I’m not Your fucking Sub

“I’ve always thought it’s pretty subby for a guy to go down on me”

you say with a laugh, a passing comment over a wonderful dinner, a light hearted conversation, about sex and life, the intricacies of DS dynamics. A giggle, as you move past the topic.

But Your words stick in my mind, like glue, like cement, like a fly caught in a web.


It’s Submissive, for a man to eat you out.

Sounds to me, like you’ve never been eaten out properly. Well. Allow me to educate you.

The most important rule is that,

I’m not. Your Fucking. Sub.

Got it? Good. Now.

Lay back, gently, let your head rest upon a perfect, pristine, pillow, as you laugh, that snide little laugh. You’re gonna be treated right, you’re gonna get to cum, you’re gonna have a good time, you’re gonna get touched, you’re gonna get kissed, you’re gonna get played with, and you don’t have to do anything in return. Right? All of that’s true, yes, however. Review, rule number one again. It seems like you may have forgot.

I’m not.
Your Fucking.

Categorized as Erotica

Bend Me, Break Me

I wrote this for someone, inspired from something else. I wanted it to convert a feeling of someone being completely in love with someone else, obsessed, manic, possessive, and going through emotions of Anger, Rage, pleading, hate, at the thought of someone taking her from him. It felt very passionate to me. Hope you like it.

*Bend Me Break Me*

I would do anything for her

I will do everything for her

bend me

break me

don’t hurt her, I will take the pain instead

don’t make her bleed, I will bleed instead

Bend me

Break me

She is mine, and I must keep her

She is mine, and I must protect her

Bend Me

Break Me

I don’t like when she cries

I don’t like when she is hurt



Put my body in front of hers

Use my body instead of hers

Bend ME

Break ME

Use MY hands instead of hers

Use MY arms instead of hers




Categorized as Erotica

Addicted [M/F 20s-30s][bdsm][slapping][light drug reference][aftercare][loving][tender]

He deals her a slap. The slap came across her face, flat fingers against her cheek, impact, with a satisfying snap, that dances around the room. She felt her flesh warming, crimson blood under soft porcelain skin, flushing it to a shade of rouge, one could mistake for well applied make up, in the dim light.

Her head slumps forward, stringy hair, damp from sweat, hangs like frayed curtains in front of her eyes, eyes full of tears and smeared mascara, that falls down her cheeks. The ball gag falls loose from her mouth, released by a benevolent other party.

Pooled saliva, falls from her ruby lips, plump and tender, sliding down her bare breasts, warm, slick liquid, down her stomach, past her navel, down her waist as it passes her aching womanhood, combining with other fluids, as it drips from two set of lips, stringing against her thigh. Weak knees, bent in, as bound hands hold her small frame aloft.

A moan, soft, so soft, barely escapes, over the sound of gasping breath, uttering the sincerest thanks to her dealer. Showing true gratitude for his time and attention.

She loved her dealer.