

“You must be hungry. I just put a fresh batch in the oven,” replied his beautiful wife, Candy.

“You’re right, my sweet. I am hungry…and then some.”

Joyous, playful laughter filled the kitchen of the undersized suburban house Calvin shared with his high school sweetheart turned dedicated spouse. Candy – a perfectly befitting name, if ever there was one – had a knack for making every kitchen smell heavenly. With the holidays around the corner, she’d been busier than usual.

Calvin, always one to show his appreciation, snuck up behind his long-time lover and slipped his arms around her waist. She responded with a soft purr and a loving smile. The fact that she still smelled like flour, sugar, and cinnamon wasn’t lost on him, either. If anything, it gave him more reasons to kiss down her neck and inhale her sweet scent.

“I used your favorite recipe,” Candy told him, still standing in front of the hot oven, “an extra pinch of vanilla…a little bit of nutmeg…and a double dose of cocoa powder.”

New Years Bang [M+F] [oral] [anal]

Back home, they called her the Blue-Collar Bombshell.

In college, they called her the Voluptuous Valedictorian.

At her first job, they called her the Workaholic Wonder Woman.

Victoria Walters never cared for those titles, but she understood where they came from. She learned from an early age that to succeed in her lofty ambitions, she had to overachieve just to get the minimum of what others got with half the work. It wasn’t fair, just, or logical, for that matter. Those were just the circumstances that she had to endure if she wanted to be successful in the cut-throat world of Wall Street.

It hadn’t been easy. The first day Victoria walked into a firm, people mistook her for someone’s secretary or an air-headed bimbo who’d slept with half the Board of Directors to get her job. People still gave her that look, even after earning her way into one of the most prestigious investment firms in New York. She’d learned to shut it out, but she couldn’t ignore the obstacles that came with it.

Hot Envy [MF+] [F-solo] [voy]

“It’s not fair. It’s just not fair.”

Cynthia Richardson had been constantly repeating those painful words for two weeks, three days, and five hours. That was exactly how long it had been since her former fiancé, Paul Teller, broke off their engagement. In an instant, a seven-year relationship that began in high school came crashing down. If that weren’t bad enough, the break-up meant having to move out of an apartment she could no longer afford and rebuild her life.

It didn’t happen suddenly. The complete collapse of her world had been building for a while, so much so that her friends and family weren’t too surprised when they heard they were breaking up. Some even asked why it hadn’t happened sooner. Cynthia had been asking that question herself. Unfortunately, she already knew part of the answer.

She’d been wrong.

She’d been stubborn.

She’d been foolish.

That shouldn’t have been possible for the same young woman everyone thought would succeed in spades. Cynthia had graduated high school as an honor student, doing all the right things and following all the rules. She’d put in all the work, taking all the right classes in college and going through all the necessary steps for her career.

(Not So) Silent Night [MF] [Oral] [Christmas]

Growing up, Nora Oliver-Winters was the kind of soft-spoken girl that few noticed. She was quiet, keeping to herself and rarely causing a raucous. Her high school sweetheart turned husband, Nicholas Winters, was the same. He was the kind of quiet, reserved boy that few gave a second thought.

When they got together, it seemed so fitting. Some of their friends said that they were the calmest, quietest couple of all time. Those same friends probably didn’t see them around the holidays. That was when they came out of their shell and made a little noise.

“I don’t know what gets into you during the holidays, but it’s really something,” Nora’s father used to tell her.

That was generous on her father’s part, but still accurate. As a kid, Nora was the kind of girl who would squeal with joy before sitting on Santa’s lap at the mall. As a teenager and adult, she would sing loudest whenever Christmas music came on or whenever holiday parties got rowdy. Fittingly enough, her husband was often the one who helped make them rowdy.

Early Gift [MF] [rom] [creampie]

“Are you ready yet, Richard? The weather isn’t going to get better out there,” said a stressed out and restless Helen Rollins.

“Almost,” answered her equally restless husband, Richard Rollins. “I’m just making sure your parents’ fancy dishes are tightly packed. I don’t need your mom giving crap about me chipping a cup again.”

“I already made her promise she wouldn’t be that petty this year,” she said.

“Doesn’t mean she won’t be. So long as she can piss off my mother through me, she’ll find an excuse.”

Helen rolled her eyes and groaned as she paced restlessly in the living room of the small, suburban house she shared with her husband of two years. She kept going over the list in her head of things they needed to do before heading to her parents’ house for Christmas. What should’ve been a joyous, exciting prospect had been mired in less-than-festive feelings for her and Richard. Many of those feelings pre-dated the holidays.

It had not been an easy year for her and Richard. It might have been the toughest year they’d endured since they got together. She and Richard had been childhood friends, growing up in the same community and coming of age together. He wasn’t the first man she dated, but she still ended up marrying him less than a year after they graduated high school.

A Very Merry Sex Robot [MF] [Fembot] [Christmas]

“Tis the season, my ass,” groaned less than jovial Ethan Elder. “How the hell am I supposed to enjoy Christmas this year?

That was the tenth time Ethan had asked himself that question in the past hour, but he remained no closer to an answer. He’d contemplated it in various forms for over a year, but had only succeeded in making himself more miserable. Even in the comfort of his parents’ home on Christmas, the disillusion and despair festered. At this point, even a Christmas miracle couldn’t mend his broken spirit.

The past year had left Ethan with little capacity for cheer on the holidays. Since late January, his life had been consumed by a messy and ugly divorce from his now ex-wife, Gina. In hindsight, he should’ve seen the signs.

Ethan and Gina had been high school sweethearts who got married on a whim after graduating, thinking it would solidify their relationship for the long term. It was the antithesis of what their friends and peers did with their significant others, few of which remained together. He and Gina thought they were bucking the trend by taking a giant leap forward with their relationship. He genuinely believed in their love.

Decorating Love [MF] [rom] [Holidays]

“Perfect! It’s finally perfect,” said a beaming Christopher Krane.

“Are you absolutely sure this time? Because you said that twice before and the sun has set since then,” said Karen with a bemused grin.

“I’m sure this time. I’m completely, totally sure!”

Karen shook her head and rolled her eyes, but couldn’t stop smiling. No matter how many times she saw it, he never failed to amaze her. There were people who just enjoyed the holidays and there were people who went the extra mile. Then, there was her husband, Chris. He was in a class all his own.

Around the same time every year, her high school sweetheart turned transformed into a different person. It started just a few days after Halloween. When most people were still eating candy and planning their Thanksgiving travel plans, Chris was breaking out the Christmas decorations and plotting how to turn their modest suburban house into a holiday haven. Many teased him for putting his decorations up so early. A few, including some of their neighbors, were annoyed by it.

The Perfect Deal [MF] [oral] [piv]

“When it came to making a deal, everyone had a line they refused to cross. Those who drew that line too carefully were often the first to get ripped off.”

That was the first sales lesson that Stacy Stamper’s father had taught her as a little girl. Being the son of a traveling salesman and the cofounder of successful marketing company, her father treated sales with a passion that few could match. He said he’d planned on passing down his valuable knowledge to his kids one day. As it just so happened, Stacy was the oldest of the three and often the first to be in a position to use that knowledge.

However, sometimes being the first meant crossing a few lines she hadn’t expected.

“Out here,” said the deep, excited voice of Marvin “Max” Dresden. “Nobody comes into these parts at this hour, especially on Black Friday.”

“It’ll do,” said Stacy. “Just remember I know which parts of this store are being monitored by cameras. So if you’re hoping to record our little exchange, stop hoping.”