The Intern (Day 2 of My 7 Day Smut Writing Challenge)

“Should I go talk to her?” “No, I can’t. I love my girlfriend.” “But she’s so cute.” That was basically me the whole summer one year. Our firm always hires some college kids as interns for the summer. I always called it slave labor. They are 20 something students and they are paid next to nothing for basically maid duties. Yet all the positions were filled every year. Every single year. And every year, there are some sexy cute female students around. That year was no different, this gorgeous brunette was on coffee duty for my superiors so I, along with everyone working in my department saw her running around our floor every day. It was a joy to watch her jog from the “kitchen” to whoever needed to coffee and I’m certain that EVERY SINGLE male worker watched her intently EVERY SINGLE time. I mean she was exactly the type that turned everyone’s heads. Not because she was significantly gifted in any department. Her as was good but not exceptional, she wasn’t busty, but she was definitely not flat, and her face was cute, not the typical sexy that the media likes to push in our faces. But even with all that, she carried an aura around her which convinced everyone that they needed her.

When an Ex Texts (Day 1 of My 7 Day Smut Writing Challenge)

When your phone buzzes you don’t really pay extra attention to it. Except of course if you are expecting a message from someone special. However, 2 years into that relationship, that feeling definitely dulls down. So, when something new and exciting comes back into your life, its effect enhances.

Usually when I get a message, it’s sent by my girlfriend Sarah. We’ve been together for 2 years now and we couldn’t be happier. Or at least I thought. I really thought that we kept the spark alive, both during the day and especially in bed. I would have denied if someone said otherwise. And I saw no sign of Sarah disagreeing. We still went out for date night weekly. We still had sex at least 2 times a week without having to force anything. All while living together. I was proud of us, But I am talking in past tense.

I want to challenge myself next week. I want to write 1 story every day.

So my semester just ended and I want to celebrate it by writing smut every day next week.
But to do that I’m going to need you guys’ help. I need “clients”. I could write my own fantasies but I think it’d be more fun and harder to write yours.
So if you want your story written feel free to reach out. You can check out some of my previous work on my profile. And I probably don’t have to say it, but this is all 100% for free. In fack I’ll thank you if you help me with my challenge.
Looking forward to seeing you in my DMs.

Categorized as Erotica

Convention Threesome

– We’re out.

– What?

– We’re out of tickets.

– How can you be out of tickets already? You just started selling yesterday.

– I don’t know and don’t care. Can you all please leave?!

I left the office alongside a crowd of disappointed people. We all missed out. It must have been like 2-300 people squeezing out a single door. Without tickets. I just missed out on a once in a lifetime opportunity. The first and possible only convention for Instagram “influencers” where we actually share a hotel with them. It’s probably a huge security risk for the “stars”. I don’t think they’ll hold a next one. And I missed out. Walking in the middle of the crowd was weirdly depressing given the situation, but something great came out of it. I heard someone say that there will be a raffle on the 0th day of the convention just outside the gates. 1 more ticket to 1 person that shows up. The problem is that you had to show up. It was held in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming. Wyoming! Why? I live in New York so the trip there would cost a fortune. And even then, I’d have like no chance to win it. Yet. I knew I had to try. I simply had to meet at least one of my celebrity crushes. And this is my only chance. So, I booked a flight.

Cheating Co-Workers

I know I’m married. And I do love my wife. But after all these years spent with her, it’s normal to fantasize about others. Right? Either way, I don’t do it often about people I see in real life, I keep it mostly online. In this day and age, you cannot avoid that. But there is one woman who fell through the cracks. She’s everything that a men could want, elegant, funny, smart, and as sexy as they come.

We noticed each other straight away. I could tell that she was attracted to me as well, I could always pick up on these things. But there was an obvious issue. I am married and she’s engaged. Neither of us want to destroy what we have with our partners, so we obviously didn’t do anything about it.

It would have been hard enough, not to think about her at work normally, but then something happened that was a great blessing and curse at the same time. Our office got re-organized, and our desks just happened to end up next to each other. As I said she’s smart and funny so usually she’d be the perfect neighbor, but if I’m honest, ever since we sat next to each other, our productivity plummeted.

My friend can’t handle his gf

This story is loosely based on real events. It happened during the final year of high-school. My best friend at the time was this guy in my class. A nerdy guy but he somehow landed a gorgeous gf. She was a brunette girl, medium height (although compared to me she was tiny) and she was as thin as it gets. She was beautiful, she wasn’t gifted in the ass or breast department, but when you are this beautiful, you don’t really mind.

So it happened pretty much at the end of the school year. She was also in our class btw. One day we met up at my friend’s place to study as we did many times. Only this time it went on really late. It was well past 2 am so Greta and I were basically living on coffee. My friend didn’t drink coffee so he was pretty much on the brink of passing out.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Best friend got tipsy

All through High School I’ve had a close friendship with a girl named Gia. I was (and still am) firmly in the friend zone with her, but definitely not in a negative way. She used to date another close friend of mine. That’s how I met her. Then when they broke up we got closer. I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t attracted to her at all. She was most certainly my type on paper. She’s short, below 5 feet I believe, she’s blonde, perky boobs and a nice ass. On paper she’s my type to a T. Then again, I guess because she used to date a good friend of mine I got used to never looking at her that way.

After high-school, her ex moved away to a different city for uni while Gia and I stayed at the local uni. Pretty soon she got a new SO, but we stayed close even if we ended up moving in different kind of groups.

No longer your teacher

I had a Spanish teacher in high school. She isn’t the typical hot teacher you might be envisioning, but she was definitely not below average in the looks department. During my years in the school she got pregnant. Twice. So that probably contributed to the student not having a crush on her. Including me. Our student teacher relationship was fine. I was very much above average in her subject, but not the best and definitely not the most hard working. But I guess I am kinda gifted with relationships. Plus over the years I found out I have the kind of personality that teaches like while not being a teacher’s pet.

Well anyway, I graduated this year and ended up at the university in my hometown. One day as I was walking home I met her and her 2 kids. We talked a little. She asked about university. We chatted a bit about her kids (who were unsettlingly grown btw). As I said goodbye she told me that since she wasn’t my teacher anymore I could drop the formal tone with her. It was strange, but pleasant.