Late-night Tinder meetup [m/f]

I was rebounding from a recent breakup so had been meeting up with guys on Tinder. Although I don't mind casual sex, I enjoy flirting and intelligent conversation over a drink beforehand and tend to be drawn to other well-educated, clean-cut types even on dating apps.

Jack and I had been messaging most of the day on Thursday and I could tell he was forward and assertive — traits I hoped would carry over into the bedroom. Although both of us had evening plans, I encouraged him to stop by my apartment around midnight once he was free.

When he knocked on the door, I wasn't immediately attracted to him — he had a little more of a beer belly than I would have liked, whereas I am very fit. I'm petite, a size 2 with 32Cs but a round, perky ass that barely fits into my jeans. I tend to like guys who are bit more ripped, but J. immediately made eye contact with me and I could tell he was experienced with women (and in bed).