[MF] – Just like fine wine.


Allison and I have been together since our junior year of high school. We literally lived two doors apart and have pretty much known each other our whole lives. We attended the same school, went to the same church, had food at the same community barbecue/picnic… you get the idea.

How did we end up together… well it was really not the best of circumstances. I was playing ball with some friends at the park and it was getting dark. We decided to part ways and as I headed home, I cut through the wooded trail as I did so many times (it was a shortcut to my house) I thought I heard someone sobbing.

I looked around and saw Allison sitting by a tree crying. I went over to see if she was okay. She was startled to see me and tried to compose herself. I asked if she was okay and she said she was fine. Really all I was doing was being polite and really didn’t care. I saw Allison more as a friend than anything and (I know it sounds mean) but was not really attracted to her in that way.