If I Admit I Want It [pt.3] [MF]

Daniel released my legs but kept his hard-on pressed against me and settled nicely between my legs. He stayed stern, staring at me, anticipating what I might say in reply to his thought that I wanted this. His eyes, though intense, were sincere and I couldn’t help but blush when remembering all things he’d already done, they ways he’d touched me… and my vulgar reaction to it all. I looked away in embarassment, once again trying to cover myself a bit. I tried to scoot away but was stopped soon by the headboard.

“So you still won’t admit how you’re feeling?” He asked in obvious annoyance, leaning back down toward me, “Even with how undeniably turned on you’ve been? Even after all the noises you’ve made and the way you said my name earlier? Come on Max, after all these years, are you trying to tell me you haven’t thought of this even once?”

I had. Of course I had. Daniel’s always been there for me, always been so attractive, how could I not? I wouldn’t dare though. He’s always been my best friend. How could I risk losing him over something like that? I didn’t want to ruin it. And… I don’t think I can let him ruin it any further now.

If I Admit I Want It [pt.2] [MF]

“Fuck me, Max.”

His voice seemed almost harsher this time and I could feel the one arm still wrapped around me squeeze my waist tighter and I’m reminded of the rock hard member pressed against my back. Suddenly, he begins to slide his other hand under the edge of my skirt and I break out of my momentary paralysis and snatch his hand in an attempt to stop him from going further.

“W-Wait!” I stutter frantically, “Danny, what are you doing?! This isn’t-! I mean, why are you-!”

I couldn’t even seem to finish my sentence when he shoves his hand past mine and grips the inside of my thigh. His action catches me by surprise and I let out a small, high pitched sound that even I didn’t recognize. His hand was no less than an inch from my panties and I could feel my body grow more and anxious as he squeezed and rubbed my thigh up and down. I could feel him lean in and roughly press his lips against my neck and shivered as I felt his teeth graze my skin.

If I Admit I Want It [MF]

***sorry if formatting is weird, on mobile. This is only Pt. 1***

“Cheating bastard.” I mumble to myself, downing another shot of white rum.

Through my disheveled blonde hair I could see a concerned look on Daniel’s face, or as concerned as he could be after 6 shots. His sweet blue eyes seemed to ask me if we should stop or not and I shook my head at him as I shifted myself to laying flat on my bed.

“I’m fine, Danny.” I say with a sigh, closing my eyes to stop the room from spinning, “I’m just so pissed. how could he cheat on me? Bastard wasn’t even anything special! I mean, I think I’m not bad looking, right? So how could he- why would he-?!”

I opened my eyes for a second just to find Daniel staring at me intensely from the edge of the bed, clearly waiting for me to finish my thoughts. I couldn’t finish my sentence while looking at him from the embarrassment and flipped on to my side, facing away from him.