Fuck story: Holiday adventure [MF]

My wife and I recently returned from a holiday, it was an eventful time. The first night we were there we did have a hotel room booked but we were over visiting my best friend for his birthday so we decided to have some drinks with him and his partner, later that night my partner and I decided to stay at my best friend’s house as neither of us was feeling up for the trip back to the hotel.

Shortly after this decision was made my best friend’s sister surprised him by showing up, after doing the introductions for his partner and my wife with his sister (I’d met her when we were younger) my wife decided she was going to reveal her want for another baby which was met by encouragement by everyone present.

Halfway through a story from my best friend’s sister my wife decided that she wanted to go for a walk to get some cigarettes, as soon as we were away from the house she turned to me and reached out to my crotch. “You’re going to fuck me tonight” she stated as her fingers gripped my cock through my jeans before she turned and continued walking.

Fuck story: A guiding hand [MF]

“I wanna be little spoon” she said in a cutesy voice as I stripped off my shirt before crawling in bed next to her, my wife had been in bed for about half an hour by now and she was clearly in need of affection. It had been a long week of alternating shifts, her on the morning and myself on nights. “I missed you all week” she whispered as I snuggled up behind her, her soft and smooth skin felt cold even though it had been a hot day and it was still cooling down when she’d gone to bed.

I wrapped one arm over her and slid the other one under her pillow to hold the hand she always tucked under it, I could feel that she was completely nude as she scooted backward in an attempt to leech as much warmth from me as possible or at least that’s what I thought she was upto. Turns out she was only adjusting in order to nestle my cock between her legs, due to her expert positioning my cock was now in full contact with her clit which was already slick with her wetness.

Fuck story: An adventurous and messy 30th birthday [MF]

Another year gone by and another number added to my wife’s age. She had hit thirty and she was feeling a bit old. “You’re only as old as you feel” I joked in response to her complaints about aging, her response was to turn to me and look at me with hungry eyes before extending her hand and grasping my cock and stating “then I feel 29 right now”.
This caught me off guard as my wife was much more sexually passive, although I should have expected her to be a bit more forward seeing as I’d just returned from a four day trip interstate
She stared at me for a few more moments before returning to the selection of clothes that littered the bed, as is tradition a night of drinking was on the cards for her but sadly I couldn’t join this year as we had no one to watch the kids for a long enough period of time only long enough to drop her off and pick her up.

Fuck story: wifey fucks herself before I do [MF]

As my wife and I bid farewell to our guest and kicked off our shoes I took a moment to enjoy the view of her plump figure, not being too tall (about 5 foot 6) the weight mainly went to her well rounded ass. She turned around and caught me staring which caused her to chuckle and proceed to strut her stuff as we walked to the bedroom. Before we’d made it to the door she had unbuttoned her work slacks and had hooked her thumbs into the waist of them, after crossing the metal strip that departed the carpet of the bedroom and the wood flooring of the hallway she pulled her pants down and exposed the faded pink lace of her G-string.

Somehow I managed to look away from the soft pale skin of her ass and the pretty wrapping paper that complimented it and saw the devilish grin that she wears better than any lingerie peering over her shoulder, “wanna get me off?” she asked in a playful tone as though I would say no after that invitation.

Fuck story: A warm bed [MF]

Another day of dealing with staff not showing up and angry customers who were enraged by their wait, my brain wandered across the topics of rostering and hiring as I turned into our driveway. After walking through the house into our bedroom I saw my wife’s face lit up by her phone and could feel the weight of my day start to slide off my shoulders.

“Hey gorgeous” I mumbled as I slid my shirt off “Hey hubby” came her response as my hands fumbled with my belt, “guess what” she continued. “What?” I responded in a curious tone “flip back the blanket” I gripped the blanket and being a sucker for a slow reveal I slid it off her, she was completely naked and as always the sight of her curvy form being naked brought a smile to my face.

“I wore something pretty for you” she said with a giggle, I smiled and responded with “yes you did” before sliding my pants off and crawling into the bed having now completely forgotten the terrible day at work. We were laying so we were facing each other so I took the opportunity to give her a quick kiss, she responded by placing one hand behind my head and bringing me in for a longer more passionate one. I felt the bed shuffle a little bit as her tongue and mine played who’s the strongest and suddenly I felt her other hand grasp my cock.

Fuck Story: The sweet ecstasy of revenge [MF]

It had been a pretty good day, work had gone well and I was able to leave on time. My wife had also had a pretty good day, the customers were kind and the orders had been smooth. Good mood all around as well as my wife taking every chance to feel grab my ass, each time it would cause my cock to bulge for a while and force me to work through the house duties with an erection.

Come bedtime my balls were aching and full, so I concocted my revenge in a way that appeased my compulsive need to make her cum. She had no idea of what I had planned as she stripped her legs and pussy of the black leggings and maroon panties made of lace, as they lay on the floor I inspected her curves and felt my face contort into what must have been an evil looking grin.

“What’s the look for?” she asked as she slid into bed, I said nothing instead choosing to scoot forward as she lay on her side. Using the hand not pinned to the bed I spread her ass cheeks before sliding my cock between them, I began grinding it against her clit which prompted her to tilt her head back “oh that’s why” she said through her breathing that was progressively getting heavier.

Fuck Story: a night off [MF]

Finished another shitty day of work, the last few shifts had me tearing my hair out due to the amount of no shows from other workers but at least I had the next day off and my wife was excited to see me home. The last few weeks had been hell at home as well, the only time my wife and I had been able to spend time together was when we were either asleep or when we got a lift to work from each other due to the shift work.

But there she was, kids in bed, smile on her face and a can cracked and waiting for me. We took our time to eat dinner while I enjoyed my drink and spoke about our respective days, the kids now sound asleep had been driving her nuts and she had been looking up things to do when we go on our holiday to the other side of the country. I just rambled about work but it didn’t take long for both my plate and drink to both be empty.

Fuck Story: Wish Granted [MF]

The night of the ‘drunk wife: horny wife’ experience my wife had mentioned that sometimes when I’m getting myself off that she gets turned on and wants to interrupt, I had responded with “I wish”. Well, wish granted.

Usual night routine, kids to bed then we unwound by playing some games then headed to bed. She stripped off her pink plaid patterned PJ pants before pulling her grey singlet over her head and allowing it to fall to the floor, this left her black fullback panties hugging her waist which told me that she wasn’t in the mood. I stripped down to a dark red pair of boxer briefs then sat on the bed, she sat on the edge of the bed and took her hair out of the bun it had been held in for the day.

As I sat watching her untangle the knots in her hair I studied her figure, she’s always been a bigger girl but she has always carried her figure with confidence and pride. With every stroke of the hairbrush it seemed to lift the weight of the day off her shoulders until she sat down the brush and ran her fingers from her scalp to the end of her hair, this signalled that she was ready to lay down. As she buried herself in the blankets I too found a comfortable position to lay, I lay facing her and she lay facing away from me.

Fuck story: Drunk wife, Horny wife [MF]

It was midnight when I got a call from my wife “Hey baby, can you come pick me up?” She asked. She had been on a night out with some friends for a hen’s night and gotten herself fairly intoxicated, I’d been expecting it though and as is custom when she has a night out she wanted to go to the service station that we both worked at for some food. On the way to the service station our conversation started fairly innocent, beginning with the events of her night but it didn’t take long for her drunken state to turn her mind toward sex.

“Hey baby” she said cutting me off mid sentence “Did you know that sometimes I want to interrupt you having a wank, even after I’ve said I’m not in the mood”. I looked at her with what I can only imagine was a stunned expression, “Like I know that it’s a your time thing and you don’t want to be interrupted but I like that you look at the photos you’ve taken of me when you’re getting off and I sometimes think ‘fuck I need that dick in me’. Except you got a new phone so you don’t have the photos anymore, you probably think I’m weird but” this time I cut her off “I wish you would”, she turned to me and with a puzzled look on her face asked “but don’t you do that for yourself?” I simply chuckled as we pulled into the car park of the service station.

Fuck story: Another fantasy of mine [MF]

It’s kind of strange being the newbie to some of the more kinky stuff and yet I seem to be the one who is pushing for us to try more and more, but I got caught off guard and she loved the helplessness. I could see it in her eyes and the wicked smile that had taken over her face, I’d told her I wanted her to try being dominant and now she’d acted on my request in an extreme way that I hadn’t anticipated.

When I’d arrived home from work the house was lit up and her car was parked in the driveway, “Hey gorgeous I’m home” I said announcing my presence as I thew my keys on the small table beside the door only to be met with silence. “must be hanging some washing” I mumbled to myself as I stumbled towards the bedroom, the door was wide open and the light was on but I could see no signs life as I walked through the doorway. Suddenly I felt my left arm get gripped by an unseen person and before I knew it my right arm was pulled behind my back, the feel of cold metal bit into my wrist as what I was sure we’re cuffs clicked around my wrists locking my arms to my back. “KNEEL!” came a harsh command, I did as I was told. Then she stepped into view, my beautiful wife with her chubby body covered by black low cut singlet and a black and white checkered skirt. That wicked smile now covering her face.