(I look, and there it is. There you are. Oh that I wish I could send you these words. Your D was straight and larger than what I had seen, but not scary large either. I’d never seen a tip like that. How textured and ridged it all was. How much larger the head was, leaving a definite shelf to the shaft for lack of a better description. How dark.)
And it was wet. Obviously you were happy to see me, as the joke goes. Me, the librarian. The one with the huge untapped appetites. The quiet girl polishing her glasses in the corner proof reading your paper.
I am watching your profile as you drive. We are on the freeway now. Not exactly private. Still.
“Can I-?” I ask gingerly. You know. Touch it, I mean. It is tall and striking and commands attention.
“Yeah,” you chuckle. Not unkindly. I watch your face to make sure. You are, I think, sincere. You are patient. You are leaving this up to me.